3 years of grinding vs instant access for $300 = P2W

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bejita231, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Bejita231

    By the time you grind those 3 years and get on my level they will have released NEW OP guns that i will once again pay for instant access too and you will start on your new cycle of grinding

    You just cant win, their is no f2p, only p2w in Planeside2

    and yes, i payed and fully endorse this message
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  2. Renthrak

    The time required to earn enough certs to buy a single decent weapon is pretty discouraging. How many times to people need to get their *** kicked by someone with a 1000 cert gun before they can have one of their own? It's not literally pay to win, but if you make the alternative unpleasant enough, the difference is academic.
  3. RF404

    I will tell you a secret, but you must promise that you won't tell anyone about it: You don't have to unlock all weapons in the game.
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  4. Vonluckner

    Honestly, the only real serious upgrades that are that expensive are the guns on the lib, guns on the lightning, and rockets and missiles for fighter.

    All of these have more to do with the fact that the stock guns for these vehicles are pretty terrible. I wouldn't call any of the infantry weapons p2w- most of the stock guns are very usable.
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  5. LDF IceWyvern

    I dunno about you, but TR base weapons sure are good. Good as in better than those 700SC/1000 cert NC guns.

    Like the carv...

    The carv...



    Edit: I just started a new TR character, pointed at a group of vanu around a corner, held down the lmb, and now I'm 6-1.
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  6. Ancalagon

    Stock guns get the job done. I used the stock gun alot despite getting the free guns from the Alpha pack thing.

    Stock guns are usually a great middle choice when you don't want to go specifically for CQC weapons or long range.

    People always complain about what they don't have being better than what they have. There is a reason the proverb "The grass is greener on the other side" was created. I use stock guns alot, but I'll freely admit that I have the money to spare so I can just cash out several other weapons as well. And from my experience, using both unlocked weapons and stock ones... the difference is minimal. If I roll with the CQC guns, I'll be shot down at range... and vice versa. I've killed and been killed numerous times by stock weapons.

    It's all about perspective and point of view. You think the guns are alot better, but trust me, once you unlock them you'll soon figure out that they aren't all that fantastic.

    However, at that point I guess the new excuse will be "The other empire guns are OP compared to my empire guns".

    Whiners will be whiners.
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  7. Tasogie

    Still trying to prove pay to win where there isnt any I see. Though in all honesty, the OP is trolling for a bite more than anything.
    No weapons give you instant win, it didnt happen.
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  8. Vibe

    This goes ONLY for Liberator, ESF and AA. All the other stuff you're on an equal level no matter if you spent SC or not.
  9. BlueWaffle

    You do realise no one is forcing you to play this game right? If you don't like it then you can always move on and play something else. A company make a product to make money from it. How they sell it and for what price is up to them. If people are willing to pay then they will keep selling. The games doing quite well for itself as far as I see.

    I repeat if you don't like it then move on.

    Skill + tactical awareness > what gun you bought ALL day long.
  10. Jet Uppercut

    All of the perks and things that actually matter are bought with certs. Paying just lets you get a decent weapon without spending the certs so you can max out your character faster.
    Instead of focusing on guns, just get the character perks. Using the same gun IS boring, but stuff like C4 and extra frag grenades isn't.
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  11. HKdeadman

    Got 1500 certs since release, get the sundy spawn upgrade, play engeneer, place ur sundy good, place a squad becon goot, give ammunition to the crowd and make easy 1000 cert / week playing 4-5 hrs a day.

    And you wont need 20 000 certs to get ur weapons, 4000-6000 should do it if you focus one one class and one vehicle type.

    So playing a month active will give you almost the same level vs a 200. € SC player.
    Just pay mony ,or earn the certs yourself.

    I prefer to earn them cause, seriously, unlocking that. BFG is fun 2 me. But others just have fun when the own the server, please uninstall if ur one of them.
  12. Lakora

    Awesome math there mate, it's safe to assume than that you're utter and completely crap at aiming right? So here's the news flash even with that new shiny weapon you're still utter and complete crap at aiming. Might come as a shock but you there's no significant advantage that makes you better.

    People are seriously missunderstand what pay to win means... There's no advantage to having them (Rocket pods n Dalton/Zephyr excluded since they should be standard n everyone knows it) But having an Compact Gauss S vs Standard NC gun is stat wise no bloody difference hence if you suck you suck.

    If it had been that you could purchase an Automatic ohk Carbine than I'd agree with the p2w crowd since even if you could grind for it you'd never get there since you'd be dead instantly.

    But currently for the infantry the weapons are really nothing more than sidegrades depending on playstyle. Some prefer the AC-11, some prefer the GD7F others like the Compact Guass S thing being in the end that they all stack up evenly with the standard NC Carbine.

    In other words OP... Please learn to aim before calling P2W
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  13. Xasapis

    Here's how I think this will pan out for myself. I generally set up a regular subscription account on every game I like and intend to play for a while, even F2P titles if they give me this option. I'm also willing to spend the box price in terms of possible fast upgrades, but only once I get the feeling for the game, so my money are well placed.

    Now, I have disposable income to buy a lot more. But I won't. The reason is that if I do buy all I want, I'll be denying myself of long term goals. This will cut down my enjoyment of the game considerably, since I am generally an achiever and I'd rather aim for a long term cert goal than have certs lying around with nothing meaningful to use them on.

    Btw, I'm generally making 200 certs per day on a working day. I do have a feeling for the game though, so that helps.
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  14. ViikZzz

    We need admins to start locking these pointless threads and just pin down an explanation of how things work. There are so many whining about the whole money thing and a lot of it goes from people who actually didn't bought anything, sometimes they even think that you can directly by CP :D
  15. MobileAssaultDuck

    Yes, because people specialize in every class and vehicle.

    You will be able to completely deck out a class in a very reasonable amount of time.

    A paying player will simply be able to deck out multiple classes. He still can only use one at a time though.

    It's like buying heroes in LoL. You gain variety and utility, not power.
  16. raw

    that's not how it works, OP
  17. Noctover

    Why is everyone in a rush to unlock everything? I dont get it........Having things take 4-5 hours of gameplay just to unlock a Silencer etc always gives you something to work toward, something to work on, gives people their own unique set of priorities to work for.......Everyone just seems to be in a rush to hit the max BR and unlock all so they think they are suddenly the best.

    Its such a simpleton attitude....First thing i noticed when browsing the guns section is, its a trade off. The fact is i started with 4k station cash, i bought a bit on the double sale day, and bought a bunch of things tried em out and guess what......I use the default weapons still because they suit my playstyle the most!

    They are SIDEGRADES everything is a tradeoff, you sacrifice ROF for damage, or you get fairly high ROF and damage with terrible accuracy ETC ETC ETC.

    Non of the guns are straight up better, and i'd argue that the starting weapons are the most well balanced for all factions.

    I think its about time people realised P2W = buying POWER, or buying an ADVANTAGE......Not buying a NEW GUN, the progression system isn't worse -> better.

    The nearest you get to buying power is buying an XP boost to level faster or get more certs so guess what.....You support SOE you get sidegrades quicker.

    For the simple what im saying is, your buying SC, to buy a gun that is simply better, because they are not, therefore it is not P2W.

    Oh and just an FYI people think its "P2W"; go and buy a triple-A FPS release (£40 for CoD, £30 for BF3) worth of SC and buy your "OP" weapon, then you can consider it a 1 off purchase that you'd pay normally for a standard business model FPS that you don't whine about, and call it quits.
  18. Achmed20

    for the OP weapons part, if you take the average values of all weapons out there. they all have the same stats.
    they are just tradoffs. have better CQC, therefore you suck at everything else.
    have more dmg, but be prepared for way lower RoF... there is no and there never will be a weapon which has maxed all stats.
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  19. maxkeiser

    If you don't fly, what do you actually NEED to unlock? All the stock weapons are more than good enough.
  20. WaRadius

    OP, you can't equip all the guns at the same time.
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