Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lord Gazgul, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Lord Gazgul

    5 AA max and we cant kill that 1 plane...
    only hit him a few time for him to move away and come back in no time to wipe us up one afther the other
    and for all the L2P to come from you patéthic flyboy that say that AA is ok, it is only coz YOU are a realy bad pilot who can get kill from 2 max....
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  2. Phyr

    5 AA and you still can't down an airplane? That is a learn to play issue, no matter how much you want to deny it.
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  3. SKYeXile

    yea 5 AA maxes will kill an ESF so fast, meanwhile it takes him +1 salvo to kill one of you.
  4. TheScapegoat

    Change positions, allow him to come in closer thinking you've gone. Then open up on him, engaging at max range always favours the aircraft.
  5. MilitiaMan



    Burster will make Air run, I do it ALL day.
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  6. Tapioca Express

    fly a liberator upside down and maintain a low altitude via ctrl spam, then roll around with the ap30 shredder for a belly gun and you instantly win all air wars. 1 burst from a shredder will destroy any esf, 1 full magazine from a shredder will almost put a lib into red. Seriously, try this and you'll be amazed at how much fun you can have.
  7. Conq

    Air should not determine the outcome of every battle, every bit of AA in the game needs a serious buff. Starting with base turrets, those should be completely shielded against liberators and pods. Destroying them should be a job for infantry.

    Bursters and Skyguards should dominate aircraft, destroying them should be a job for infantry and armor.

    G2A launcher rockets need to move faster

    A2A missiles need to hit harder.

    Let's see air support, not air supremacy.
  8. Lord Gazgul

    no we cant
    as i did say, it only works on bad pilot
    the other one just move out whit no damage to come back and pod you
    from any direction in no time
    Max cant move fast like a plane, go no amo but need more then a full magasine to do low dommage and need to be a pack to only get a chance to hurt 1 plane
  9. Phyr

    You and your 4 friends will be terrible at this game no matter how much the buff something.
  10. Kriga

    Actually THIS is what 5 bursters do to the airforce of a whole faction.

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  11. Lord Gazgul

    i think you are one of these who are happy to do easy kill
    you need to grow up and learn to do real figth where you can loose or win, not a easy cheaty god mode
  12. smokemaker

    OP, maybe, just maybe its not the game but the player(s)....
    5 max no kill!?!? you are doing something wrong....
    I know, all these people saying YOU are doing something wrong.... must be something wrong with them and not you.... lol

    your idea of balance when it comes to air, I believe, would be to remove air. And then you would be on to the next OVER POWERED thing.... and the next and the next....

    Aircraft, as long as they FLY and are ARMED, WILL ALWAYS BE MORE POWERFUL THEN INFANTRY. Know this and play accordingly.
    Or find another game without aircraft.

    Watch Kriga's video over and over till your eyes bleed.... then state your argument again.
  13. Tuco

    Which would be fine if we had a PS1 cloaked AMS.
  14. Phyr

    I might have 1 kill in a plane. Learn how to play.
  15. Lord Gazgul

    i did look to your video, i did not count 5 AA max...
    there is over 10 max whit some heavy armor using G2A missile and enginer whit sunderer
    that make many more then 5 max
    and there still dont do as much kill then only 1 airpodboy.....
    as i did say, you are pathétic
  16. Tuco

    Looks more like 10 to me vs. one plane that comes into range at a time.

    Now try that with 10 skyguards that actually render past 200 meters to the enemy.
  17. Kroktar

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  18. FlyingCheeseCake

    While we all know that the Air vs Ground balance is still not quite right, it's certainly not nearly as bad as it was (and the pendulum has swung both ways; Burster was so OP at one point in beta that it was quite literally pointless to fly). However, a couple of competent Burster MAXs are nothing to sneeze at. As the video above attests, if you can hit aircraft you WILL tear through them.

    If there are 5 of you that are hitting aircraft regularly but are not killing them, then it may be a bug, and I suggest you post a video of it so it can be looked at. Conveniently, the game has a built in video recording feature.
  19. Kriga

    its 1 squad. count the maxes in the squad - lets say all the maxes in the squad are dual bursters.his

    This really is what 5 maxes do to air - complete denial.

    not talking about the skyguard - skyguard is ****** compaired to a max, and takes very much (perhapes too much) skill to use.
    Bursters doesn't need skill, thats why they are so effective. As the uploader of the video wrote in the description - they were drunk while doing this xD
  20. Lord Gazgul

    you are not realy good at skool i think, there is over 10 max in your video whit G2A launcher and enginer whit sunderer
    i give you a tip, use the pause buton and try and find out how mutch max and G2A there is to sometime down 1 plane.