This got 350+ upvotes on /r/Planetside, why isn't getting attention here?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeltaHawk, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. DeltaHawk

  2. Onionbird

    Probably because its a random mess of crap that doesn't mean anything?
    • Up x 16
  3. Campor

    Yeah, that just looks like a mess to me.
  4. Chuina

    As a part of a large outfit who sometimes runs operations of up to 100 people this is a MUST. It would improve strategic command a thousand percent and allow the platoon leader to not just be sitting at the warpgate and looking at a map but actively routing their platoons, keeping comms with specific in game personnel, and possibly earn XP for doing so. I would love this to be a content patch later in the year, fantastic idea.

    Even if you had to use a special terminal in the warpgate to use this, it would be nothing but beneficial.
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  5. xtoph

    You guys must have never been apart of a large platoon or even bigger if you think that is a mess, in reality it is the best idea for command ever.
    • Up x 5
  6. QuantumGuard

    Because reddit is not that improtant as you think it is, it's just another 4chan, just with upvotes/downvotes system which makes it even worse. A bunch of 350 upvotes mean nothing.
  7. MisterFister

    It seems like it wouldn't fit very nicely with the mechanics of the game that are currently in place. For example: what's the point of getting the commander comms channel cert if the commander can speak to squad leaders for free anyways?

    It would require a whole lotta work to implement. Not saying it isn't possible, but there would be technical issues to address as well.
  8. DeltaHawk

    Try reading. You know...that thing you should been learning in middle school as we speak?

    Anyone who has ever tried leading a(n) organized platoon(s) would understand the idea behind this concept.
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  9. TheFirstOmen

    It is actually a very good idea for a platoon interface. As a member of the 666 Devil Dogs, our commanders would love this.
  10. Bags

    Because it's lel Reddit.

    And I have no idea waht I'm looking at.
  11. Onionbird

    Aw you're cute when your widdle stupid picture gets mocked.
  12. DeltaHawk

    Maybe if you stopped playing as though Planetside 2 was a Call of Duty spin off, you would understand the very basic idea this concept presents.
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  13. DeltaHawk

    Watch out, we got a badass over here.
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  14. Onionbird

    Narwhal bacon le derpina to you goon sir.
  15. DeltaHawk

    Funny thing is, I actually didn't post this on Reddit...someone else did and I was just informed. Ironically, the original post for this concept was here in the Planetside 2 forums.

    Of course, the masses here are too busy whining about the game being "Pay2Win" because their moms won't let them borrow their Capital One credit cards to buy some skull helmets.
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  16. Garfboy

    It's a concept guys, as you're well aware of noticing. This looks like it has a lot of promise - the command features should definitely be expanded to include better overviews like the one you've drawn above. Nice work.
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  17. Campor

    I might be for it if it looked a bit more organized than that. Again, it looked too much like a mess of things thrown around in random places. The barebones idea is good, sure, but I'd need to see it laid out better. Or maybe it's just the out of place white background that's throwing off my focus. Either way.
  18. DeltaHawk

    I figured people would be smart enough slowly analyze each element.

    Of all the major Platoon and Outfit leaders I've passed it through, I've received nothing but praise.
    • Up x 1
  19. Exidius

    I't looks great and is something that is the game is missing. But on the other hand there are many more things that are in need to be done/added. Definatly love the Tool thou.
  20. ikon

    it does make sense, the game got overhauled from ps1

    why not the map system