Worried about false bans?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gambles, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Gambles

    Yeah, same here, it's just not worth it when the explicitly state "no third party programs or modding". WoW on the other hand, I haven't played it in years but they seem to be the worst of the worst for companies that seem to get your account hacked. It's just insane, because the second you leave your account afk for a while it seems it's compromised, however it is the most popular mmo in the world and has a lot of phishing and keylog emails and sites.
  2. Gambles

    You mean the account that he made to come on here and post in this thread instead of checking with customer support and then promptly waiting for the issue to be resolved? yes that one.
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  3. dhexo


    Also want to point out that one of these outfit leaders that got banned (and eventually had the ban changed to suspension for his "community involvement") actually had VAC bans on his steam account. http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972493634
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  4. Shockfc

    I'm the outfit leader. SKYeXile is a co-leader - he leads our sister outfit TRF on the AU server. We're both 10 year vets and well known members of the PlanetSide community. Take your dumb somewhere else.
  5. Gambles

    Seriously? that's insane. Do not approve, or like.
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  6. Gambles

    Pound your chest some more internet tough guy, so we can all have a laugh lol
  7. Xizwhoa

    Omg no not a 10 year vet that's finally getting caught. You know the best part of being a new player in a community? I don't have to give 2 ***** about cheating scumbags like your outfit. Good riddance.
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  8. TeknoBug

    He got unbanned regardless of his VAC bans?
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  9. Saiph

    VAC bans don't mean anything in non Steam server games.
  10. ReapersFist

    this is crazy, I have fought people like sky and others that were banned for well over 8 years or so, never once have I thought they were cheats. Better at gaming then me yes. You can get the jump on them, sneak attack them, own them. Its not their fault tr and nc stand in front of spawn doors so they can just lay waste minutes at a time or other sum-such. I am just wonder what kinda score is needed to guarantee the fact you are not a hacker? 2.5 reasonable, 5? suspicious? anything higher for sure hacker? Good people getting banned here, I am betting that guy with the lmg killing me over and over without a missed shot across the amp station court yard is still playing though.
  11. Fugly

    It would be a simple matter for a malware author to code up some goodness that alters PS2 in a way that registers as a game hack and results in a ban. This happened to thousands of world of warcraft players about 3 years ago as warden is automated and getting unbanned was a super *****.

    That should be a red flag to watch those players like a hawk.
  12. Xizwhoa

    The worst thing that you can ever do when someone gets banned is vehemently deny all allegations and do what you do as a supposed outfit leader. You make not only them but you look suspect. Trying to rally the community to force them to be unbanned? You're making it worse for them, but as a supposed leader you know this, right?

    Let them handle it with the devs themselves instead of putting a bullseye on their heads.
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  13. dhexo

    I don't think SOE takes VAC bans into account.

    My point was that it's plausible for a "vet" to hack. So people should stop assuming that because someone is a "vet" or "outfit leader" that they haven't ever hacked or won't ever hack.
  14. Shockfc

    I'm making it known that SOE has made a gigantic mistake with their hack detection. Wouldn't you want to know that SOE may be banning legit players and missing the actual aimbotters?
  15. Shockfc

    Ever heard of the word "reputation"? Or did you not learn that in 2nd grade?
  16. Gambles

    They should hold some form of sway to un-ban someone though, I mean it makes it quite obvious when you have been banned from other games that you aren't an "upstanding gamer".
  17. Ryloxx

    You truly are, the definition of insane. I have nothing more to say.
  18. Gambles

    If anything people with a good reputation and long standing ties in the game will have less chance of being banned, not more.
  19. Untouchable

    The irony here is what so many fail to understand. You are telling an audience not to blindly believe everything they are told, but are simultaneously giving SOE that exact treatment with regards to who they're banning.

    SOE makes mistakes, just like any other company. To antagonize anyone who comes here complaining of a false ban is not only wrong but ignorant and foolish.
  20. TeknoBug

    I think I read it as Steam changing his ban status, didn't think about the SOE devs.