Instant kill Claymores and n00btubes don't add anything positive to the game, from fun to skill.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ImGladUmad, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. ImGladUmad

    First of all, I know what you are going to say "This game is about objective, not killing people"

    Yes I know....Let me show you how claymores/n00btubes destroy the fun of objectives.

    Before all the horrible players found out about n00btubes/Claymores...Objectives were skill/tactical based IMO...People were defending with guns, people were choosing tactical places to defend from...People who were attacking needed some skill in hipfire accuracy.....It was just overall more skillful/tactical IMO.

    Now is not....since you can get instant kills.

    n00btubes are camping doorways of objectives getting instant kills.......Bouncing betties are being put in jumpads where people can't check if they are their(is impossible to check in that scenario) .....All these things diminish the skill involved in the game....

    You no longer need a team to secure and objective...Some claymore can do the job and get instant kills....You no longer need to be a good shot, you have an instant kill n00btube.

    See this just diminishes the fun/skill of the game.

    Now Im going to respond to your questions that i know are coming.

    Why dont you just learn to deal with Claymores, why dont you check the ground?

    First of all it is Impossible to check the ground in Jumpads/Elevator levitation....IMPOSSIBLE...You can't check to see if theirs a mine where you land....This my friend is Instant skilless kills.
    2nd of all, your right in other scenarios, you can look out for claymores on the ground.....But this hurts gameplay/fun of the game...It slows down the pace...and when it doesn't slow down the pace, lets say you are running for your life.....and you run into a claymore, is just the worst way to die IMO....Absolutely zero skill is involved

    At least when somebody kills you with a gun, he has to have some sort of accuracy.

    n00btubes take some skill to use, and arnt guns better than n00btubes in most situations????

    n00btubes don't take much skill to use....Is quite easy to camp and get an instant skill aiming at a doorway.....Also since the n00btube does a lot of damage even when missed, it will get you decent critical assist....Guns are better in most situations but the n00btube can't be underestimated , like I said is an instant skilless kill....It will kill any stationary target....Unlike using bullets where it actually takes some skill to kill somebody.

    Whats the difference between a n00btube killing you and a guy coming from behind and kill you?

    Big difference......When somebody comes from behind to kill you, you actually have a chance to fight.....Also the person shooting at you needs to actually not miss his shots.

    With n00btubes/Rockets......Is a guaranteed 100% kill if he sees you standing their or has you in corridor where you cant strafe.......Trust me is a joke how they can instant kill you their.



    Corridor and doorways are 100% Instant kill for n00btubes.....Their is not way to strafe and make them miss....

    SOE, more and more players are using these tactics, Im glad they are this soon because you will see how players are going to spam this
    • Up x 2
  2. Jackflash2

    [quote="ImGladUmad, post: 727923, member: 18918" ] [ /quote]

    Hmmm interesting name for such a topic.
  3. ImGladUmad

    I don't want the game to become skilless/not fun.

    I know the horrible players are happy that they can get instant kills by camping some doorway or putting some claymore in the place where you land from a jumpad but Im afraid that needs to change.....For the good of the game.
  4. PoopMaster

    Use light assault and don't come in through the door, problem solved.
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  5. Wombat

    There is a place. Over there.

    They're is a contraction of They are

    Their is the possessive case of they. Their guns, their sundie, their base. (the guns, sunderer and base *they* own)

    Since you took the time to color, resize and add pictures to your post, I recommend also proof reading your post.
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  6. Shorvok

    The way this was written makes it impossible for me to take any points you made seriously. If you want to have a serious discussion about something try actually being serious about your complaint.
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  7. ImGladUmad

    Well that settles it then people.....Everybody be light Assault

    oo yeah never use doors again either.
  8. BANGbangBANG

    I see it differently. I ask my entire outfit to cert claymores so when we leave a base and it gets re attacked we will know and have a chance to go back and defend some places i just know will have claymores no matter what like the tech plant gens on the top of the stairs thats a given.

    I think a more legitimate issue is the fact that tr claymores are easy to spot and the other 2 factions mines are more flat and harder to spot making them much better than our mines.
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  9. ImGladUmad

    I dont see like that....I would much rather have device advising you if it detect and enemy...Maybe give you a ping or something to tell u is under attack.

    But nothing as lame as getting an easy Skillesss Instant kill.
  10. Dragonzord86

    I'm an engineer with both a noobtube, and multiple claymores. Nothing is more fun =)

    I quite enjoy putting claymores infront of your spawn so that when you come out, you die instantly. And then I put one at the other spawn, to get you as you try to outsmart me by going the other way ;)

    Then when you attack me, ill tube your face.

    An angry opponent is one that makes mistakes. I enjoy this.
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  11. Wemmick

  12. ImGladUmad

    Don't worry I still destroy horrible players like u.

    I been thinking about putting certs to an engineer with n00b tube horrible player loadout.....Then make videos of me owning ppl with skilless n00btube/Claymores to prove a point.
  13. Dragonzord86

    What point would that be? That claymores and tubes are skillless?

    So, you're proving that you're skillless.

    Logic fail.

    umad, imgladumad?
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  14. Xenocide

    what is a noobtube btw?
  15. Spectral Haze

  16. ImGladUmad

    Im proving how easy it is.

    Well I have lots of skill.
  17. Kracin

    Wait so you must go up against a huge force solo, because jump pad camping with claymores only works on the first person up, same for doorway tubes, they have to reload ya know.

    I think if you just walk into battle second instead of rushing in headfirst expecting the enemy to not be ready, then you will do ok. Til then, im gonna pwn you and be 12 and say l2p, because this topic is dumb
  18. FreelancePanic

    The 'noobtube' (AKA 'Pro Pipe') is the underslung grenade launcher available as a front rail attachment for some weapons.

    It is able to deal one hit kills on direct, or near-direct hits, wounding in misses. It has a smaller radius compared to a normal grenade, but it does not cost infantry resources to restock, and may be restocked from an Engineer's ammo kit (currently bugged).

    EDIT: wow, didn't know what was censored.
  19. Xenocide

    oh. never used it.
  20. ImGladUmad

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