Infiltrator melee need an overhaul ...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Bape, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Bape

    like seriously i've been in countless situations where some random assault or engineer etc stumble upon me to a point where i have to dodge all his bullet and when i run out of ammo i have to run and use blade. =/ only problem about that is it does such crap dmg he just stood still and reloaded couse he knew that **** isnt gonna do squat on him.
  2. Timeraider

    I do think perhaps Infiltrators should have a passive where if they knife a guy in the back, it does double dmg. At least then he would do justice to the name Infiltrator
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  3. Sylvanicus

    Some time in beta there was a cert that boosted infiltrator melee damage but it was never available and then it disappeared all together. This may be a sign that it's on the to do list, or maybe a sign that the entire idea is scrapped. Who knows.
  4. Bape

    Well anything that can help couse seriously after i saw him just stand still reloading i just seriously stopped sneaking into bases couse i cant win close to close especially with the fps issue.
  5. Hashi

    They should just make it so anyone who knifes another from behind gets a one hit kill. It'll make it easier to show when to use the darn thing
  6. Thanatar

    i support this and approve your signature.
  7. LtJenkins

    i agree with everything said so far in this thread
  8. Skeith

    i support this thread melee infiltrator yay
  9. Daejin

    Hmm. In beta 2 knife hits = death to all but an Active Shield Power(ASP) HA. (Even then, 3.) If they lowered the damage, that means a Melee boost for the Infiltrator is actually a viable cert to put in.

    The problem people had in beta was, since the knife can 2HK already, the melee boost would either be A) Almost worthless. or B) Allow for OHK which would be "OP". (I do NOT agree with that being Over Powered.)

    So, if they lowered the damage on the knife, making it a 3HK, then we have a use for the melee boost. Instead of it being a OHK, it will allow us (At rank 2) to 2HK anyone. Then, at max level, allow us to 1shot+knife anyone. (Again, aside from ASP HA's.)
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  10. Phoenician

    I would love to be able to knife from cloak. It's shown in the theatrical trailer right at the end when VS inf stabs the NC dude and then uncloaks yet not available in the game
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  11. 02pheland

    I was hugely disappointed the first time I attacked someone from behind, stabbing someone is the back 3 times before they turned and killed me was not what I expected from a stealth attack
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    I fully expected a OHK the first time I knifed someone in the back and got a face full of lead because it didn't kill them and I didn't expect it. If you can get that close to someone why shouldn't it be a OHK. I agree melee could use a boost.
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  13. iEatGlue

    Remove melee.
  14. Kaisuke7

    The knife is more like a 2-4 stab shank, double damage from behind make since, if you sneak up on someone are u going to slit there throat or stab them in the shoulder, hand, foot... well places knife should be ohk. Maybe a cert system for this weapon also, stuff like increase distance, damage, delay of continue strikes. And we all can say it makes since for and infiltrator to be able to stab while cloaked. I can understand not shooting maybe the cloak jams the gun or something dumb like that, but a knife to?
    Reason why the infiltrator needs this...
    1. To uncloak to stab someone multiple times behind enemy lines is dangerous and very risky,(especially with the infiltrator having a glass jaw) Also you have to uncloak lucky get of 2-4 stabs and recloak and hope no one saw u.
    2. The cloak can be seen a mile away...unless everyone's playn on low settings the cloak is like a sheet with cammo painted on it...
    3. It make since and it complete fair, H.A can shoot with god mode, Medic and shoot with self heal (aka god mode) , L.A can fly/dash and shoot all we ask for is a little old knife stab while cloaked , SOE even show this in the epic trailer so wth can we not, false advertising..
    I know this game is by no means "realistic", but lets use common since, if you u got a cammo painted sheet aka("cloak") you should at least at the very least be able to reach out and touch the lifes of others...with a knife.
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  15. ThreePi

    I think this would be a tremendously bad idea. I can just imagine infiltrators jumping groups of enemies spamming the melee key and racking up kills.

    Melee is in a pretty good place right now. Get a pistol with silencer, put 2-3 shots in your target as you're running up, melee, and easy kill.
  16. Frosty The Pyro

    its still a 2 hit kill from my experence, maybe a heavy with nano takes 3, havnt particulary tested, i just go stabing every now and then, but even when i am stabing folks I will generaly be throwing pistol bullets in the time between swings as well.

    That said I promote infiltrators geting an "athletics suit" whic gives a small increase to sprint speed, reduction in fall damage, and a small increase in mellee attack rate.

    You do an increase in attack rate because as you said, you are already killing in 2, any more and you either are still killing in 2, or killing in one, and killing in one is bad for gameplay.
  17. PieBringer

    From what I remember in builds of the Beta that had it in the menu (but still locked) it didn't JUST increase melee damage, but also increased recovery speed from it. (meaning you can shoot or melee again sooner after the first swipe.)

    Like I've said in an earlier thread (Might've been before release, on the Beta forum.) raising knife damage but still requiring two swipes from full health and shields IS viable. Sometimes an enemy gets shot once or twice, and that one swipe will bring them to a sliver of health, but they still kill you before you can get another swipe in. Or, you stab them first, and then they get shot, but the one shot made on them is not enough to kill them before they get away. That one or two bars of damage can make a whole lot of difference.

    Right now, it isn't so much the damage the knife does by the Infiltrator that is the problem, but the recovery time. What is the recovery time on it, anyway? About 0.8 seconds? 1.1? (I'm not sure at all.) A reduction in delay between swipes could make a huge difference.

    In a game where the blink of an eye could mean the difference between surviving with half health, and dying, an increase in melee speed for the Sp- *cough* I mean Infiltrator, can make a huge difference.

    Currently we don't really run all that fast. Same as every class. IF the Melee booster is actually in the works and will be in a later patch, I am very much hoping that it isn't just "Increase melee damage", but increases melee recovery speed, as well as movement speed, even if only while cloaked.
  18. Xocolatl

    I would like ANYTHING to make INF useful in attacking a base, rather than just sitting outside and watch, or being escorted by 15 people to get to a shield generator to blow it up.
  19. Flaeb

    I'm running a 5 K/D right now with only pistol and knife. Melee is fine, learn to utilize your pistol and knife. Don't just run in and knife, shoot a bullet or two then knife, they die instantly when you get used to it.
  20. OldMaster80

    That cerification actually existed! It was called Melee Boost and it was in the cert tree during beta. It's one of those certifications / items that has disappeared, hopefully it will come back later.
    Then honesty I would love to see those nice special knives we had in Planetside 1, like the TR chainblade.