XP, Certs and Score

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stevil Knevil, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Stevil Knevil

    Can any one provide an accurate explanation of the relationship between XP, Certs and Score?

    Am i right in thinking Certs are awarded for when you gain a fixed amount of XP, or is it based on the score you gain?

    How much XP (or score) do you need to gain in order to get a cert?

    Certs also seem to be gained over time even when not playing, at what rate does that happen?

    Are there any other Cert awards (I believe medals give certs but I'm pretty sure I can find that info out if I bothered to look properly in game!)

    Is there any link between XP and score?

    Is there any purpose in separating XP and score? What things give score but no XP, what things give XP but no score?
  2. Xarx

    1 cert = 250 xp
    score = xp
  3. Blaaaaaaag

    I read somewhere that the passive cert gain was 1/hour, I haven't bothered testing that but it's somewhere in that neighborhood anyways. Membership speeds that up too, I think.
  4. Stevil Knevil

    OK I've dug a bit deeper into this and I think it's broadly right:
    Score is indeed XP
    Assuming that the awards for medals listed here are correct then I think that the passive cert gain works out at 1 cert every 170 mins.
  5. FateJH

    So what does Battle Rank have to do with anything?
  6. Stevil Knevil

    As far as I know BR doesn't do anything apart from unlock things like titles, decals, Squad Leader abilities...

    NB I may also be wrong about the passive cert gain, I think that the character creation time listed on PSU might not be correct!
  7. sadnhappy

    "Battle Rank is earned by earning experience points, which are awarded for capturing facilities and outposts, as well as killing enemy players.
    As you progress through the Battle Ranks, you'll unlock various titles that will allow you to distinguish yourself from others, as well as additional loadout slots. Loadout slots are unlocked at BR 1, BR 5, and BR 15."

  8. Cirevam

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Battle Rank goes like this:

    BR10 = one extra loadout slot for a total of two
    BR15 = two extra loadout slots for a total of three
    BR100 = your back has been permanently glued to the seat of whatever vehicle you've been using to farm