I Feel Useless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Odalric, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Odalric

    So, I've been out on the Battlefield for about 2 weeks now. I love the game. The concept, the lore, I love it, and I can't explain why. Maybe it's my love of reenacting and wargames, but that's another story.

    The one feeling I can't seem to shake is the useless feeling. I feel it in the pit of my stomach that I'm a detriment to my buddies. If I get a kill it's almost pure luck. I'm sitting on a .3 or so KDR. I've tried Light Assault and when I can't hit anything I usually end up as a Medic healing people, and then I just seem to die a lot.

    I've looked up the basic training videos. I've watched streams, it just doesn't seem to translate. I know what to do, but execution seems to be another matter. I don't want to give up yet, but I'm looking for ways to be useful. The only thing I can think of changing right now is my faction focus. Been playing all three, but with my lack of skill I was considering focusing on TR for awhile for the bigger clips/ Higher RoF. NC is just a mess for me right now. Haven't really tried Vanu enough yet.

    I know there's a learning curve, and I've accepted the fact that I'm below average, but I'm going to try and succeed. I just don't know what changes I could try to help me get there, so I thought I would beseech the forums for help.

    Maybe a break to cool off is necessary. I'll check back tomorrow after finals and see how I feel.
  2. Luft

    Be strategic. This game isn't all about getting the most kills. There is a lot of value in a well-placed Sunderer spawn point, or a generator room defended with anti-personnel proximity mines at the entrances, or a base turret repaired quickly after being destroyed, or a well-placed ammo pack.

    If you have the certs (or station cash), a dedicated anti-air MAX unit is a great thing to pull during a base defense. Wait until the air units get close and then open up on them, you'll get a kill 2/3 times (in my experience).

    Grabbing an infiltrator loadout and sitting far away on a hill just spotting things for your active combat squad can net a good chunk of XP as well.

    These are just things I do because my computer isn't very awesome so I often can't compete in a close quarters fight.
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  3. siiix

    no worries i have 0.4 KDR as well , its depends on the style you play , i prefer play support , and hunt aircraft... i still have a blast

    i rater do something useful like clear the air from enemy craft even if it rarely gives me a kill and only 30XP / downed plane

    i'm to bored of playing close corner FPS's, thats where you score kills... i say screw the frag fest, i rater have fun my way and still are a huge help to my team
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  4. ShadowViper

    Don't worry about your starting k/d ratio. You're just starting and things are brand new for you. On top of that their are other important ways you can help team-mates out that are not k/d related.

    Roll an engineer or a Medic and just focus on a support role at first. Repair and Revive and you will be able to get a lot of certs and experience while being able to provide a pivotal role for the team. You also get used to flow of combat and the layout of bases.

    Some things I try and do while i'm running infantry is; to let the zerg roll on in front of you and move at a slower pace. You have a less chance to get fragged by a team-mate or end up in a bottleneck. Roll an infiltrator and take a break and snipe in the back a little bit.

    Also I really recommend finding a good group to play with.
  5. JohnSnowman

    If you die too fast then the easy solution is geting into something more durable. Take a tank or a MAX any time its strategicaly feasable. Trial dual infantry weapons in a large infantry battle. Preferrably when you are on defense.
  6. CobraFive

    Press alt+f in game (you'll have to press alt again to regain control). What is your FPS? Having a low FPS will mean you get killed a lot more then you should.

    Also, try playing a heavy assault if you haven't, its a great learning class. Its a lot easier then light assault, who is at a disadvantage to other classes if you don't already understand infantry fights well and understand how to play a light assault to his advantages.

    Don't get stuck in playing medic or engineer as a support role, unless that's really what you want to do. It won't help you learn the game.

    Although, if ALL you're looking for is KDR, play tanks.
  7. badname123

    If you play on Matherson (US East) i could always use a pocket engineer for my max. You'll get 20-30 XP a repair cycle+ammo resupply XP.
    I don't care if you're the worst player on earth if you ............... Well maybe not the worst, let's not go that far, i just imagined the worst player and i don't want that person any where near me or on the same team as me.

    If you aren't good at killing, repair my max. A pocket engineer on my dual mercy max is game changing. I've held off and pushed back the zerg with that combo.

    There is always a place for bad players....... i mean people who suck at killing.
  8. r.Tek

    Same. If you play on Mattherson, I don't mind helping you out. I usually play alone, but you can hop on teamspeak with me if you want and we can play. Shoot me a friend request. Name is "rTeku".
  9. Goden

    It is, actually.

    If you don't farm kills you will get nowhere in this game. They are the biggest cert payer and without certs you can't buy upgrades or attachments or weapons.
  10. TheBlueMagician

    If you're having a lot of trouble getting kills or staying alive, be a dedicated driver. From what it sounds like, you either suffer from framerate issues, skill issues, or both. If it's framerate issues, I can definitely sympathize: I get around 20 FPS in a large battle if I'm lucky, and it can make aiming a real problem. Tank battles? More like "pretend to be involved, but really just be a fast distraction to take fire off people who can actually aim and shoot."

    I don't know your history with FPS games, but from what you've described it doesn't sound like you're too good. Which is fine, because there's more than one way to play PS2. First off, the easiest thing I can recommend is to be a driver, as I mentioned previously. Get 50 certs (just participate and be in a large base when it's taken to get 4 free certs), and grab the mobile spawn equip for the Sunderer. Spawn one of those at the warpgate, and get some people in it, and take it to a hot zone. Stay as an engi, and keep your sunderer alive, and you will not only be a huge benefit to your team (quick, forward spawn point), but you can also rack up mega EXP if you get a good spawn point early.

    You could also consider learning to fly. Currently, there are a few flying things you can do that don't need intensive FPS skills: flying a liberator is all about the flying; it takes a bit to get used to, and you aren't a quick aircraft, but you can do some real good in a Liberator with an anti-tank weapon on it. Grab a buddy or two, and fly that over a heavily contested area when there isn't much air resistance, your team will love you for it. Alternatively, the Galaxy is a great way to ferry a good amount of people to a hot zone over enemy lines, which can be really helpful. Finally, try grabbing the A2AM for the ESF (the fighters for each empire): they currently are very easy to use, and you can provide excellent air support to other flyers from your faction. Run with a buddy, and make sure that anything on his tail gets off it.

    Also consider joining an outfit. If you need help learning, or need some people to guide you through what to do, a good outfit can help give you direction and a place to be, rather than aimlessly wandering through every battle getting killed a lot.

    As a final note, if you are a seasoned FPS veteran and PS2 is just giving you issues because it's just not clicking, I didn't mean to be offensive with my comment about your skills. The same advice still applies, though.
  11. Luft

    I can get 75 certs in a couple of hours just from repairing MAXes and dropping ammo and a prox mine or grenade kill here and there. I don't have any form of XP boost. That's not bad.
  12. Neodrauka

    As others have stated, practice will pave the way. It can be a steep learning curve for those either not used to FPS games in general, or people that aren't used to true battle physics such as bullet drop and target acquisition (Leading the target - Like Duck hunt :D)

    Anyway, a great starter class is the Heavy Assault as others have stated, also try roll around with mates and / or a group so your not the only target on the screen for the enemy. As time goes on your reflexes will improve and you'll accustom to things like recoil and checking corners, staying out of the open needlessly etc.

    Don't sweat your K / D, I've been playing FPS games for years and I'm only just getting into my game on PS2, learning the areas helps a lot. As time goes on your K / D will lift, and be sure to monitor your weekly stats rather than All Time. Hope you get there man ;) We ALL had to start somewhere. Keep at it!
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  13. Andimar

    K/D means nothing. Its all about helping your team take or defend objectives. You can always ask your team what they need and most people will be polite about it.
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  14. Polarity

    On top of what the other guys have said above, try looking for a good Liberator pilot that has his lib certed out. It's a load of fun just flying around raining down destruction, and the best part is there's no pressure on you. All you have to do is lob shots down at targets. It gives great XP to the gunner and it's a good place to start out because you gain a lot of certs fairly quickly. If you're on Waterson, send me a PM on the forums, I'd be glad to have you gun in my Lib or to help with whatever you need.
  15. Greblin

    Odalric, there are a few basic things that are good to keep in mind.

    Stick to cover. Who ever shoots first has a huge advantage. If you run around, you will be spotted and they will get to shoot you first.

    Find a class you like and play it a bunch. Each weapon is different, and takes getting used to. You will miss a lot at first, but you will get better.

    Don't go in first. You aren't accurate/aware/fast enough to break past some one holding cover against the zerg. Find some one else, follow them. Hide where they hide, shoot what they shoot.

    You are going to die a ton. It is the nature of planetside. Don't worry about it. Respawn and try a different way to the objective.

    Remeber, if you were with a buddy and you died, he might have killed them. That defiantly counts for something.

    If you want, make a character on us west connery, vanu sov. My name is Greb. Ill run around with you and show you what I know. The basics can translate pretty well to any race.
  16. Purp

  17. Basti


    Play VS, play HA or Max. Make sure you use the HA shield.

    Stay in groups, dont rush in alone, but stay with the team.

    Also, turn down your mouse sensivity. It sounds like you cant aim for sh**, usually turning down your sensivity helps there.

    After that, its just getting better. Adapt to your mouse, learn to aim for the chest of enemys, and then slowly work your way up to their head. Get Forward Grip, Compensator and Soft point ammo for your gun of choice, they help a lot with recoil and damage.

    Get smart. Nobody is winning a 2 vs 1 head on. Try to outplay your enemy, get them from behind, thats how i maintain my current 1.3 KD ratio, slowly going up.

    Mind your surroundings. If in a vehicle, use Q heavly and check for enemys. make sure you give the enemy an opportunity to shoot a rocket in your butt. If possible, always show the front of your vehicle to the enemy.
  18. Badname2490

    Gonna say this now.

    No one cares about KDR.
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  19. Littleman

    *No one else cares about your KDR.* I think if someone's asking for advice, there's some stock in one's own KDR. It's not the end all, be all stat, but it's the only one we can see right now :( I'd like to see how many people I revived as a medic. Right now, I judge how I'm doing by my score, cert gain rate, and K/D. About all the self-evaluating info we get.

    But as for KDR, unless you either have a killer rig, are setting yourself up to safely killfarm, or are lagging pretty hard, you're unlikely to see higher K/D's to begin with. Skill can't beat framerate issues. They can compensate, but it's like a ****** driver racing the Daytona 500 in a station wagon. You'll get better with practice. I really recommend moving from cover to cover and checking your corners, but keeping this in mind can be somewhat tough. I know how I should enter through a doorway... I'm often in too big a rush to bother doing it right because I'm the slightly-above-average typical zergling, through and through.
  20. Zaik

    I have one bit of advice for you, communicated solely through the internet's #1 method of visual aid.

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