[Devs] Silencers and Suppression

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sharmanti, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Sharmanti


    Random combo I know. Just wanted to say it :)

    - Silencers reduce velocity waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. They doesn't provide very good "stealth" nontheless as I often find myself being spotted by firing anyways. Which sucks. It's, like, half a second delay firing on people 10 meters away.

    - Suppression.. This is needed. I am so sick of freaking infiltrators being fired upon with millions of bullets, turn around, shoot me in the head for the instakill. A good example of what suppression could do is BF3, nothing feels more tactical and awesome than providing suppressive fire as your teammates move through open terrain. A sniper would get tottaly shut down just from firing in his general direction. It's an amazing way to kill the "one man army" and promote team-oriented play
  2. TimeyWimey

    No suppression please. What it does is reward you for missing your target; it rewards your bad aim. Hit the target, it will shake the opponent's view.

    If someone gets the jump on me and I turn and while under fire get my sights on his head I shouldn't get the kill? Just because the other guy can't shoot? No thanks. Always hated it in bf3. It's an idiotic system.
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  3. UberBonisseur


    There are two kinds of suppression:
    -Bad, where bullets flying over your head create suppression
    -Good, where bullets hitting nearby cover create suppression

    Suppression is a great mechanic when done right.
  4. TimeyWimey

    The only kind of suppression I could live with is a slight screen shake/blurry shake, but it should NEVER affect your accuracy. That's just bollocks. If I can still, under that stupid screen shake get my aim right, I shouldn't be missing because my enemy can't shoot for ****. Besides, you already hear the bullets whizzing by and you'll be seeing them coming at your way too. There's an "invisible suppression" in there already.

    No thanks to more stupid ideas from bf3.
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  5. Bulwarklion

    Do you guys want to add in blinking, too? Suppression is already in the game.
  6. UltraSexInferno

    Both of those are bad, and as TimeyWimey said, "What it does is reward you for missing your target; it rewards your bad aim.", which is exactly true, in a game where it takes only few bullets to kill somebody suppression is not needed at all. If you get the jump on somebody and your aim is that bad that they end up killing you then practise more, don't ask to be molly-coddled.
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  7. DiabloMuerto

    It's not an idiotic system, in a real world scenario if someone is laying down suppressive fire on you you're not going to go running around in it, you're going to hunker down until they reload or you try to flank around. That's what the suppression mechanic is supposed to provide, being able to bunny hop and dance around and survive under a hail of hundreds of bullets is not really plausible as in a more real scenario no one would risk their life in that fashion.
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  8. UberBonisseur

    I guess real life soldiers are n00bs since they use suppression.

    You use suppressive fire on PURPOSE. It has a psychological effect (and potentially throws shards of concrete in your eyes) and stops the enemy from shooting you back, for the rest of your squad to move out of cover.
  9. Uben Qui

    I take it these guys are not talking about suppressive fire that can be done in the game currently. They are talking about a coded in ability like RPG games have?

    If that is the case, I want magic missle or teleport, please...
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  10. TimeyWimey

    Real life is not a game. I can't even believe you brought that up.
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  11. DiabloMuerto

    Silencer's lessen sound and muzzle flash they don't eliminate it but what they do is make it so you're not revealed on the mini-map when firing which would happen if you weren't using a silencer. So basically anyone not in your immediate vicinity that doesn't visually see you isn't likely to find you most times.
  12. UltraSexInferno

    They use suppression in the form of suppressive fire, you know not giving your enemy breathing room or a window of opportunity to attack. They do not use some wonder weapon that when it fires near their enemy it causes their enemies vision to go black and white and their arms to become all wobbly. Grow up son.
  13. UberBonisseur

    And you need to compensate by adding some kind of in-game visual effect to reproduce stuff you can't do in a game.

    You only have 2 out of your 5 senses when playing.
    Not mentionning the fear of death

    And this is bad because it adds tactical depth ?
  14. TimeyWimey

    Double post, but what the heck. THIS ISN'T REAL LIFE. THIS IS A GAME. Go play arma or something if you want to get as close to realistic game mechanics as possible.

    Suppression would be very, very bad for this game for beforementioned reasons.
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  15. UltraSexInferno

    They don't even have it in arma. These forums are so terrible, so many bad players who instead of practising they ask for a crutch.
  16. TimeyWimey

    You already hear the bullets coming. You see them. You will be not aiming (well, most won't) as good as you would be if you weren't underfire. See? There's already suppression in the game ffs. A stupid "woo let's shake your screen and make you shoot like a potato" -effect would be.. well. Stupid.
  17. DiabloMuerto

    Well suppressive fire in video games isn't really suppressive fire. In most games these days there is no penalty for being shot or wounded so suppressing an area has limited effect. In a game you know if you run out under fire and get shot you can generally survive multiple hits and if you make it to cover or to your team on the other side you can get healed right back up and all is well so there's little reason not to chance running out into the suppressed area.

    In a more realistic scenario even if you only got hit in the leg you're going to hit the ground or a tthe very least be slowed down enough to where you'd easily be finished off so running out into a hail of gun fire is much more risky and likely deadly. A suppressed mechanic is simply meant to portray that in the game space.
  18. TimeyWimey

    Really? Hah, I guess that underlines that the idea of artificial suppression is stupid in the first place.. you know, since the game that tries to be hyper realistic war simulator doesn't even use it :p
  19. UberBonisseur

    Love how people defend a ****** BF3 feature like 3D spotting and still manage to say "we need less BF3" afterwards.
  20. TimeyWimey

    aren't you kind of doing exactly that yourself here? You know, calling spotting ****** but still insisting a completely stupid idea (suppression) from that very same game to be implemented in this game? :p

    To the other OP's point: do silencers really make the bullet travel slower? I thought they just made bullet drop worse. hmh.

    Anyway, gotta get some zzz, see you tomorrow.