[Guide] PlanetSide 2 is pay to win

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cute-CandyPants, Jan 4, 2013.

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  1. Cute-CandyPants

    planet side 2 is pay 2 win.

    alot of people get it wrong and think pay to win is something diffrent but the system how its setup in this game says otherwise.
    the cert gain and exp is low for free to play users and the good guns are 1000 certs for a reason,this is SOE's way of trying to make its player base spend money on the game,because i know players will get frustrated because they dont have upgrades or weapons they want and dont want to spend a month farming certs for 1 gun as a free to play user.

    while the free to play are spending their 1 month playing 24/7 to save the 1000 certs to get a weapon the people paying for their weapons not only dont have to work for that weapon but can spend those certs the free to play user is trying to save for his weapon elsewere,to make your character stronger and buy upgrades.
    dont forget paying players can buy premium and boosts further increasing their cert gain to upgrade themselves further.
    by the time that poor free to play player has got his gun,the pay to win users will have fully upgraded everything.

    if you can buy any upgrade that helps your character,it doesnt matter if you can get it in game in other means,if you can buy the items/upgrades early or buy boosts items to enhance your gameplay. this puts the game in the pay to win catagory.

    this game is pay to win and stop saying it is not
    (this thread is not to slander SOE in anyway,and not to disrespect them,this thread is to show people the catagory the game is in and nothing more.)
  2. Liquid23

    apparently the OP doesn't know what P2W means
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  3. Cute-CandyPants

    the problem is you dont,thats why i made this thread to educate people such as yourself
  4. Liquid23

  5. Cute-CandyPants

    it wouldnt be so bad if the upgrades and weapon was worth while instead of like a 5% damage increase for $8
  6. Awass

    The key to the words pay to win is the word WIN. In PS2, you can spend all the money you want, but you're not going to dominate. Sheer numbers and skill will always beat paying except for a few aspects of the game that are admittedly unfair (rocket pods, A2A missiles), but for such a complex game, it's pretty well balanced. Most weapons you can buy trade off one stat for another. It's all about play style. Most weapons are not clearly "better" than others, and that's why PS2 isn't pay-to-win. Many will point out that some weapons do have some unbalanced advantages, but when you look at all the weapons and different aspects of the game, it makes little difference.
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  7. Jokka

  8. raw

    we definitely need more topics about this
  9. zukhov

    Don't be mislead by this post. I am incredibly rich so of course was very excited when I saw this. Imagine how upset I was the after buying every item in the game people in stock magriders where still able to kill me on my flash.

    P2W? More like a communist utopia.
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  10. vilehydra

    Pay to win is not determined just by if you MUST spend money to acquire something, but the ease of access you can get that Item without money.

    If it takes me 50 hours to get a marginal upgrade, but some bloke can spend 10 bucks and get a far superior upgrade that I could access with 100 hours, it's just as Pay to Win as if I was forced to buy it, because in essence that's what grinding progress does, it forces you to buy it anyways, or be at a severe disadvantage.

    "the weapons are not direct upgrades in PS2" you might say. While this is true, straight upgrades still exist (nanoweave, adv shield capacitor, etc,.) and while you can't buy these, the certs that would have gone into your weapons go directly to these, giving you a sizeable progress advantage.

    I don't think PS2 is Pay to win at the moment, it's at the tipping point though. IF SOE started releasing markedly better weapons at full 1k cert prices, then yes this would become P2W, because those who would buy would be at far to much of an advantage to those who don't.
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  11. Turiko

    The game isn't exactly pay to win, but it is very, veyr much skimming the edges.

    Normally, pay to win implies people can buy things not otherwise accessible, which are more powerful than things normally attained through playing.

    However, in this case the game is borderline pay to win because, until you've grinded through an absurd amount of time, you are disadvantaged until you pay. Fair f2p games try to strike a balance; you're not made useless but kept out of a number of roles until you've played long enough to unlock them. This goes hand in hand with sidegrades (which are often actually upgrades in this game...)

    Currently in PS2 the issue is that the only role available without upgrades is more or less cannon fodder, which simply isn't fun. While the game is not pay to win by definition, it's definitely skimming against it, only barely staying a free to play title and in no way comparable to fair, f2p from the ground up games.
  12. Barana

    If it was P2W, there would be weapons that you could only get for SC that are better than anything you can get with certs. You don't need anything but the default weapons to do well. For example, I've been using the NC6 (NC HA starter gun) exclusively on my heavy. As time went on, I certed it up, and now it's a killing machine. I've tried other guns, even have two other LMGs fully decked out, but I always find myself going back to the SAW.

    Point is, it's not P2W when you can do fine with what the game gives you when you start it for the first time.

    Now, the boosts are a bit P2W, since they let you get certs faster (especially during double xp weekends, 2 certs per kill, anyone?), but they're also not, in a way, since they don't directly give you an advantage.

    At least PS2 wasn't made by Nexon, or you'd have to pay money just to spawn.
  13. BoogieHegdehog

    Unless you're telling me that camouflage and helmets are an unstoppable force that should not be trifled with.
  14. Kurreah

    If you are going to use your personal definition of "Pay to win" rather than the generally accepted one, you can indeed make it a definition in which PS2 is P2W in your opinion.
  15. TribbleFluffer


    I domminate just fine when im in my element.
    Learn to not Lone Wolf
    Learn to counter recoil
    Learn to be cautious
    and last but not least
    practice makes perfect

    i have all default weapons on my infintry, all i have added are scopes, and some utilitys and suit mods like armor and mines. my vehicals all have basic weapons except for my reaver which has the shotgun. all ive done to the vehicals is add 1 level of zoom, night vis, and ammo capac.
    So all in all
  16. Vertabrae

    SOE puts out a free game. Pay or no pay, you still get to play as much as you want for free. If you should decide to shell out some of your hard earned money, then you get things much sooner. That is your call. I hate seeing people rag on people who pay to get stuff. Yes I paid for it. Yes that means I earned it. Not by playing for X amount of hours. I earned it by going to work and providing a service that I was then given money for. Is that fair to everyone? Yes it is. You can buy anything I can buy. Don't give me that I can't afford it because I have bills and a family crap either. $10 bucks gets you any unlock, don't go to McDonald's for lunch once a month and instead buy some gear. If your one of those people who can't afford to go out and you honestly can't afford to drop 5-10 dollars once in a while, then what the heck are you doing wasting your time playing this game for? Your obviously strapped for cash, go get a second job.

    Hard fact of life. Video games are NOT NEEDED. They are a luxury item. I pay my bills, take my family out, pay for dog food, buy some new socks, whatever else I need. Then I look at dropping cash on something like this game. Don't hate on me because I make decent money and can afford things like this.

    FYI, I've spent a lot of time running the default classes. You can do very well with them. You don't NEED to pay for unlocks.
  17. Cute-CandyPants

    libs bombardment attachment - certs you would save and can upgrade the lib instead
    rocket pods and better frontal gun - certs you can spend upgrading into the ESF
    faction tanks - save your certs buy them and upgrade the tank instead

    same goes with infantry,buy the weapons and put certs into grenade bandoilier or C4 or anti tank mines,a free to play for at least 2 months to get any of those,most equipment is better.

    i rarely get killed by players below battle rank 30,want to know why,because they are either new or free to play members.

    this game is pay to win
  18. Flarenza

    So basically, if you buy those weapons you are paying to win. Doesn't matter if they are a minority in the game, the fact that they even are there and have such a drastic effect on the game makes them Pay-2-Win purchases.
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  19. Cute-CandyPants

    yes but you can pay money to get instant weapons and increased cert gain = pay to win

    i cant beleive most of you the evidense is right infront of you,you are playing the game and still dont realise lol
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  20. Awass

    If you think PS2 is pay-to-win, play other some other free to play fps games. For example, Blacklight: Retribution. In Blacklight, you need to be a certain level just to access many weapons, and all the best weapons are stacked at the top levels. Then you need to accumulate enough in-game cash to permanently buy them. And the best guns are CLEARLY better than the default guns. Many can one hit kill and don't have many disadvantages to offset the damage. Plus, leveling up takes longer than PS2, and you have to get to about level 35 to start accessing the good guns. I've played 140 hours, and I'm only level 24. Yet IT"S STILL FUN. A lot of free-to-play games are like this. PS2 is nothing compared to this.
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