[Suggestion] Option to hide faction colours.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShaadeSilentpaw, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. ShaadeSilentpaw

    Give people the option to hide faction colours on their game clients.
    That way, those of us who don't like having miss-matching stripes all over our camo are happy, and the people who need the colours to tell friend from foe are happy.
  2. BindMind

    ... No.
    • Up x 1
  3. ShaadeSilentpaw

    Why not?
  4. Brutus

    How would you tell people apart with a quick glance?
  5. Point

    Do you mean only hide your own faction's colors or all of them?
  6. ShaadeSilentpaw

  7. manfromh

    Notice how the OP said "on their game clients", which suggests that the faction colours will be hidden only for the players who hid them. If I decide to hide faction colours, then only I won't see them, and it has no effect on anyone elses view of faction colours.

    In that case, sure, why not.
  8. ShaadeSilentpaw

    Red/No dorito = Enemy.
  9. Sinoby

    I would like to see this option too. Camos with faction colors all over them look ugly
  10. fish998

    Do you mean an option to not show paid skins, because that's quite different to hiding faction colours.
  11. ShaadeSilentpaw

    I mean an option to hide the blue/yellow NC colours, TR's Red/black, and VS's Purple/Cyan.
  12. SnAjP

    "cl_minmodels 1"

    yep i am in, it would make sense with all that esport stuff thats comming out of theyr mounths

    edit: on the other hand, some ppl would cry badly that no1 can observe theyr barbie clothes they spent so much cash on
  13. Meiu

    If it is only for your specific client so it doesnt bug you, but lets everyone else seem them then sure. It doesn't hurt anyone and only makes you happy. Why the hell wouldn't they allow that?
  14. ShaadeSilentpaw

    That's exactly what I mean.
  15. Aghar30

    you want an option....so you don't have to look at how bad you look.....for the few seconds you are respawning/switching classes....are you just that vain?
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  16. ShaadeSilentpaw

    I have to look at my weapons all the time. I also have to look at my vehicles when getting in/out, repairing, and using 3rd person view.
  17. Protential

    I also hate the fact I can still see a bunch of fugly crap on me at all times, regardless of what camo I am wearing.

    It screws up all the camo except the artic camo's EVERYTHING else looks stupid and mismatched.. Prove me wrong. Seriously I do not want to run around looking like a TLC member.

    I suggest being able to turn your faction colors on and off in options, maybe name it "full camo" "safe camo." I honestly do not care if my team shoots me once or twice, I get TK'd anyways by drunk drivers all the time.

    And if you need these to tell the enemies apart, lmao....You fail at FPS's...

    You need to be looking at the sioulette?(sp) the shape of the enemy, I instantly can spot a character from either faction just by looking at their head/shoulder area. The point of camo is to break up the figure of a human being, thus not allowing you to be spotted as easy. It does not work right now and also looks stupid...
  18. Cinc

    When some idiot is shooting you in the back every five minutes (optimistic guess) it will effect you.
  19. Rentago

    If its client side, I see no problem, however that won't happen.

    I noticed NC and TR get more use out of their camo since looking at VS it hardly even works when very little of their character gets the camouflage applied
  20. Maphreal

    I see no problem with it as long as it's a client side setting that you have to enable.

    Really, you're better off training yourself not to identify by color anyways, with all the camos out. Just think of the poor souls that could have been saved from giraffe armor assassins if they had trained this way.