Worst community ever.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vicis, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Vicis

    You'd think we were on xbox live or something.

    This is the story of spider tank.

    I took my mag, for which I painstakingly unlocked the magburner, off a giant jump and managed to land on top of a buildings roof. I hopped a few roofs over so I could get a semi decent view of where the enemies were coming from but in the end only got two kills. I was more of an exposed target than anything and any light assault trooper with some C4 could have gotten a very easy kill. Not to mention any enemy flyers or anything that had eyes within the nearest 500m

    My second kill was an NC engineer running around in the open some distance away, and he was in an area completely unrelated to the building I was targeting. Considering he was rather far from me it took me a few shots to get him down but in the end he was a corpse and I was still spidertank.

    He was the only NC to really get a good view of where I was so I jokingly whispered him "SPIDER TANK!" hoping to get a few laughs out of him.

    This guy replies to me saying that I shouldn't be taunting him while using something so OP and that it's getting nerfed soon after which I'll be left to get owned. He then goes on to say it took me like 5 hits to kill him and that I'm a scrub for using OP weapons/vehicles.

    Every single interaction (outside of shooting at one another) I have ever had with the enemy teams has consisted of rude verbal exchanges in which the enemy player complained about something of mine being OP. Whether it was my shotgun or my entire race.

    This honestly just reminds me of when I used to go on crazy kills streaks in Halo or Killzone 3 and people would send me hate mail. By contrast, whenever I had crazy scores in the earlier Battlefield games no one said anything other than "Nice shot man".

    This community and especially these forums are a major turn off. I used to think WoW had a lot of people complaining but I could at least visit those forums and not see a wall of never ending posts blaming every aspect of the game for peoples frustrations and lack of skill.
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  2. Karragos

    If this is not a troll ( I honestly didn't know that you could send tells to opposing faction members) then I would just say my experience has been different. Overall, people in this game seem very friendly that I have run into.
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  3. D0n

    Rivetting tale old chap.
  4. MrK

    you would want him to congratulate you about what, exactly?
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  5. Ronald McDonald

    I remember my first online game :p
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  6. Syphix

    You just killed a guy using an OP Tank (jk), what do you expect? People don't like being killed so don't expect them to praise or joke with you if you open conversation just after doing it. Also its a f2p game, you will encounter a lot of pre-teens that just have no respect.

    Also wtf is a spider tank?
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  7. Vicis

    You can indeed send tells to members of the opposing faction. Just like you can talk to them in /say and /yell.

    I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you haven't had these kinds of player interactions because no enemies have whispered you nor you them. :eek:

    I had my freshly spawned scythe killed by a drop pod and I commended the guy on his impeccable aim. One time I took my mag flying around on a gal and got a single kill before death. Had I been on the opposing end of that plasma bullet I would have gladly congratulated the guy exclaiming "That was awesome!!!!"

    FPS games were never like this in the past. People would have a sort of mutual respect towards one another. Unless they were indeed prepubescent teens haha
  8. Compass

    In my opinion, it is technically rude to message someone cross-faction directly after you have killed him, especially if it can be taken as adding insult to injury.

    Consult this video, for example.

    I was shamelessly defeated by Mine Guard. I'm fine with that. The message you see in chat afterwards is a dick move.

    3 hours later:

    The strongest message is the one left unsaid posted on YouTube.


    PS, I'm fine with "Good fight! :)" messages. I'll respond in kind.

    Whatever you do, do not send "Nice try" because that can come off as horribly sarcastic.
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  9. Mietz

    I frequently whisper ESF Pilots for feedback how they like my MBT AA when I've shot their plane out of the sky with the Prowler.
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  10. Karragos

    ROFL apparently not! Thank you for the tip though. Mental attacks are sometimes just as effective as bullets in battles. :cool:

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have sent you a friend request right then and there!

    Yea the gaming community has been plauged by the children and the immature. the change was something we long forwarned about but like a pestilence, the kids kept coming.

    If it helps I thought that was a great story.

    I got ravaged one time i my liberator by (no exaggeration) 6+ AA maxes vs me alone. I diddnt die but i was burning before i knew it and had to run away. Turns out it was 2 or 3 squads basically taking over a set of bases near the NC warpgate. the only opposition was my lib and a few ground folks, so I ended up just making runs on the guys, where I would fly as fast as possible and limit my exposure time as much as possible. each run would give my gunner 2-3 kills (usually the engis repairing the maxes) and by the time i flew over them i was down to 10%.. I would rive over a cliff so that they couldnt hit me any more and repair myself. I thought i was handling myself pretty well given the fact that i was so hopelessly outnumbered and my only goal was to help my few teammates opposing them. after the 3rd run some guy from the AA group started tuanting me after every run. very immature taunts to like (why are you running like a little *****?". After about 10 runs one of them grabbed an ESF and killed me while i landed to repair so ok i died. I respawned on a friendly sundy near those bases and proceeded to go 15-4 against these guys and we took back the base and whipped them out. they were a good squad, but we were simply better even though they changed all of their maxes to AI. after we beat them back i simply sent him a text saying that he was beaten by a better crew and to think twice about taunting people like a child.

    The moral of the story is to have fun and dick with people but do it respectfully. more often than not, you end up eating crow if your a dick and you just look childish.
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  12. beastmode619

    keep your head up bro. you gota remember...unlike battlefield 3 and halo.... this game and WOW have FACTIONS.

    people take pride in their factions and will troll enemy factions regardless.

    halo and bf3 have no real factions...your enemy can be your teammate the next game...

    but factions draw a THICK line between friend and foe :) good luck man!
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  13. Syphix

    Which is a dick move tbh. Do you get whispered every single time an ESF kills your tank?

    A joking comment here and there is fine, and its probably best coming from the guy that gets killed than the killer. For example in beta when I was in a magrider as gunner on the sauron I must have killed the same light assault player 20-30 times since he insisted on trying to C4 us. The driver and I were in hysterics, and then he eventually got us and so I congratulated him over tell and commended his commitment. It went down well and we had a chat, all was good.

    End of the day if you don't congratulate others on good kills then don't expect the same back.
  14. VaanGov

    I have had absolutely no problem with the community (EU), I who really enjoy friendly banter.
    I would however never whisper someone I just killed to taunt him.
    If every single interaction you have turns out that way, might it not be because you go too far?
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  15. lncabin

    League of Legends has the worst community.
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  16. Vicis

    I typically don't whisper enemies unless they were apart of something greater than themselves. Like one time when me and a few friends decided to try and ram an enemy ATV to death with 4 galaxies. In those cases I never taunt the opposing team. With the galaxy example I simply whispered the poor recipient of our attack "We forgot to mount guns...".

    Most of my interaction with enemy players are them yelling and whispering insults after being killed by something they don't favor all too much. :/

    I can't see "Nice try" ever being interpreted well but I personally don't believe that cross faction messaging is a taboo as it has been a gaming tradition for many years. Whether it was the GL HF/ GG of Starcraft, the bows of Jedi Academy or just general CS ramblings about what a crazy shot that was.

    The video you showed was just someone being rude and is a prime example of what I see throughout this entire community. What didn't surprise me is he didn't include OP somewhere in his hate tells.

    Oh god, what have I begun!!!!

    I agree, but do you really think "spider tank" is tauting? if anything it stikes me as showing off your....umm....talents lets say? of how you got the tank on the building. But that strikes me as doing it in a humerus way, not in a taunting way. I dont know all i know is that if someone sent it to me, i would laugh my butt off, and im usually overly sensitive to being taunted.
  18. Compass

    Because many people who use mine guard also use mines. Can't really call the kettle black now, can you :/
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  19. robo

    I remember in PS1, occasionally, when I would run into an opposing player 1v1 in a base, both of our guns were holstered (you could run around while not holding anything in PS1 to move faster) and instead of grenade spamming each other or trying to get our guns out, we'd do a quick Cease Fire macro and have a knife duel, right then and there, no planning.

    I miss that kind of interaction.

    Also this:

  20. bluEyedillusions

    Can't really blame the community for hating how OP magriders are. The list of times I've seen them do things they were never meant to do is atrociously long.
    Some of my favorites include them hitting their afterburners off a cliff, letting them sail happily to the bottom just fine behind our tank lines. We're talking surviving 100 foot drops off a sheer edge. And that's tame compared to other garbage I've seen them do.

    It's also just aggravating that they can keep their heavy front armor/low profile facing the enemy the entire time while shooting AND strafing. The other MBTs have to put their easy-to-hit/vulnerable broadside to the enemy if they want to strafe. You REALLY have to experience tank combat from both factions to appreciate how ridiculous that is. What downside do Magriders have to make them balanced? Are there ANY downsides? Doesn't matter when even someone asleep at the wheel can strafe to avoid incoming fire in a Magrider. In my experience playing VS to BR-20, Magriders definitely felt OP.

    What's especially frustrating is that the whole community realizes they're OP, and even some VS agree, but SOME VS will say up and down that despite being at least 60% better than other tanks, they're just fine. Worse, I don't know if they'll ever be nerfed.

    So, yeah, you really struck a soft nerve in the guy you described. He shouldn't have acted that way though.

    I frequently talk to the other teams we're fighting and am a good sport. I had a great "enemy at the gates" sniping contest with a guy in the past that wound up with him finally killing me and me sending him a whisper congratulating him. We had been shooting at each other for like 10 minutes, moving from cover to cover. It was pretty funny and as time went on it became more and more of a challenge.

    "Faction" or "Empire". The different factions are not races. Craaaaazy pet peeve of mine; I had to say something.
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