Nice game, when are they adding AA?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Endlos, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Endlos

    I'm absolutely sick of being farmed by Liberators and having no way to retaliate against them. If I'm on foot, I'm dead. If I'm in a vehicle, I'm dead. If I'm hiding in a corner weeping, I'm dead.

    I'm absolutely sick of being farmed by ESF and having almost no way to retaliate against them. Dual Burster max is the only thing halfway decent, makes you completely ineffective and exposed to anything that isn't an ESF, and is, at best, a "scare the target into doing flybys instead of actually being a real threat to them"

    It is positively moronic to have the only viable counter to aircraft be "outnumber their aircraft with your aircraft"

    If ground troops aren't supposed to have any way to defend themselves from getting 2shot by a ***** at flight ceiling, drop the infantry combat, drop the tanks, and just make an air combat game and be done with it.
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  2. serenekaos

    The reason it's even worse now is because they took away dumb-fire from G2A launchers. So now nobody carries them. If they would give the dumb-fire back people would probably carry them more often. Personally I only use dumb-fire launchers but that requires aim, which, sadly, most people lack.

    ***I could be wrong about the dumb-fire removal. I see in other posts that they changed that before the update was published. Kudo's to them if they did soo.***
  3. bPostal

    I agree, having air be the only hard counter to air is asinine.
  4. Hunter_Killers

    Here's the fix to Air.

    Make vehicles able to shoot higher, done.

    Anyone that doesn't understand this hasn't had someone indefinitely hovering in your dead zone.
  5. ajappat

    Funny, I just spent 1,5 hours in dual burster max, following some random people and protecting them from air attacks. My score per hour was around 15k (with double xp) and I only used max. Seems quite fine for me.

    So, how about, get MAX next time? Instead of whining here.
  6. Alluvian

    Anti air rockets still dumbfire. They added a LOT more rocket drop to the dumbfire modes of the lockon rockets, but they can still dumbfire, they are just harder to aim in that mode than the default dumbfire rocket. So you can still snapfire at a nearby tank or infantry, but can't hit a base turret from a mile away. They also upped the range on the AA rocket lockon. I like it a lot more this way.
  7. Machine Spirit

    so what your basically saying, is that this guy here should no-life a max just to defend himself?

    in all seriousness, it would've been better had they kept AA max's avoidable for ESF but had given the infantry/tanks a better way to defend themselves against them
  8. RedDominion

  9. serenekaos

    Ah, OK. I never bought a specialized launcher because I do better with the dumb-fire ones. Especially now that I have the Deci.....yummy.
  10. CrashB111

    In a team-based game you should have to keep a dedicated AA unit nearby to protect you from enemy air? Absolutely scandalous.
  11. serenekaos

    You want to have fun trolling?

    Fill a sunderer with AA Max's and wait for the first vulture to appear.....
  12. ajappat

    I'm saying someone should do it. You can't expect to be safe from air if none is shooting at planes, can you? One dual burster max seems to be more than enough to counter one enemy fighter at time.
  13. Datek

    I was wondering too. AA can at best scare away enemy aircraft, which really isn't much fun. Aircraft can mow down everything with ease, which is fun. Where do you think this is going to lead us....
  14. Datek

    Yep, that's about how many AA maxes you need to actually get a kill instead of a fly away and repair.
  15. Eduard K.

    How dare you peasants attempt to rebel on your overlords?

    The game is fine as it is, even Gods fall if there are enough peasants throwing rocks at the sky.


    Get with the program.
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  16. FateJH

    Almost everyone facing the same way just screams ambush.
  17. SikVvVidiT

    Exactly, I DO NOT want to spend the majority of my online gaming in a AA Max suit.... And even if I did good luck trying to get decent K/D ratio in one of those things because they nme will just hover, laugh and then eventually fly away and repair...

    AA and AV in this game is a freaking joke. You cannot do anything to these vehicles unless you have like 30 people all doing the same, and then who is going to take on the ground troops that will come right along with the vehicles...

    I find it comical that they decided to have a Call of Duty TTK for grunts, yet when it comes to Vehicles they are all like BFR's in taking damage...

    Here is a newsflash for you DEVS, some of us actually like to be grunts and run around and the ground shooting things in this here First PERSON Shooter... If I wanted to have to run around in Mechs or Vehicles all day I would have played World of Tanks or Mechwarrior instead. Giive us grunts alittle more teeth when it comes to these vehicles!

    Only reason why these people that hide in vehicles do it is because its easy mode, they cant get max kills without hardly doing anything...
  18. weebeep

    I roll AV close to 90 percent of the time and don't have problems with the AV weapons. Do I expect to be able to solo a tank, of course not but than again I'm usually not running around the map.
  19. Schenck

    And here's a newsflash for you: Planetside 2 is not a one-man-show but a joint-forces team game. There is AA in the game: other aircrafts. If your faction's pilots aren't doing their job to keept he sky above you clean from lazily hovering gunships, then that's the natural consequence. Maybe learn to fly an ESF yourself?
  20. Sebyos

    AA is fine stop sucking.