
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tjalfe, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. tjalfe

    i was just sitting here thinking how awesome it would be to have mechs in the game :) i mean it is suppose to be the future and mechs would be awesome as end type vehicle's ^^ just thinking.. doubt it can come though would require quite a lot i guess, but could be pretty awesome ^^
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  2. quicKsanD

    Trust me while the idea sounds cool having one super overpowered vehicle in the game is not a good idea. Believe me they tried it before and it was awful.
  3. JesNC

    ... ouch

    You're probably new to the franchise, so you might not know there were 'mechs' in PS1 and they totally screwed up game balance and led to a ton of people leaving the game.

    Mechs are not well recieved in this community and you should dive for your flame ******ant suit immediately. I wish you the best of luck.
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  4. Yetii

    Planetside had them, they definitely would need some work done on them. But I want my damn BFR >:0
  5. Kristan

    When SOE did them in PS1 it ruined and unbalanced the game. Might happen to PS2 as well. But hey, we're gonna have huge flying carrier ships!
  6. tjalfe

    well i didnt want it to be super overpowered, you could even give it less firepower but more movability then the current vehicle's.

    give it another role then what we see. or make it an extra kinda "max" unit, which is bigger and more mech like with higher firepower then a max but with less manouverbility(essentially able to be kited by something running around it) ^^

    would just be really cool with a full mech looking unit :p
  7. Hydragarium

    People don't have any problem with giant flying battle fortress carriers - but the second you mention anything remotely similar to the BFR mechs from PS1, the poop hits the fan.

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  8. BloodMonarch

    When they were balanced properly and nothing like as strong as when they were first introduced they were fine was great to see them on the batttlefield and I miss seeing them in PS2. They were only a threat in the hands of a skilled driver, and even then they could be made to retreat very quickly the hands of a noob they died in seconds.

    As long as they are hard to get, and have long cool down so they are pretty rare...i.e we dont see BFR spam they will not unbalance the game. Over time we are going to need new toys.....BFR's are just essential to any PS sequel. I never drove one so I'm not someone that just wants to 'pwn' in them.....I just liked seeing them, the added dimension they brought to the game. Hopefully'...they are 'inevitable' at some point.
  9. AnuErebus

    Mechs would have to be balanced. Maybe as slightly different than tanks, either more heavily armored with less damage or more damaging and less heavily armored. They'd be cool but I also think they'd be redundant currently.
  10. Niv

    Where is my BFR i want him so bad.
  11. wolfva

    There are mechs in game already. I've seen a Juan, a Julio, even a Maria.

    Sorry, I'm trying to be a mechs I can, and not a mechs I cant'.
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  12. tjalfe

    well we all know how balanced super capitals are in eve online :p kinda reminds me of that when i read about this super carrier thing xD

    as said you could make them super weak compared to what people are use too, or super nimble and fast, but too big for small buildings to enter, and with lower firepower then a tank, something like an anti tank thing maybe or something. it would just be awesome to have a mech :p
  13. Funguy

    You already have a MAX

    Whats the point of a bigger one?
  14. newtis

    max units are this somehow..

    just bigger max with special purpose is maybe what u want

    but yes i liked the mechs in 2142 - and their weakness spot
  15. Akrasjel

  16. Akrasjel

    MAX is not a mech, it an exosuit
  17. wolfva

    Uhhhh...that IS the point.

    If size didn't matter, our armed forces would be armed with BB guns.
  18. BloodMonarch

    Because they look damn cool, and going forward we're going to need more variety of weapons/vehicles
  19. HellasVagabond

    Cry babies from PS1 who didn't have the qualification to pilot a BFR right from the get go....
    BFR's were great. Not Everyone could pilot them (as i recall you needed to have a specific Battle Rank to do that) and used to cost quite a bit, not to mention it took ages for anyone to regenerate one.
  20. scroogh

    Eh well if we're asking for silly stuff that probably won't happen then I want a 3 man artillery piece, 1 guy drives/deploys, another guy aims and attacks using a tactical map that shows spotted targets withing range, another manning a heavy machine gun.

    the scary part about this is I've had worse Ideas.