Ok pilots if everything is balanced then why....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vendettta, Dec 28, 2012.

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  1. Malevolent

    This is exactly what I am saying. Planetside is good because it REQUIRES combined arms to win.
  2. Malevolent

    I dont have a video from a max point of view, does not change the fact that it works and its true.

    Lots of people will testify that this works. Ask anyone who has worked in a burster max team like this.
  3. Vendettta

    You mean that you can chase away most aircraft???? I already said you could. I also said you won't kill many of them unless you have like 10 or 20 bursters. If you only have a few like most groups then you aren't killing **** but you can bet the aircraft will still get their 10+ kills easy
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  4. Amodin

    You have effectively shown us that you are going to make some kind of excuse for everything until you get your way. Enjoy your little crusade, it will work out well for you in your own little world. The rest of us will group together and play like the video shown can tell you how effective the max units can be. You want a one-hit anytime wonder button.
  5. Vendettta

    ^ More truth. What it comes down to is that pilots are ******* hypocrites and just want to keep their easy method for getting kills because they know they can't cut it on the ground.
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  6. Jestunhi

    So, tell me.

    If a war game is not balanced around the ability to kill, what is it balanced around?

    Looking good?

    Having the best sounding weapon?
  7. Vendettta

    Get my way? You mean a balanced game? rofl
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  8. Malevolent

    = Doesnt mean better.
  9. Malevolent

    I like it the way it is.
  10. LameFox

    If 6 AV MAX were in a base alone, assuming I didn't magically appear right there surrounded by them but approached as normal, I could kill them in any tank in this game including the lightning. Their projectiles are slow, and they have high DPS but very little burst damage. If worst came to worst I would simply repair. If they were better than almost everyone on foot in this game, and actually took cover intelligently, it could ultimately result in a stalemate where I leave for ammo.
  11. Vendettta

    It is but there should be a legit way to kill EVERYONE just as easily as they kill something else. Ground should be able to kill Ground and AA, Air should be able to kill Air and Ground. And AA should be able to kill Air. That is ******* balance.
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  12. Vendettta

    Oh i'm sure you do........

    yeah I bet you can find a lot of pilots who will agree it works. rofl
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  13. Jestunhi

    My post was aimed at the "K/D doesn't matter" crowd.

    It certainly doesn't matter as an objective, they're right it's not a deathmatch.

    But it still matters in balance, the ability to kill and what risk you are in (likelihood of dying) is very important to balance.
  14. GamerOS

    Yet the guy with air superiority will have more influence over the flow of a battle then the guys with ground superiority.
    Then again, that's partially a fault of base design giving no cover whatsoever to Rocket pods and Liberators.

    But currently the only reason MAX are effective is because of their render distance, imagine if the pilot whine succeeds and they render at the range of tanks, good luck surprising the Air then.

    Skyguards are easily killed from way out of their effective range and turrets are easily dealt with due to their low damage and stationary position, and good luck repairing those mid fight.

    MAXes need perfect Coordination and half a squad to start being effective at AA. (and even then their effectiveness is severly limited to mostly being deterenece)
  15. DeadlyShoe

    @Vendetta Why should anyone give a **** what you want when you just call everyone who disagrees with you a liar? You could argue that MAXesarnt effective enough,or that they are only really effective because of render-distance, or that it shouldn't require a team to be effective (since you need 3people minimum, basically). But arguing that MAXes dont work and everyone posting that they can get kills is making **** up is insulting. What's even the point of further discussion?
  16. LameFox

    Effectiveness at a given role. The role of AA is defensive, the role of aircraft (besides the galaxy for the most part) is offensive. They simply would not work as a part of the game if they were balanced around giving each player equal KDR regardless of what role he was playing.
  17. VoidMagic

    In war... owning the high ground... has always been advantageous. In Planetside 2 the high ground is the so called "AIR".
    Deal with it.
    Quit your endless crying, there's plenty of armor and infantry battle to be had.
    If your so sure that simply flying is eze mode to 66/1 KD... then get in the air and try it.
  18. Talizzar

    Nobody is arguing this point. A couple of AA MAX can drive off a lib. They will never kill it. Put 3 or 4 or 5 libs in the air and you will get smoked. 5 or 6 Libs will absolutely dominate with no counter from the ground. The availability to aircraft and tanks is too much. The resources and or timers should be much much higher.
  19. Jestunhi

    No, I think we will continue discussing balance until SoE states that they no longer want player feedback.

    As long as they are providing a forum for us to give feedback, I'm going to assume they want us to do so.
  20. Vendettta

    ^ and that's why you see so many pilots on this game. Everyone plays Lib and ESF because they know its the easiest way to rack up hundreds of kills with only like a dozen deaths. Aircraft own this game right now. Even if you get out 5 burster maxes the other side can easily overwhelm you with 15 libs and ESFs. All it takes is one or two pod or zeph spamming runs and your maxes are dead.
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