AA is a "Deterrent"?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hexley, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Tachyr

    My main issue with the Skyguard is that there is no really effective way to cert into AA to really become more efficient.
    Sure you can hold more ammo or reduce the reload time but that isn't solving TTK or ability to actually hit targets.
    • Certing into Zoom optics is pretty much useless as it doesn't really help you with how much to lead the target to actually get a hit.
    • Flak radius is non existent and pretty much requires a direct hit.
    • Projectile speed is like a turtle which just recently had hip surgery
    • Cone of fire is all over the place considering that you need to do full auto to get any hits on a fast ESF

    I can honestly say that I have never felt as useless as dedicated AA, not even after the TR Burster Max nerf in PS1.

    I am fine with keeping the default Skyguard as is if there is a way for me to spend certs into it to allow me to become an actual threat to all types of air, currently there is not. Heck I am even more effective as AA in my Max currently....
  2. Dubious

    No, thats the day it wont be any legit whines
    The good pilots will stay and the bad pilots will come and whine
  3. breezy808

    READ IT YOU LAZY IGNORANT ANTS, learning lesson for you by teacher mr. Breezy. You guy's don't understand they want ground vs ground and air vs air, you can't have air vs air + Ground. Ground needs to have effective vs air but not as strong as air vs ground. it needs to be this way when you fly air you take a BIG risk. It's a lot of investment from certs and resources. If a rocket launcher could 1-2 shot an air vehicle(Ok it doesn't really matter much that they have that flare **** or w/e to divert the rocket if you're deep in enemy territory after 6 seconds your plane going down boy yo plane going dawnnne) I like their idea the only reason you're all so upset is because you're beginning to see the game, and then it's changing again.

    if their idea was A v A G v G(which it most likely was but poor execution failed to express that) You wouldn't complain would you? You'd say ok this is the state of the game and accept it. So accept the change. But **** that 7 dollar single-purpose AA rocket pretty damn annoying g2 pay 7 dollars for single-purpose weapon sigh
  4. hostilechild

    You should stop playing then. I have killed ESF with dual burster arms(1 pass). True they flew pretty straight at me to rocket (F-key/side step).
    I have also put 2 G2A rockets in an ESF one while it approached and 1 while it flew off. (luck yes, his flares were down or didn't have and my rockets looked like a scythe flying instead of the typical turn once they typically do).
  5. InducedApathy

    I've run into more and more burster maxes (two or three) which sort of denies an area to me. The left burster is on sale which is a big deal (wish I could buy it but holidays so priorities). Might see more of them perhaps.
  6. Mericulux

    just fyi SAM sites and stingers shoot down aircraft in real life every year, I guess tech got worse in the future or rules that apply to reality are too harsh for your skill level?
  7. ThreePi

    For turrets that might be true, but for all other AA that's patently false. . An AA concealed amongst the terrain will always see the ESF in the air first and have the option to engage or not. AA almost always gets the first shot, and if they have a lower TTK than then no one would ever play ESF.
  8. Dubious

    AA will always see the aircraft first in real life too..
  9. Sock

    Just FYI 90% of military roles are non-combat in real life, let's all sit in the warp gate and do paperwork. I guess bureaucracy got better in the future or maybe rules that apply to reality are stupid for video games.
    • Up x 2
  10. SenEvason

    When planes can escape at over 200km/hr, then of course it's going to be a deterrent. It's only when multiple people are working together or the pilot is very stupid, that metal starts raining from the sky.
  11. alecholman

    No ability to dumb fire the AA/AT unless using the Decimator?
    but they're decreasing the splash of the RocketPods, which is decent enough, but that wasnt the main problem. It was pilots being able to see everyone everywhere without really even pointing towards them, then mowing them down with precision rockets.
  12. KlyptoK

    Yeah, I can't shoot tanks with it anymore so unless I take it out of a terminal to right away shoot aircraft, I'm not carrying it around.
  13. Klaatu

    Haters gonna hate.
  14. Aktarus

    damn another kid that never did any military service that thinks you can hoover 10 meters over a AA defense and survive in a plane
  15. Curze

    another person who thinks many people will stick to a game that offers infantry vehicle and aircraft options but one of them is vastly superior to the other 2
  16. Corsix

    Problem with AA in general is that rather than being a 'counter' to air itself, it only counters the MOBILITY that air have, lock on missiles and flak are both designed to make it easier to HIT aircraft. But only the ESF's are really 'hard' to hit at high speeds, the other ships are easier to hit but have a LOT of health, how to make a weapon that effectively hits a fast and vulnerable target, but is good against slow and powerful ones at the same time? Two different branches of anti-air entirely ?
  17. orionX65

    You just took it to another level of stupid, jesus christ the **** you have to read on internet. What does real life military service and anti-air have anything to do with how stuff works in a VIDEO GAME that is in no way trying to be a simulator?
  18. Aktarus

    and where all those fps get their features from mister blind guy ? and from where the basics of the balance is coming from ?...
  19. oLd.Sneakers

    What are you talking about?

    Flying by themselves lol? Most times ESF will join in fights where there are friendly infantry and armor on the ground. A few ESF attacking an armored convoy alone are dead ESFs.

    What kind of newbie bads are you playing with to let your 2-3 sunderer and 2-3 tanks and 1-2 maxes get chewed up by 2-3 lone wolfing ESFs?

    It never happends.

    Do you even know what happends when you fire pods on a magrider? He magburns and do a 180 to turn his strong armor against you then they coast into cover by trees/rocks/aa. Then 2x engineers jump out and repair the thing with upgraded repair guns and it is 100% again before you can reload.

    If you do not know what your talking about then why bother joining the discussion? It is fine for you to have an opinion about things but there is no law or rule that say that you have to air every little stupid thought you have.

    Just wanna add in, that an upgraded sunderer is not something a solo ESF can ever kill under repairs, not even remotely possible.
  20. Gunnisson

    Before the AA buff today and the nerf to composite armour, I was actually against my ESF having Infrared for Rocketpods, however with the threat of AA going very high up today and will be even higher when Skyguard is fixed, then I dont see any issues with infrared thermals. You NEED quick target aqcuisition now as an A2G ESF otherwise you'll be over a hotzone for half a second trying to make out tiny ants on the ground before you're lit up to shreds by AA without seeing a single thing.

    Having said that I love what AA buff/composite nerf has done. ESFs have to buzz in low and fast, quickly acquire targets (very quickly), launch salvo without getting munched, bug out without getting murdered by flak and mopped up by enemy ESFs. For one, flying ESFs has become and is becoming a lot more interesting and exciting. I fully welcome the changes they're bringing. The bad pilots who could only hover and spam will be forced to wisen up or be grounded, the good pilots will keep up the good fight and learn to fly around the game situation.