New patch, Way to ruin the only Defensible base fight!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DEDMON, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. HMR85

    ahh, I wish you would of posted the picture.:(
  2. |Poo|

    Amen brother.

    I honestly can't say I'm the least bit surprised at all the people whining about this, people will often defend the path of least resistance even if it is detrimental to the game. Tech plant were just that.. the easy road to certs. Factions were abandoning the rest of the continent to farm these things. If your faction was willing to give up every inch of territory on a continent to sit inside a single facility and defend, then something is broken.

    That's exactly what we had.
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  3. Wibin

    Now if I could get more than my outfit to help me stand in the way....
    I'd be golden. =\
  4. Degenatron

    Go back to PS1 if that's what you want to play.

    As for Amp stations, they ARE defensible if you have a TEAM. You know why you think the tech plants were defensible? Because any idiot could follow the crowd to the Spam-Doors and join the Spam-Fest.

    An Amp station requires a team to divide responsibility between the four generators. Morons attempt to play "whack-a-mole" with the generators when instead they should be setting up defensive perimeters to stop the enemy from getting to the gens in the first place. But that requires some forethought, which many of the players around here are incapable of. Apparently, that includes you because you think it's "impossible". I have held a Vehicle Bay Gen from an AMS zerg for over 20 minutes with nothing but myself, an engineer, and a medic.

    It's NOT the f'ing hard, you just have to grow a pair, a brain, and a team. Any medium sized outfit could hold any base they wanted indefinitely if they chose to do so. Two platoons is all it takes. One squad for each gen and two squads to bat clean-up around the base would wreck all but the largest, most coordinated attacks - and THAT is what Planetside is all about.

    You point to PS1 as "the definitive defense experience", or...whatever you want to call it. Tell me, what happened to PS1 bases that were under-manned or poorly co-ordinated? I'll answer my own question: They fell. Quickly. What you are remembering are battles between a few dedicated players that had held onto PS1 for nearly a decade, and now you're comparing them with a bunch of newbie scrubs off the street. You are comparing Tournament Play to PUG. The problem here is that you are attributing the difference to the architecture of the base design and not to the players filling the base.

    I think the devs absolutely should stick to their guns on this. They should MAKE the players adapt and become better. Let the scrubs that can't handle it wash out. Outfits ARE going to start stepping up and showing the rest how it's done, and people are going to start crying "OMG we can't take bases from Outfits! Quick, nerf TEAMWORK!!!".
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  5. Tobax

    This right here, its bad enough to have massive holes in your defence by letting them drop the side shields but to remove the tech plant teleporters just means tank camping on an unconnected spawn room goes through the roof again, whats next are you going to disable AMS deployed inside and totaly ruin the tech plant?
    I mean FFS SOE how many times do we have to tell you that unconnected spawn rooms is the worst idea you'd ever had.
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  6. Wibin

    Just like BFR's.
  7. Wibin

    Getting VS on Connery to defend generators is a joke.

    I saw somebody secure the cap point and ignore the generator next to it that was going critical.

    I had to run from down stairs all the way up there past 4 guys standing around the cap point (which it was our base) and over to the generator to stop it.
  8. Gorillion

    Well, I hate to be that guy, but this kind of pushed me over the edge. I was getting a little tired running around with my small outfit, often unable to find the larger fights. Too much putting about, way too reminiscent of the death of PS1 already, but Tech Plants defenses AND offenses were the ones I looked forward to. Chaotic meat grinding and walls of bodies you didn't see elsewhere, and a base where shield diffuse sundys actually had a spotlight. Tech plants were different. Now they're just tiny, quicker amp stations.

    Bad form Sony. I'll see you again after update 2.
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  9. Wibin

    Agreed. I guess I shouldn't ***** on my thoughts when it's not necessarily my outfit or my game play that is the cause of the issues.

    However, it is a base, the defenders should always have the advantage.

    And Ps1 bases were a spam fest if you got past the walls.
    Though, i think that you should have to stand next to cap points to get the cap in ps2.
    hey we got this terminal, lets run around like idiots now.
    had to sacrafice at least one guy in ps1 to cap a base or tower with the hack.
    So, why should you be able to hack it and walk away now?
  10. Nonesuch

    I really am utterly astonished that so many people have found this somehow gamebreaking. If tech plants were all there were to the game for you then maybe it was time you left.
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  11. Hoki

    I no longer see the point of defending nor so I see a need for gate crashing sunderers.

    Sadly the people recommending ring around the rosie base capturing (which is already the primary cerp farming technique) are correct.

    Once bases are surrounded by a vehicle zerg there is no defending it. Can't spawn vehicles the automatically roll through gates get destroyed. Can't go stabilize the generator cause its probably got windows on every side and is being shot by HE rounds non-stop.

    Can't destroy the tanks with infantry cause the rockets are so slow.

    So basically the only base worth defending now is the bio lab because the vehicle zerg can't get in.
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  12. Xizwhoa

    I want my cert refund for the shield breaker sundy I got just for taking the tech plant that just became irrelevant please?
  13. Wibin

    AMS deploy in tech lab or amp station makes the base defensible as well as is a great way to reap points. haha.
    I certed up just for this case, I got sick of walking everywhere.
    But then you get asshats who will destroy your AMS just to put theirs up.
  14. Nonesuch

    How is it irrelevant? I can't believe the only place you play in are tech plants.
  15. Flarestar

    That works great right up until a single competent ESF or Lib pilot wrecks your totally awesome defensive perimeter and you then have to spend the next 30+ seconds trying to get back to it.

    Amp Stations are only defensible when the defenders are competent and organized and the attackers are not. When both sides are equally competent, the Amp Station layout works purely in the favor of the attackers.
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  16. |Poo|

    The tech plant can spawn both armor and aircraft, as can the amp station.

    If you're telling me a base should be defensible after you've lost air control over your base, and ground control surrounding your base.. then I'm here to tell you that you're wrong... If that's not enough, this morning's patch is the developers telling you that you are wrong.
  17. Wibin

    I always had wondered how the hell they got in there till i read the sundy certs.

    Friggen awesome ability. Always funny to run around and go. "WTF" and see a sundy hidden inside really well.
  18. Xizwhoa

    Tech plants and Crown fights are pretty much all some servers have.

    Well that ability is now null and void, and should be removed from the game.
  19. Wesir

    Being able to spawn heavy tanks at any vehicle station that can get tanks is a massive boost, it should not be an easily defensible base.
  20. Wibin

    I've defended an amp station vs 20 guys with just 5-10 scrubs.

    Had a few smart scrubs around though that knew to repair and roll armor to get the sundy they kept bringing.

    Battle lasted about an hour to hour and a half and they gave up.
    Good players on both teams.

    I got around 15 mine kills and lots of fun.