That's it for me for a while.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meurtos, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Meurtos

    I've played since the tech beta, through beta and launch. Probably 200 hours in the game thus far. Last few days I've just been pushing through thinking/hoping its a slump or bad luck. It's not.

    Every server is lopsided in one way or another to a faction. Each server has 3 continents and if lucky, 1 faction lopsided to each continent. I'm on Waterson [NC], SolTech [VS], Jaeger [TR]. I've went through each faction, playing each one thinking maybe its due to overpopulation of one faction vs another, but I'm on both sides, the larger pop (Soltech VS) and underpop (Waterson NC) and its the same.

    I'm pretty much a infantry person, and with this game all the infantry do is counter vehicles. You may get some infantry on infantry fighting going on, but not really. Ever infantry out there is looking out for vehicles, as they are the true threat.

    • Tanks - All equipped, at all times with HE. They obviously are not worried about other tanks, they are farming infantry.
    • Air - Reavers, Mosquitos, and Scythes' equipped with rocket pods, no AA rockets (or few). Liberators all with Zepyhr or Dalton. All with the intent of farming infantry.
    Vehicles in this game are infantry farming machines. The people in those vehicles have their rebutes as well:
    1. Wear Flak - Yes, I should wear Flak so I'm at the disadvantage of fighting other infantry when it actually happens.
    2. Use Anti-Vehicle weapons:
    • Infiltrator [Useless]
    • Light Assault [Hope they don't run away from me rushing them with C4]
    • Heavy Assault [Crap, its a Aircraft and I have a lock-on tank or Vice versa]
    • Max [Yes, resources we may or may not have to defeat tanks/aircraft, if they have the right load out.]
    You know its not that bad if not every tank and aircraft is set to anti-infantry, like it was in beta before these items were available. Back then everyone complained about OHK (one hit kills) from Infiltrators, "Oh, one shots shouldn't be allowed" and so forth. Well every vehicle with a cannon one shots infantry, and headshots from infiltrators on a moving target was 5 times the skill of a tank driver on a hill, one shotting every infantry that comes up.

    Worst part come with the problems of MBTs uncrewed. I record all my playing, I have many videos from all sides, with 20+ tanks in one area.. and EVERY ONE of those tanks was 1/2. This is something I have disagreed with since conception. Why would I play infantry when I can one man wrecking crew with a tank that I can move, AND shoot at the same time? For me, because I like infantry combat and I'm not playing World of Tanks or Falcon 4.0.

    I'm sure anyone who has made it this far isn't a troll/internet scum, so I will say, I'm not some scrub FPS player who needs to L2P. This isn't a rage post, I've thought it out well, and I'm open to criticism. I'm already heavily invested in the game thus far, Alpha Squad, Premium, and 50$ spent. For solidarity, here is my NC (most played), profile:

    I normally won't complain, unless I have a suggestion, but I don't have one to fix this issue. People are watching videos on youtube, and twitch and seeing all these 50-70 battle ranks just destroying hundreds of infantry and laughing all the way, so they grab friends and do the same and now everyone is. (majority imo). Sadly, and its not often, but when you finally do get that really good infantry fight (and its not at the crown), a single hacker can ruin it all, or stop a great, well laid, plan of execution. I'm not saying they are everywhere, they really aren't but it seems where you CAN infantry fight (Bio-labs and so forth) they are always there, because tanks and aircraft can't mess THEM up.

    Hope you have a magic card up your sleeve PS2 Developers, because I can't say how to fix this.
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  2. bPostal

    I've seen a few different threads that may have some ideas to help. Most revolve around ensuring that bases are more defensible, the flow of advancing/attacking is much more fluid, adding in more metagame/depth and some continental conquest/global lattice to name a few. Those links up there have much more detail.
    I too, focus primarily on Infantry combat. I don't think I've sat in a vehicle for more than an hour all told since launch and many are the times I've gotten utterly wrecked by vehicles.
    The only thing I can suggest is to take some time off if you're feeling bored or frustrated and come back in a month or two. Hell, I've cut my play time down since launch dramatically and have found that the few times I do log in to play with my outfit the experience has been much more enjoyable (generally).
    It's going to take months if not years to flesh out this game and years for sure to fully flesh it out, to get it to the point where much of the interlocking pieces of the game fit like in Planetside.
    See ya when you come back
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  3. newtis

    when we attack bases there are many inf fights. mainly we try to conquer the roof, or other rooms etc.

    the only time there are too many tanks is when moving to a new objective and trying to go in somehow. I think Inf should wait 5 Minutes till the tanks battled it out, and then move in! not just lemming rush to a location that can be sniped by a tank.

    I play as a tank aniper AND Infantry too. So i understand both sides.

    my idea was that there could be at least 1 or 2 big "citie" like complexes on those maps, or even underground bases... with a pipeline system to just the nearby bases. these could then play the role of a hub with several entrances...
  4. Meurtos

    I thought about that as well. The city areas and underground like PS1. However, I think you'd see most infantry down there, and those in tanks and airframe would complain they have nothing to kill but each other. However, base defense is moving in the right direction, the Amerish bases that allow only vehicles up to point A, then infantry and aircraft at B and C. Those defending B and C just need the AA for defense kits. However, creative tank pilots have learned how to bombard from certain locations in the distance screwing that up.
  5. Rayco

    Good post, sums up the issue nicely. I love this game, but I am now forcing myself to log in and play and hoping that I'll find a decent battle that is not just a farm fest of any kind. It's getting harder and harder and my play times are becoming less and less (as is the money i am spending).

    SOE has kind of put themselves in a tough spot here. The HE turrets need either a stupid nerf that renders them useless compared to other turrets or just need to be removed entirely to really fix the issue, but they probably can not, or won't do this, as now so many people have dumped money into these items.

    Hopefully they'll make the right call. Endure the player response and learn a lesson from this.

    The best solution would be to fix all the terribly awarded exp in the game. Killing a soldier with a tank should not reward 100 exp, more like 5-20. Something relative to the amount of effort and killing a tank as a soldier should yield 250-600 exp.
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  6. newtis

    yeah underground bases went too far.

    but what with a bio lab thats on the ground and double the size and tanks could only roam the outer space of it.. they had still a goof purpose to find sunderer etc

    while inf inside the complexes had not so much tank pressure..

    p.s. I found fighting in smaller groups much more inspring when wanting to go inf only... you try to catch smaller camps outside - normally you have to dea<l with only 1 or two vehicles.. thats fair.. and sometimes and opponent squad, then it gets intense quickly.. if you are the last man standing trying to throw a spawn beacon and all that kind of stuff..
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  7. gilrad

    I think one of the problems is that facility battles are about the only time when Infantry are useful all the time. For outposts, assuming there's an actual battle there, it's primarily about how many tanks there are (supplemented by engineers) locking down the spawn room. For towers, it's all about tanks and armor until there is an established parameter, at which point you get a bit of an infantry battle as you strive to lock down the spawns.

    Facilities are really the only point where all you need is a Sunderer at a relatively safe place in order to get a good infantry battle that lasts. And fighting in the same facilities day after day, working toward the same objective, does get boring.
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  8. ent|ty

    Too bad it took you 200 hours. This is pretty much what I have found in under 20 hours of gameplay.

    The only thing keeping me playing currently is trying out all the classes out of curiosity and the small skirmishes between lone wolves and rag-tag pug groups, which have far more fun than these silent, uncoordinated squad teams, and pyramid-run outfits that zerg all day.
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  9. raw

    Game in a nutshell.
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  10. gudman591

    Even though I used to defend this state of game, I agree.

    Most of my arguments against doing anything against vehicles were mostly driven by my not-entirely-lost-yet hope for human intellect and ability to have fun in the particular game.
    But at this point all my hope is lost. It really is that bad - people are mostly not interested in playing the game at all - they are just here to farm. Because various (who am I kidding, we all know these games perfectly well) FPS games have tought most folks to earn stuff by PLAYING the game, with the emphasis on STUFF. That led to people laying their diсks on the gameplay - why bother with something fun and difficult at the same time, when you can FARM and have stuff basically for free, compared to these strange folks who are having fun?

    Now I support the idea that something has to be done, but I still think that widely suggested "just nerf the farming tools" is going to cut it. It's not the tools that do it. It's people. Somehow plain farming has to be discouraged. Previously I thought that it would be discouraged by other people actually playing the game tactically and farming is going to become obsolite to the point of not being fruitful.
    Now I see - it just doesn't work, as most people quickly loose interest and resort to farm themselves: Far too many times I was in that single platoon struggling against backbreaking odds to defend (or cap) a continent just to find out that six more platoons worth of forces are busy on another continent "defending" a single base - we all know fairly well which one.
  11. Lothix

    They need to add a continent where vehicles aren't allowed, or littered with trees. That would be so much fun to go to when bored of playing vehicles.
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  12. Helwyr

    I'm also an almost exclusively Infantry player and have been rapidly losing interest to play, albeit not solely due to Infantry issues. Coming from Beta I knew the game was going to have issues and have areas that would require lots of fleshing out before really shining. However, it's some of the comments from Devs and patch changes that makes me question whether they really get it, or are just set on heading in a bad direction.

    In regard to Infantry in particular, I'll say the same thing I've said in other threads such as this, It's not really that Infantry have to be put on an equal footing to vehicles in terms of firepower or armor, but rather Infantry need to benefit from a low battlefield profile that figuratively and literally keeps them off Vehicle radar.

    * Redesign the interior of bases to exclude Vehicles more.
    * Remove Infantry from Vehicle Radar.
    * Remove Infantry from being illuminated by Vehicle IR/Thermal.
    * Maintain shorter render distance for Infantry when viewed from a Vehicle.
    * Nerf Q spam.
    * Increase cover, especially overhead cover on maps.
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  13. Drippyskippy

    +1 to OP

    Anyone who primarily plays infantry like myself know the frustration of getting farmed by people with very little skill in vehicles. Playing beta I knew very little was going to change in regard to World of Tankaside. At least when there is infantry combat the game is fun.

    Now that the Nemisis (G2A rocket launcher) is worthless the flyboys are doing just as well as they were doing with their "nerf". The 1k certs I spent on that I wish I could get back, its bad against air and bad against ground now. I find myself using the default launcher more often than not now.
  14. gudman591

    So much yes, forest battles! With just small lightly armed buggies and quads to go around, and facilities stranded just inside dense forest areas.

    That would be so much win.
  15. TartarusMkII

    Agreed, something needs to be done.

    ie. Fire Higby.
  16. CoreDave

    I don't understand... There are so many of these threads and yet it simply doesn't match my experience ingame at all. Sure I spend a lot of time in and ESF (Air2Air equipped by the way so clearing the skies of rocket podders and libs). But I must spend at least 30% of my time on the ground also (either because I'm waiting on a cooldown, want to get certs faster or just fancy a change) and the vast majority of that time is as infantry and I am constantly in fantastic infantry fights where vehicles play only a small role. I just don't get farmed by vehicles at all virtually all of my deaths are to other infantry.

    Maybe Lithcorp is just a good bunch of players, maybe its because I'm in the EU. Or maybe the OP has been unlucky, or tries to have infantry fights in areas naturally dominated by tanks and aircraft.
  17. Kanzy

    I couldn't agree more on the Kill exp part, I just find it unfair for a tank to get 100 xep for an inf kill when a HA might spend 3-4 shots and lots of dodging and running around to take down one tank and get almost the same amount of exp, Vehicles killing inf. should get lower exp, that way we will see them concentrating more on fighting other vehicles and killing inf. when required too and not for farming only..
  18. OJ191

    People run HE/rocket pods because TTK against vehicles is 10x longer than on infantry yet only gives 1.5x the reward.
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  19. Jaloro

    There is nothing wrong with vehicles in theory, the problem is they are so easily available.

    a) Vehicle resources are currently a joke. I constantly run out of infantry resources but I have never been unable to spawn a vehicle due to lack of resource.

    The costs need to be at least double what they are. This would make people look after them more and decrease their numbers. This would also help with the metagame goals of resource management.

    b) There are too many spawn points and terminals leading to an over abundance of Sunderers.
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  20. OJ191

    tank/ESF should grant 250xp + the kill if you get it
    lib should grant 400 + any kills
    Galaxy/sunderer should grant 600 + any kills.