Does Scout Radar Give You Spotting Credit?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. ent|ty

    Does Scout Radar Give You Spotting Credit?

    As far as I can tell it doesn't. I'm a team player and I play mostly for fun anyway, but when I'm out with my Mossy with the Scout Radar activated, and I'm helping my team find the units in the tech base or w/e with the scout function,
    how come I get no spot bonus when they get taken out?

    It would go a long way for some of us who are playing the scout role to support our team's attack/defense.
    • Up x 1
  2. Loegi

    It doesn't. Should really be added.
  3. Kittel

    yes should be added! make that thing at least some what useful
  4. Snaffe

    Scout radar doesn't work on my scythe or flash. Works on my lightning though.
  5. BrickaBracka

    I agree. I would also like to see the scout radar cert increase the time you can leave your vehicle. Excluding the sunderer.
  6. Hodo

    Great question, I would like to know if this is a bug or working as intended.
  7. Cirevam

    I don't mind not getting spotting XP for scout radar, but it would be nice to have. Roll up to a spawn room so you can see everyone inside and, when it flips, you get a dozen or more spot bonuses just for sitting there.
  8. KraggTheGrim

    The lighting has Proximity Radar, I'm sure it does the same function, but you get exp for having it on your tank?
  9. Alvore

    I'd love for that to be the case