AA is a "Deterrent"?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hexley, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Hexley

    I'll accept AA being a "Deterrent" to aircraft when rocket pods and Liberator spam are a "Deterrent" to tanks and infantry. Get with it SOE or your gonna push away alot of your playerbase with this insistence on making air an "I WIN" button.

    On another note the upcoming changes to the AA missile launchers are gonna be a huge buff to air because nobody will bother carrying them anymore. This in turn will annoy tank drivers who will now have to face far more HA carrying the more damaging dumbfire default launcher or possibly the new Decimator.

    I really don't think you guys have thought this through very well.......

    Also buff the friggin Skyguard........it's an absolute joke of a vehicle.
    • Up x 2
  2. Alphablue

    So a faster firing, higher range AA missile launcher is a bad thing in your opinion?
  3. 13lackCats

    Another person that thinks enemy air can be combated effectively from the ground.

    *shakes head, walks out of room*
  4. Garmerr

    Let me know when they fix the joystick controls and I'll do it from the air again.
  5. Boogy

    Naaah, there's no money in buffing, probably instead they're just gonna introduce us new Super-Skyguard 2.0 for a whooping 1500 SC.. just a guess..
  6. Coconut

    Get a group with AA and coordinate fire, then it's not a deterrent, then it's death.
  7. Split267

    It's too hardddd SOE its tooo harddddd. Nerf it plz santa Sony it's too hardddd.
  8. Metalsheep

    The problem is that now that the G2A launcher cannot dumbfire, HA cannot even defend themselves from any ground based vehicle threat. So is it more likely that LESS peole will be using the G2A launcher, due to its now very, very specialized role. In favor of the dumb-fire rocket or the Anti Ground missile instead.
  9. Split267

    But I thought EVERYONE was rocketpodding?

    Skies are FILLED with aircraft I thought??

    That should enough for people to use the newly buffed G2A launcher.

    Oh wait you were exaggerating since aircraft are actually much less common than ground vehicles.
  10. Snappy

    I am a fairly good player.

    I DO NOT fly at all, my focus is infantry battles ... however
    being a smart long time player of planetside I understand the need
    to be prepared for air and tanks.

    I own:

    Two arm buster max
    Both lock on weapons.

    I generally think air is just a bit too powerful, however
    I manage just fine in my light tank and on the ground as a light assault.

    I have a few thousands kills and my k/d ratio is about 1.9

    I really never hit the forums and cry NERF ....

    Not sure why so many of you do this, find your balls and play
    the game, the devs will continue to monitor and tweak as need.

    Just as they are tweaking the air / ground stuff in the coming days.

    Sad fact is that patch is not even out and many players and already ********
    about it.

    Perhaps we should playout the new patch for several days prior to complaining about it?

    Anyway, have fun with your Forumside ...

    I am off to enjoy my new lightning certs ;-)
  11. oLd.Sneakers

    CoD lonewolfes who wanna do it all. They cannot comprehend the meaning of teamwork and combined arms.
  12. ThreePi

    The day a single AA will take out an ESF 1v1 in a fair fight is the day people stop playing air.
  13. Morpholine

    It shouldn't be, since aircraft get to dictate when and where the fight takes place 90% of the time.
  14. Metalsheep

    While true, Air is a huge problem. I am doubtful that most HA players will get rid of their Anti-Armor rocket launcher in favor of an Anti-Air one now that the dumbfire is gone. Sure, there will be soldiers who carry it, but i think in much smaller numbers than there were previously.

    I tend to stay indoors, so i don't deal with rocketpods as much as a Tank driver does. But i can see the logic in the argument that G2A launchers may soon be in short supply with the reworking of its function.
  15. AnnPerkins

    have players gain xp as they're damaging enemy vehicles rather than as assist points if a vehicle is destroyed. Problem solved.
  16. BadLlama

    To be fair this lonewolf thing is the exact attitude ESF pilots have flying around by themselves. They will ***** and moan about AA when they fly their solo plane into an AA nest and die a horrific death. Moral of the story: EVERYONE is a whiny baby that wants to do everything themselves.

    The only issue I have with AA being a "deterrent" is that still, you do not earn any xp for "deterring" and enemy unless some one else actually finishes them off, in which case you get a measly little assist xp amount.
  17. Sowahka

    Ugh. If you see aircraft then resupply with the G2A launcher. What do you think Buster MAX suits have to do when infantry and vehicles start rolling in? They're complete food for infantry and vehicles. Apply the same method with your HA. All the other classes have major problems defending themselves against vehicles, you're playing the one class that gets a choice. Play how you want, but you have to decide if you want your launcher to be good against ground or air targets and find a resupply point when you want to switch.
  18. JeanLannes

    May I ask what you specifically mean by AA? Because if you mean the AA MAX Suit (e.g. dual Bursters), and HA class then I would disagree with you. Both of these should act as deterrents, they are stop-gap solutions when your squad or platoon encounters enemy air superiority.

    However I do believe that AA turrets at bases and the Skyguard on the Lightning should act as more than a deterrent, they should pose grave threats to enemy air and should require a ground assault to remove. They represent I think, more than anything else, the hard ground counter to enemy air.

    So I suppose as ever I am a half and half sort of guy (How Solomon of me :p ), but hey these are just my thoughts and I am usually wrong. :D
  19. Metalsheep

    I don't play HA, i was just stating what the OP means that there will likely be less G2A missile users. Even though the missile was buffed for its intended use.

    I agree that HA will simply have to switch out for a more specialized weapon if they feel the need for it, instead of being able to carry one at all times. (Though i do believe the G2A rocket did some 25% less damage to ground targets previously.) Though i do believe that HA should be more verstile than a MAX suit, which is basically designed around being extreamly specialized as compared to their Infantry counterparts. Which may be why other HAs just carry the dumbfire rocket and dont bother switching. Simply for the versatility of having a LMG and a rocket that can be used against all targets.
  20. Eyeklops

    I am hoping the incoming SG buff is good as I would rather see the ground based AA role filled more by the SG, and less by infantry/maxes.

    I really think SOE is making a bad design choice here. It should not take a "group" of people +certs +cert costed weapons to down a solo kill whoor ESF. Why not just make ESF's glass cannons with low timers/ low resource cost so the air jockeys can stay afloat? Make ESF's the equivalent of air based infantry, quick to die, but fast to get back up. Putting a single person vehicle with a high "I can run'z away from you'z" factor above all else and making the dedicated ground based AA vehicle only a "deterrent" is blatantly stupid. LOTS of other people see the problem, but Higgles and Smedmiester refuse to address it properly because they are both "flyboys" themselves. It's starting to look like a situation where a developers personal interest is creating an obvious imbalance in the game.

    If the air jocks want to dogfight, raise the freakin flight ceiling out of AA reach. Why is this so hard to do?