Dear non-Snipers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MinisterofDeath, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. MinisterofDeath

    Please stop running over to snipers on your own team with your "we're over here" stupid weapons (muzzle flashes, rockets, etc). Or worse, standing directly in my field of fire.

    We are on your team, no need to disrupt the one guy calling incomings and killing important targets because "That sniper is getting a lot of kills over there, I'm going to join him." Please go spam your spray-and-pray somewhere else.

    I will tell you to go away once. There won't be a second time, you'll be respawning.
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  2. Badmethod

    Had a few of those, 'hold breath, aim careful, fire' and nail some guy that just ran in front of me even though it's clear what I am doing moments. I used to whisper and apologize... I couldn't be bothered anymore...
  3. HadesR

    Can we turn this into a " Dear Please don't do X " thread :)

    Cus my biggest gripe atm is people who try to throw nades out the spawn room .. oh looky it just bounced off the frame and came back in killing 10 of your team mates.
    I hope not being able to fit it in the hole doesn't translate to their sex life
  4. Alois Hammer

    Nobody is going over there because they want to ruin your special little sniper nest. More like, they never even knew there was a sniper over there.

    They're going over there because flanking the enemy is a natural thing to do - it's much easier to get kills and makes life much harder for the enemy if they're under fire from one of the flanks. On top of that, one of the keys of both offense and defense in this game is spawn control - you need to find the enemy's Sunderers and destroy them in order to shut off the flow (or, for attackers, to limit it to a single location which you can interdict while you get your cap on.) Both of these things mean that people are going to head out on the flanks and start hunting for (a) the enemy's spawn and (b) a path to the enemy's spawn that doesn't involve single-handedly Rambo-ing through the entire enemy zerg.

    On top of that, it's generally a good idea to engage most infantry that you see, assuming you've got a weapon with the appropriate range and damage type (and since anyone going Sundy-hunting needs rockets, and the rocket-equipped guys also have machine guns...) The time-to-kill in this game is low, and if you decide to try to pass like ships in the night, and the other guy sees you, quite often the time between "I notice that I got shot" and "I'm staring at my collapsing corpse" is less than a second. Infiltrators have the luxury of pressing F to move from cover to cover, other classes not so much. Sometimes you've got to shoot first.

    If there's so many enemies that your sniper rifle isn't enough to keep them in check, then you're in an area that's dangerous enough that anyone else who might be there with you had darned well better be shooting the red triangles.
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  5. MinisterofDeath

    I know a thing or two about what I am doing and it goes beyond video games. You're way off.

    This isn't even a debate. I told you what will happen and I encourage others to start doing the same.
  6. Aghar30

    Dear snipers,
    Please stop thinking your some kind of special snowflake. If I'm over where you are I have my own damn reasons, it might even be to supply you ammo/heal you. Or it might be a great spot for my platoon/squad to stage an attack from.
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  7. Xandax

    I agree with the sentiment in general, and if somebody runs in front as I'm firing, well .... too bad for him (same goes for me if I run in front of others - too bad for me :D) .....

    But one might also argue that as a sniper, you're in the wrong position if somebody with their small pew-pew weapon wants to stand in the same location :D
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  8. Aghar30

    oh btw if someone gets in your way, yes blast them. If I'm staging an attack from your nest i stay behind you and give orders to not shoot till the rush begins, cause well stealth is a great tool.
  9. Alesteex

    If I'm gonna be respawning then YOU'RE gonna be respawning ...
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  10. Achmed20

    Dear snipers,
    if you were that easy to find, then you got your positioning wrong.
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  11. CoreDave

    Dear Snipers, Please understand that you are not in fact a sniper you are an infiltrator. There is a good reason for this and that is because in a word where when someone is killed they are back in the fight in around 5 seconds fully restocked with ammo such it is vastly more important to push in and take territory than it is to ***** killz with your l33t skills. Infiltrators should be infiltrating, hacking terminals, ambushing and causing chaos where the enemy feels safest. Not sitting on some hill head shoting random people and getting peeved when his team mates try and use his flank to make some actual progress.
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  12. Achmed20

    to be fair, that had this job in beta where they used to have shottys. which proved pretty much invinceable paired with cloak.
    they had it removed an now they have become these strange hybrids.
  13. Mishkel

    That happens to me waaaay more when I'm HA rather than sniper. The difference is when people try to jump in front of me to get in on kills... Is always when I'm laying down fire. I don't have to tell them once I just see the *warning* pop up and keep doing what I was doing.

    Beyond that when I am in sniper mode... they wouldn't even be able to see what I was shooting at.
  14. IshanDeston

    Same applies to Infiltrators. Nothing more annoying than hunting 20 minutes for the perfect spot, perching yourself.... and then you see 4 more idiots running to you and setting up camp next to you. Silenced or not, at this point you can pack up and leave, as that many infiltrators might as well set up a billboard to announce themselves.
  15. AlesTwo

    Recently I went up to the sniper hill with my engineer using my Soliste SF on single-shot mode and 6x zoom and provided ammo to my sniper friends while hitting enemy heads together with them.

    Do I get a cookie?
  16. Vibe

    Dear Sniper,

    you are an Infiltrator and should at least try to be useful to your team.
    "Important targets" trolol
  17. IshanDeston

    Nah. 1 hour per day is mine. Thats when i get into my infiltrator gear and go lone wolfing. The rest of the time i am playing squadmember, doing all the good stuff.

    But that one hour as Sniper is mine alone.
  18. Evilnox

    Dear Everyone.

    Quit running away when I'm healing you.

    medic with linebacker calfs from chasing your *** for 90 miles with my heal gun out.
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  19. Tooks

    I always lol when I see people refer to snipers as taking out 'Important Targets' as if anyone with a red arrow above their head is more important than anyone else with a red arrow above their head.

    What you really should say is "Leave me alone while I'm trying to pick off people who're afk or stupid enough to stand still outside of cover"
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  20. Xizwhoa

    Dear medic, please you your audio functions to let me know you are chasing me...


    Your xp sponge