why do engineers only have to cough up 100Certs for proximity mine

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ArcKnight, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. ArcKnight

    I don't get it, engineers need 100certs , whereas infiltrators need 200certs why, whats the point
  2. Fallout10mm

    idk because engineers cant go stealth?
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  3. illgot

    because they are a tech based class that can not one shot an enemy in the head or use a cloak to get up close, or hack terminals.

    BUT, you can always buy the 100 cert prox mine on your engineer, then when you hack an infantry terminal inside an enemy base, run around and place the mine, then switch back to infiltrator.
  4. RobotNinja

    ...and poke the enemy in the chest and say, "Ya like that? Ya like that? Whatcha gonna do abou-"

    and then get shot in the face.
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  5. Nehemia

    I'm sorry, but can't engineers get cert attachments, such as grenade launcher & shotgun to their guns? If I recall correctly, those are capable of one-shotting.
  6. Azren

    The real question is, why can infis place proxy mines?
  7. ArcKnight

    only the Devs can answer that
  8. Stormlight666

    The real question is: Why can't engineers UN HACK terminals and turrets?!?
  9. Nehemia

    Because engineers lack IT skills.

    The real answer is: Because your team is supposed to have an god damn INF to re-hack the ****.
  10. serenekaos

    lol. you sir, have not played infiltrator......
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  11. Stormlight666

    Like that EVER happens. I'm sorry but Engineers should be able to reset them - saves us wasting C-4 or a heck of a lot of time running back and changing since there NEVER is an infiltrator around after a base is safe to re-hack them.

    Which brings me to the 2nd point of: Why is it a PERMA HACK?!? Should be like an abandoned vehicle and have a 5 minute timer before it resets back.
  12. Nehemia

    I'm sorry, but it isn't perma-hacked, facility defended / won resets the ownership. Also, it isn't the infiltrators problem if someone never rehacks (P.S I keep rehacking, especially upon requests). You want engineers to be capable of hacking, why not just remove the inf class as whole and give LA's sniper rifles and cloak.
  13. Stormlight666

    I'd be happy if skills went back to how they were in PS1, but that'll never happen. As for it resetting, that only happens once a base actually gets enough attackers to defend it. A lone infiltrator can back hack every base with impunity. That's where the 5 minute HACK timer should come in.
  14. SmileyBomb

    Didn't they change the ownership mechanics so that you can now destroy and repair a hacked terminal/turret? In Beta, it used to remain a part of whatever faction hacked it even upon destruction (until ownership of base changed). Now, however, I have been able to destroy hacked terminals which reverts them back to my factions' ownership.
  15. IshanDeston

    Only if its of the hacked faction. If a Vanu hacks a terminal/turret and the base changes from NC to TR, the hacked object remains Vanu.

    And yeah, if a Terminal gets destroyed it reverts to the original owner. I just wish engineers could repair regardless of ownership. Then again, i suppose it makes denying even more pointless.
  16. Turiel =RL=

    It's called profit. Infiltrators have to buy them from engineers.
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  17. illgot

    Can't say, never looked into Engineer weapons since the class has so much utility. I just use my engineer to farm exp by supplying ammo and repairs, then lay down explosives in an enemy base when I hack terminals with my infiltrator.

    Infiltrator is my main class across all 3 factions. I use my cloak to flank my enemy by going the LONG way around, usually 200-300m away from combat.

    Enter a base where they are all distracted with a battle in the front and hack a few terminals and turrets (killing the pilots inside who are stunned and just stare at me wondering what just happened).

    Then I toss down a few tank mines and claymores with an engineer and go wild stabbing people and using my pistol. I usually die at this point.

    Sometimes when I flank a base I will set up and just snipe a few people, but I often find that I die very quickly doing this even if I stay 200m away. Some lucky SOB in a vehicle always spots me and I usually die from this.
  18. serenekaos

    Infiltrators can't sneak up on any decent player. I would postulate that I could also flank in any of the other classes if I stay 200-300m away to do it.
  19. Eyeklops

    They can.

    1. Shoot/explode terminal/turret to death (Profit: exp for killing enemy terminal/turret)
    2. Watch already-in-place game mechanics switch destroyed enemy terminal/turret to destroyed friendly terminal/turret.
    3. Repair terminal/turret (Profit: exp for repairing friendly terminal/turret)
  20. illgot

    Not as easily though. A good cloaker knows how to only move when cloak is activated and will hide and wait in a bush or shadow until it fully recharges. You have to be patient, it actually takes a while to reach any destination and there is always a chance of a random coming across your path.

    I don't see the cloak as invisibility. I see it as a way to flank your enemy without them spotting you (you can not spot a cloaked players and cloaking disables any spot markers on your character).

    Do not think of the cloak as a rogues stealth. Think of it more as an aid to help you sneak around.