After 3x SC - Air don't rule anymore...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Thacyoon, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Thacyoon

    Hehe, now there is a LOT of dual AA MAX out there, and I like it!
    I get killed all the time, and I like it!
    New game for me!

    (From a 95% pilot)

    PS: The Skyguard still needs a buff - or XP when they damage an air vehicle.
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  2. Malsvir Vishe

    Indeed. I am loving that there is a lot more of a counter to vehicles because of this event. It honestly makes the job of sniping (which I love to do with a bolt action) so much more fun. It's also evened out the infantry playing field against other infantry. I give two thumbs up to SOE for this 3x SC and the 2x XP!
  3. Thacyoon

    Yeah, this 3x SC has done wonders to PS2:

    - Lots of players.
    - Servers are populated!
    - Lots of dual AA MAX'es
    - Air don't rule anymore.

    Now, SOE let us re-spec the CERTS (one time offer?) - we can even pay SC for that!

    Much fun :)
  4. BengalTiger

    That and base turrets. The only two things that need to be changed to balance things out.

    A simple +20% to damage per shot will definitely do the job.

    Knowing SOE, when they get to balancing they'll also nerf airplane hitpoints and armor, as well as increase bullet speed and accuracy for the SG resulting in air being underpowered...
  5. Bill Hicks

    oh noes you are slightly countered if someone decides to spend real money on pixels
  6. Nonsensei436

    The simple fact that most people dont even look up until theyre already eating rockets means that air can never be underpowered.
  7. daskleineviech

    The main problem with the Skyguard is the CoF in combination with the "recoil", it's not impossible to hit stuff by any means, but it's not nearly as rewarding as running around as a Dual Burster MAX. And yes, the 3xSC thing made everything a little bit more enjoyable, almost everyone has something that isn't a stock weapon and it makes countering different weapons fun.
  8. BengalTiger

    And most people don't look behind them when driving tanks, so shoulder launched rockets will also be overpowered.
    Same thing for not looking in creative places that makes Light Assault guaranteed not to be underpowered against other infantry units.

    Balance is not about getting ambushed and expecting to survive, it's about using rock to defeat scissors and not getting cut in half by them in the process.
  9. 13lackCats


  10. Thacyoon

    I have for a long time said that the Skyguard needs more damage.....but actually the damage is kinda ok, including COF (it is close range anti air, the friendly Air shuould take care of the lib/galaxy). BUT, the Skyguard need XP for damaging enemy ESF. If not, UP the damage.

    The flood of dual AA MAX'es really balances the Air/ground IMHO.
    My experience now is that it looks like the Air/Ground is more balanced....since more players are using SC to buy better weapons.

    And we, the players, are more experienced. SOE - this looks promising!
  11. DeltaOne

    I wholly agree with that proposition. The Skyguard, more often than not, will only manage to scare away an ESF rather than destroy it. It'd be nice to get some XP for doing so.
  12. Cyridius

    I'm only noticing about 6x more Liberators.
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  13. Thacyoon

    Yeah, I agree, but 12x more dual AA Max'es :)
  14. Rage Kage

    the fact that the AA maxes don't render from the air is a serious problem though; even if you know right where they are you cant do any damage to them.
  15. Thacyoon

    Agree, but SOE knows hopefully...
  16. smokemaker

    I am feeling an increase in effective AA today. thats for sure.
  17. Aryllyian

    Air still rules...but most importantly...most infantry does not log in with the hope of playing AA the entire time. AA sucks. Its boring and non productive. Its duck hunt for the Nintendo 64. And please don't say then grab an ESF and fly. All playstyle preferences ought to be balanced and fun.
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  18. Braken

    Actually, if they do implement xp for AA damage, then ALL AA should get it, not just the Skyguard. It'd be unfair otherwise.
  19. smokemaker

    Of course. Each hit mark XP given. Heres a twist If enemy pilot lands and whomever scored the last AA damage gets a repair XP bonus. kinda like a kill but not near the same xp. By all rights if that AA damages the aircraft enough to force it to land and repair. It has done it job completely. And could be given an aditional bonus (incentive for AA usage).
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  20. NOX2097

    I don't know what severs you guys are playing on, but I just bought rocket pods and I've been stomping colon on SolTech all day....