Man, what's wrong with the Esamir VS warpgate?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by checkthisout, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. checkthisout

    For the FIFTH time, I obtained a plane somewhere else and crash on the warpgate force field!!!!!

    If I get a plane from the warpgate it works......
  2. Stormlight666

    Was it your warp gate?
    • Up x 1
  3. checkthisout

    if not, how would i be able to get plane from it?
  4. Hydragarium

    Infiltrator hacks obviously :p

    (Yes I AM joking)
  5. Vicini

    This has happened to me as well, but when you mean obtained from somewhere else, do you mean a base your faction controlled? Or a squad mate who has set it to squad/ platoon only?

    In some cases (lots as of late if you hop into an open vehicle from a squad mate and they log off your vehicle becomes kinda like 4th party. The warp gate wont let you through or other forcefields for that matter if you had a tank per say. Its a bug that should be fixed but as of late it might be low priority to the mass crashes people have been getting at high population fights.

    If you did pull your plane from a friendly tower and a re still crashing, its the first I have heard about it, sorry man.
  6. checkthisout

    Air units obtained from VS controlled bases
  7. Ruggle

    yesterday it happened to me and some other guys too.... we all crashed with the shield at TR warpgate on Esamir (Server Woodman). We spawned our ESF at Northpoint and Mani Biolab.... but as soon we started to spawn them at the warpgate we could pass the shield without crashing