Should I give up on NC or will they be buffed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheUprising, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. TheUprising

    First off, I like moving around when I shoot, and especially like hipfiring. But the NC seems to have the opposite philosophy, which should be fine since all the factions theoretically should have weapons that resemble those of other factions. But I mean, really, the Anchor fully certed gets demolished by an out of the box Orion.

    All the NC LMG's just seem really bad, or what they are good at I find incredibly unappealing. Maybe they are good if you only engage people in medium range and catch them by surprise, because you have to not be moving for their weapons to have better accuracy than their VS and TR counterparts. But at the same time I find the AF-19, even though it doesn't fit my playstyle, really powerful and versatile. I'm thinking that maybe, the NC LMG's are just UP and they will feel a lot better after Jan 30? Maybe the Smg's will fill my run and gun needs? The only semi-accurate hipfire weapon we have is the GD-7F, and that's only the case because it can equip the advanced laser sight.
  2. Hosp

    Depends on what you call "buffed".

    Raw damage and RoF? I don't forsee much if anything.
    Lowered CoF or Recoil? Maybe.
    Nerfing TR/VS Hitstun or buffing NC hitstun. More Probable.
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  3. Cyridius

    NC LMGs are great. Alot of NC players will tell you otherwise because, like you, they're stuck in a playstyle they either can't handle or don't want to learn how to handle.
    They don't suit your playstyle. The faction for hipfire is VS. If the faction's weaponry doesn't suit you, switch. Don't complain incessantly and ask for a "fix" or "buff". NC is not made for hipfire.
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  4. HerpTheDerp

    NC does lack a proper CQB LMG. Closest you'll get is the Anchor at the moment.

    Hovewer other weapon types are covered. GD-7F and GR-22 are beastly in hipfire mode.
  5. Nephera

    if the G series weapons arent enough for you then yes you might be better off switching to a faction that has more guns like them on average.
  6. Banick

    If you like the AF19 you'd be more suited to TR. The AF19 is basically the NC version of a TR carbine. Mid level damage, high ROF, minimal recoil and COF. That said, you could sport it playing NC, but if you want the same enjoyment on other NC classes, I'm afraid you will find it lacking.

    It all comes down to you dude, if at the core you aren't happy, like a lot of people are with NC weaponry and the way it deals in firefights, you may be better off faction switching. There is no shame in it, and most TR/VS players were in the same position as you.

    Just if you do switch, don't become like a small minority of those traitors who sit there and tell us everything is fine. They and you will have left for a reason, and it is commonly known.
  7. DukeFlash

    Will NC be drastically changed soon? No
    Will they ever be drastically changed? Probably not.

    Maybe they will receive slight buffs in a month or so, either on or around the Jan 30 update...
    but don't expect any more than that. It sounds like your desired play-style does not mesh with the NC...
    unless you want to become a devoted pilot / driver and forgo infantry play altogether.
  8. TheWhiteDragon

    You should give up your foolish vagrant ways, and integrate back into normal society as a member of the Terran Republic.

    Also, you should use the shotgun.
  9. MarcusD

    After making an alt affiliated with NC on some server, I must say that the only thing that needs to be buffed on NC is communication, coordination and teamwork. I joined several NC squads over the course of a few days and you guys barely talk, at all.
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  10. T0rin

    Try the GR-22. It is Medic only though, but it's great at hip fire with no laser sight. (but has adv. laser sight if you want it to be really really accurate at CQC)

    The EM6 seems to be a good mix of CQC/Mid-range combat, with less emphasis on Long-range, even when compensator and foregrip. (but it does do a passable job, just not as good as the SAW)

    But it is true, there is no "good" hipfire LMG, like the GR-22. I haven't used it, but I thought that is exactly what the Anchor was supposed to be, but I guess not? Shame.
  11. TheUprising

    The TR and VS aren'tt made for medium-long ranged hard hitting combat. The VS get the Flare and Pulsar C and TR get the TMG-50
  12. DanMan3395

    You should quit the game. The balance is amazing right now and the only result of these horrible threads is a "homogenization" of the game. You feel like your team is weaker in some way? ADAPT! Stop trying to ruing the game by making stinks about how you suck and everything is imbalanced.
  13. Wasdie

    The NC LMGs are awesome, just not for running and gunning. Controlled bursts with the NC LMG will take down targets just as quickly as a TR LMG at close range. It's not meant for spraying and praying, that gets you killed.

    From what I can tell, the NC has some of the most diverse infantry. If you pick the HA, you're going to really have a tough time at close range. Generally if you need to clear buildings, you want to pick a class with a carbine, as the RoF is higher and will put you on more equal footings. There are also carbines with even higher rates of fire, but obviously lower damage.

    The more I play the NC the more the differences between them and the other two factions play out. A lot of people have a very hard time adjusting to those different playstyles. If you're used to a lot of CoD or Battlefield, the NC weapons are going to feel really clunky to you because they have much more recoil and RoF than your average CoD or BF weapon.
  14. MarcusD

    That and the fact that aiming down sights is heavily underrated.
  15. Mootar

    Lucky for the NC the TR/VS weapons are completely outclassed by their NC counterparts beyond close quarters...OH WAIT

    At least to make up for being subpar in close quarters we should be happy we get to dominate in all the large open plan base fights...OH WAIT.
  16. bendplz

    learn2play. nc was made for skilled players, go play easymode vanu
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  17. m44v

    Give up. NC doesn't need wuss players like you.
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  18. TheUprising

    ?? The AF-19 actually has high recoil, for a carbine, that is unpredictable due to it going right and left. It does more damage than every TR carbine. It is distinctly an NC weapon.

    EDIT: Maybe you meant to say GD-7F?
  19. Xind

    NC doesn't need a buff. You're looking at it the wrong way.
    VS needs a nerf. The Orion is one of the most significant outliers as far as cross faction weapon balance in the game...and I just can't imagine they'll overlook it forever.
  20. Knoppix

    SAW is best. No exceptions.