Reason NC players think NC is underpowered. A simple fix with 100 certs!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Narutobieber, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. MalDeus

    NC guns are balanced when comparing 'decent' players across factions. Given a rookie to average player skill level they underperform. This is because the weapons require better player control to shine by managing recoil. TR/VS player control is 'capped' by their weapons -- bloom/cof take over quickly.
  2. Narutobieber

    Also I think players just aren't used to the bloom mechanic where bullet spread increases the longer you burst. Especially players coming from games like CoD where every bullet from every gun is pretty much pin point accurate, so in PS2 they need to learn how to do bursts in order to reset the bloom/cof.
  3. James161324

    Thats why the nc gets their ***** kicked out zergs suck
  4. Fuze

    Dear god.. what a useless wall of text, I stopped reading after the third sentance and skimmed through the rest and yet I know what it's all about.

    There's no fix cause you don't even know what the problem is, just cause you have a high RoF doesnt solve it.

    I'm not gonna care to explain further, I'm to tired for this..
  5. Narutobieber

  6. Bill Hicks

  7. Chiss

    How do you know, do you play NC and VS? No? Thought so.

    I play all 3, and its very clear that NC infantry got it rough.

    TR actually complain about the prowler. Now THAT is needless whinging. Prowler is great, people just dont know how to use it.
  8. Narutobieber

    and you get a "1000 cert weapon" as your starter weapon. So yeah, NC heavy assaults have 900 cert advantage to other factions. The other factions need to spend 1000 certs to get their Gauss Saw equivalent.
  9. Fuze

    Oh the irony..
  10. Narutobieber

  11. Moxin

    There are certain weapon types ingame with a questionable precision at long range.

    I would say, some world war 2 weapons are more accurate than our allegedly "future" weapons. At the end this seems not an FPS but rather some kind of mmorpg stats cr ap.
  12. Narutobieber

    As someone who own guns... I would disagree with you completely. It's obvious you've never fired real life weapons before, but lets just say even with advanced training, you're not going to acquire and aim and hit a target 100m+ out in less than a split second with iron sights like you can do in video games.

    Hell I would love to see you "experts" try to handle any handgun (that is not .22 caliber) and actually hit anything with reasonable precision 20m out.
  13. Uncle_Lou

    As someone who also owns guns, I would say that using real world arguments to justify game mechanics in an arcade style shooter is just... pointless.
    • Up x 1
  14. Narutobieber

    I agree, so no more comparing in game guns to WW2 weapons.
  15. Fuze

    This is a sci-fi game, don't try to make logic out of it.
  16. Luft

    lol u suck

    do u even lift
  17. StrangerDanger

    Yup got one of each, nice assumption though, what i would expect from someone making short sighted cries for a buff. I prefer TR because they are red and imo look better. yes that is what it came down to since infantry is all the same aside from long range fights, which should be done as an infiltrator not HA/LA. TBH i much prefer NC tanks/air and VS tanks...TR gets the shaft on that. I also like NC guns, but im not a derp, it took me just a few encounters to figure out how to shoot them right. Didnt like VS guns, thought they sucked though...and they had the "hey look at me" purple tracers. Plus yelling out "i need batteries, do you have any spare batteries" really irritated me.

    Again your comparing the starter guns for HA, which is possibly the shortest sight you could have on the subject, which is why your a derp for crying for faction buffs based on it.


    Learn to play.
  18. Narutobieber

    seriously do you even reading comprehend?

    I'm not trying to make logic out of anything, I am just trying to call out someone who says "hurr WW2 weapons are more accurate than PS2 weapons" and say he obviously don't know anything about weapons.

    But then again, if there is a general theme in this thread it would be:

    NC Faction lacks reading comprehension
  19. NietCheese

    The problem is you MUST use the GD-22S to be competitive against TR. Even then, the worst TR guns are as good as it and the best TR guns are much better than it.

    The NC heavy can be beaten by the sheer fire rate of the guns used by the TR support classes. When a TR medic can walk in the door and go full auto and drop the NC heavy even with his shield up, you know something is wrong.

    The TR have a significant advantage against NC at short and medium, and it is the only thing killing this game for me at the moment - the disparity between TR weapons and the other factions. I am sick of it.
  20. StrangerDanger

    Forumfall is this way--->

    No one here will appreciate that comment