3 Reasons Why Vanu is Superior....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kantner, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Internet

    You're right - Tobuscus is the worst of the 3, without question.
  2. Sledgecrushr

    The entire reason vanu are superior is that vs girls have sweet balck latex wrapped derriers.
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  3. Kantner

    So your faction is that easily distracted? I think its safe to say that our outfits are another reason Vanu is the best equipped :)
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  4. Dack

    Kanter has a point......
  5. PieBringer

    Girls are entirely overpowered. Which is why the ones who can actually fight get an automatic rank-up when asserting their loyalty. (Us guys have to do so several times for a promotion.) You heathens should be thankful that we're quite short on decent, strong females.
  6. Kantner

    You realize 98% of all the female chars are dudes right?
  7. Faction

    How old is OP?
  8. Kantner

    Its on my profile.........
  9. DankFist

    Apparently Vanu can't into Grammar. So mark that off the superiority list
  10. Maruun

    iTS not we like we can properly write, our grammar is just another milestone in evolution!
  11. Teoke

    VS have about the same recoil as TR. And all that extra accuracy is no good when your bullets do 1 damage at long range because of the factional trait of the Vanu rifles losing potency over distance
  12. XaoJet

    Ya, because they only do 1 damage at long range. Not. I have had good luck with the Vanu guns at long range, less damage? Sure, but you get considerably more hits due to the lack of weapon drop.

    Recoil for Vanu and TR in this game reminds me of BF3 or MW. NC are more along the lines of Red Orchestra, only without the RO lethality on hits. I don't think the small arms, maxes and ESF's are really that unbalanced. Vanu guns are much easier to use with forgiving handling, TR guns can spray a lot longer and NC guns do hit noticeably harder. I would love for them to hit even harder, but very rarely when I get the drop on someone with any of the 3 realms do they get me, so I think its pretty close. The NC Reaver is a big easy to hit brick, but they will work it out I think, and even as it is I can get A2A kills. The Maxes are pretty good too, The TR and Vanu max are much better at Medium range but the NC Maxes faceroll up close... The also look freaking bad ***.

    The two things I think really skew the game are the Mag Rider and just how freaking cool Vanu are. TR and NC are pretty much what you expect in games like this, the Vanu are like something out of Crysis with Battlestar Galactica on top. Every nerd (which is all of us to some degree or another) can't help but think Vanu are cool, that's why they have the majority of the populations on all the servers. The tactical advantage of the strafing mag rider with its no drop weapons and kick *** secondary are obvious to anyone when compared to fighting tracked vehicles. I don't know that they could fix it either, I don't want them to nerf the Magrider, but I am not sure what the solution there is. The odds are long in its favor at long and medium range and even at short range its not like it sucks. So they are probably going to have to do something to boost the others or tone down the Mag.
  13. Neoxide

    Everyone in my outfit was pretty disappointed that we got Tobuscus. He's definitely the most annoying of the 3 youtubers and probably the least skilled. TB is an egotistical ****** but he at least knows what he's talking about when it comes to video games. SeaNanners is probably the most skilled and competitive in general.

    But Tobuscus... is the worst side of the youtube gaming section. His unrealistically goofy attitude aimed at catching the short attention spans of 12 year olds, his copycat view whoring of happy wheels and minecraft etc. Not to mention this guy has not a single Planetside video on his channel.

    Vanu on Waterson determined that our actual leader is kept secret and since Vanu is composed of many scientists, engineers, and other valuable minds, we decided the best decoy leader would be the village idiot. We figure our "leader" will get assassinated regardless, so we posted a picture of our single least prioritized Vanu follower and that was Tobuscus.
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  14. Aerius

    This is a Magrider on the walkway of an amp station. Your argument is invalid.
  15. PieBringer

    Apparently you missed reading between my lines. It's entirely the point, there are too many cross-dressers out there. I assure you, at least seven out of ten legitimate female players will not be as terrible as the majority of those sick twisted children.
  16. Akrasjel

    All those pseudo "leaders" suck
  17. Aerius

    Yeah but yours plays PS2. And NC's at least plays FPS games. Ours is some autistic Minecraft player.
  18. Maphreal

    Tobuscus is a tool.
  19. Luft

    If anyone honestly thinks that the minor lack of bullet drop makes the VS somehow "easy mode" compared to their faction's unspoken "hard mode," they're obviously never played a real shooter with real bullet drop and real recoil. All 3 factions in this game are "easy mode." The differences are negligible.

    Also, Batsteg is the Vanu Emperor.
  20. MayorD

    ill repeat myself, but...
    thats the reason why vanu wins. we're just afraid and run away.

    just loooled. my KD rates: NC - 1, VS - 2. when they re all easy mode, how comes i cant play one that easy like another? VS damn default weapons, NC a lot upgraded weapons... and still i lose by NC and win by VS. strange easy mode.
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