That's it for me for a while.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meurtos, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Jaquio

    I don't want it to be able to single-handedly destroy an armor column. I would even support nerfing some of the damage in exchange for a massive increase in survivability. Make it a battle.
  2. HadesR

    Well TBH it's only inevitable when vehicles are brought into the equation.

    In the few bases that only allow Infantry camping I have been in a few battles where the defender's have managed to push out > kill the camper's > re-take the base. ( and it's been FUN even if on the losing side )

    So no it's not the act of camping itself that makes it inevitable but the fact it's to easy to camp with vehicles
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  3. HadesR

    Totally agree ..

    Most Outpost's are fine as they are ... Outpost's should be somewhere you fall back to, not to defend but to slow the enemy advance and to bleed them of resources.
  4. HappyZaps

    Installations should be besieged by vehicles but conquered only by infantry. Unfortunately the vast majority of installations, by design, are best conquered by vehicles. People exit their tanks only in numbers large enough to occupy the control points while the rest of the horde camps the spawn doors with tank and aircraft fire. Given how most bases are designed, why would you do it any other way?

    I see a lot of people moaning about the Crown, stating that it draws in fools like a bugzapper. But I think the truth is it's one of the few places in the game where you're virtually guaranteed to find a real combined-arms fight sooner or later, and people go there because they crave that experience. It's what the game could be if more base/terrain designs required a good mix of planes, tanks and boots to take or hold.
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  5. Tasogie

    Sad to say it, cos I was really loving this game. But I am done too.
    No Admins
    Apathy by SOE an zero interest in controlling servers of hackers.
    I dont need to pay hard earned money for that.
    I spent 15$ on subscription an well over 200 on shop. I hate to say it, but I regret it now even though I have had fun.
    There should be Admins in game at all times. it is very VERY amateurish system at moment.

    Such a shame because the game is so much fun without hackers laughing at SOEs inability to stop them.But now glencocobegins was last straw, so man y people reported this dog an not one single thing has happened. he is laughing his face off in game an just pissing on everyone's gametime. It is sad because with some Admin control in game I could highly recommend this game to everyone, but as it stands I wont be simply because of how infested with hackers it is.
    Anyway, good luck with it.
  6. Drippyskippy

    What is this metagame that you speak of, I am confused. VS already got the bonus on all 3 continents on Matherson, there is nothing else left to do. That is the "endgame" at this point in time.
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  7. BobJohnson

    I think this is the best solution to fix the problem. If anti-infantry farming via vehicles is no longer the default best way to farm exp, it will not be the problem it currently is.
    Infantry should get full xp for killing other infantry. Bonus xp for killing ground vehicles (bonus applied to assists) and an even larger bonus for killing air vehicles (bonus applies to assists).
    Both tanks and air should receive a reduced amount of points for killing infantry because they have an inherent advantage. It makes no sense that they get full points when the advantage is largely in their favor, especially for air.

    Balancing xp on risk vs reward will help bring the game away from the farmfest that it currently is and back to a place where tactics can actually be employed because they rewards will be the same either way, only that the tool used will change depending on what is needed for the situation at hand.
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  8. HadesR

    Could also balance it even further ... Give Aircraft more XP for destroying other Aircraft , the same with tank's on tank's
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  9. BobJohnson

    One thing that I thought was weird from the very beginning was that infantry must drop the shields on some bases before ground vehicles can enter, yet air vehicles which are even more effective then tanks can access the area immediately.
  10. SneakyTaffer

    Good idea, but I'd still like to see the overall vehicleside reduced by severely altering the resource cost and maybe even acquisition timers.

    Honestly, you could take resources out of the game and make vehicles free and I wouldn't even notice. I have never ever run out of resources. I only notice the acquisition timer when I get unlucky enough to die almost immediately after buying a vehicle.
  11. Ak69

    What an amazing post , thank you for summing up exactly how I feel about things right now . Everything is pitched towards farming inf, I have a lightening with HE and the amount of kills I get in that mchaine just spam firing towards troops is way OP. Aircraft are the same thing. Rebalancing is desperately needed before I spend more SC.
  12. Goomba

    It'd be nice if main base buildings were bigger. They have 8 hexes dedicated to these places and the bases take up one. And a good portion of that hex is outside or small one room buildings.
  13. DeadlyShoe

    forward sunderer--> outer tower --> inner sunderer --> SCU... you can do that at most major bases.
  14. Helwyr

    This isn't a bad idea at all, but I still think it's changing mechanics so that Infantry are simply harder for Vehicle players to detect and target in the first place that is the most important needed change. EXP adjustments on top of that though would be even better.
  15. wabbitseason

    I have to agree. Vehicles are too powerful, and too easy to require. Infantry on infantry combat should be the meat of this game, but right now I usually just feel like fodder for the tanks on both sides.
  16. kill

    The game doesn't require enough individual skill. Infantry comes down to spawn, die, spawn die. To become "good" you just have to take it very slow, look everywhere before you move, e.t.c. Frankly I don't have the patience for that. I wanna move forward. But this game does not reward that because of the low TTK and the massive amount of enemy fire coming from everywhere. There's no "flair" in individual play in this game. Everyone just dies all the time.

    So the option is to always fly ESF or drive a tank. But that gets old because of the repetition.

    I am losing interest in general. But I didn't think I'd last that long in this game anyway.
  17. Vortok

    Those turrets can basically go toe to toe with a standard 1/2 MBT (maybe lose if the has AP cannon), don't cost resources, and if it dies you can try to repair it mid battle if the enemy's attention is elsewhere - and Engineers can repair while you shoot at stuff if need be. They're aren't meant to hold off a huge force - you need your own force (tanks, air, or dedicated anti armor infantry) to deal with that. They allow you to deal with a few tanks without having to actually pull a tank yourself/spend resources yourself. Ditto on the flak turrets - gives you some AA without having to swap to an AA option that costs resources (if you even have one unlocked). I've killed a few ESFs with the Flak Turrets - they're not completely awful these days.

    Given the number of people that jump in a tank with 0 certs invested into it - sometimes without being an Engineer to even repair it - those turrets can be quite valuable for softening those tank zergs.
  18. maxkeiser

    STILL not seen a single hacker yet. Been playing on Woodman EU since launch.
  19. maxkeiser

    This is a good thing. The game rewards, tactics, patience and battle-field awareness - not CoD/Quake twitch shooting and 'run and gun' rambo stuff - a la BF3.
  20. Phrygen

    Good post.

    They nerfed/bugged the reaver, so now i don't even see a reason to play frankly. Waiting for them to open up account/faction wide SC unlocks.

    Maybe that's a problem with me, frankly though i see it as an issue with the game. As for the hacker thing, i have seen too. And the guy was bragging about it in yell chat, telling everyone this as his 6th free account cause he had been banned 5 times already.

    And raising resources costs is NOT the answer. If you do that, then factions will just get warp gates camped even more than they are now.