looks like they are going bonkers with double xp

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Forumguy2, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Forumguy2

    Double xp 20th to the 2nd of jan, holy sheit, how often do they do this?
  2. Keifomofutu

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  3. Ixal

    Whenever they need to raise the player numbers for some company report etc.
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  4. Admiral Ackbar

    See now I want to play again... Hopefully they make it 2x all the time..
  5. Tantric

    They need to do it more often. The game needs to be about the battles, not about trying to grind XP. When XP becomes the main point, then people look to farm it the easiest way possible, to the detriment of the rest of the game.
  6. f0d

  7. Iksniljiksul

    Every holiday and anniversary, sometimes with a major patch. Averages to about every other month for every SOE game. It's a common event, just like I stated several times in the past.
  8. Big Cyz

    R U serial?!
  9. Bad News

    If they did it would be fun for a few days and after that you would be waiting on next x2.
    They released a broken game way to early and now they need as high numbers as possible for the 2012 company report.
    It will not fix anything, this game doesn't have much time left.
  10. Phyr

    Don't annual reports end in november?
  11. siiix

    well i only buy 50% XP at times when there is double XP... and i'm sure im not the only one... it makes more sense
  12. SixVoltSamurai

    So how does double exp dissuade this? Double exp = double the return on the same farm, and base captures DON'T benefit from it. So basically, farming is where the double payoff is at, meaning more reason to carpet bomb infantry into oblivion while ******** that AA is op and render distance sucks.
  13. Kiro

    6 month premium + 1 week exp boost + 2x exp event = 4x EXP! That's 400exp per kill. I'll average 120 cert per hour for 12 days... so 1200 certs per day if I activate my nolife mode... 14800 certs in 12 days! :O
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  14. SeniorChief

    Unless you got screwed in beta like a bunch of us cant take alpha boost off without loosing it
  15. Brutus

    Not often enough.
  16. Admiral Ackbar

    Umm the current Exp gain is a problem.. A very big problem actually.. Its a turn off when goals cannot be accomplished by means that do not require money.. Obviously you can obtain every weapon and upgrade with certs but the time to get even one item is too much to even consider possible..
  17. Piepants

    Just my luck that they break my game (crash everytime I hit 'play') 2 days before the double xp week. :(
  18. Jestunhi

    It can be, but not instantly.

    This is an MMO, instant gratification is not generally how it works.

    And people buying SC are still farming certs as most things cannot be bought with SC.
  19. Ac3s

    And after that? you become bored of the game...
  20. Keifomofutu

    Just a little correction double xp starts on the 21st not the 20th. You had me all excited to play today then I killed a guy and got less excited...