The Elephant In the Room

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killtrox, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. PeanutMF

    Although you can't tell what sort of sight a gun will start with by default, you can still click on them on your cert list and it will expand to show all of the possible upgrades you can get for it, before you guy it.

  2. longmachao

    Yep, forum is flooded with new player looking for thing to complain about. I played throughout beta using default gun without a problem.. i only ever spent cert point on vehicle/command to test things out. I actually feel the game is too damn balance that getting a new gun for your tank feel trivial. Cert gain rate are fine, considering they amp it up by 20% just before release. If you play this game trying to grind for cert point... you're gonna get bore pretty quick.

    The reason some side grade/gun cost 100cert vs 250cert its because they base it on popularity. During beta, majority of the players would get the same upgrade like more ammo because it was the most useful. Since all the upgrade cost the same there was no reason not to. What you have left is everyone spending 50cert on the exact same thing. The differences in pricing now force you to decide if you really want it or get an alternative cheaper side-grade.
  3. SomethingObvious

    My problem is, why can't I preview ANY weapons and I pay with my hard-earned certs. I don't know if this is a problem on my side or a server problem but it kinda pisses me off.
  4. Kantsler

    yup, i'v already spent 25 bucks on the black Friday and it got me a few good things I couldnt play with out but im still missing tons of weapons and side grades for those weapons that I would like to get and try but im not going to spend more money on a single charecter on a single server. Im a empire hopper, back in ps1 I used to have cr5 on all 3 empires and br 24-35 on all empires. Its how I roll and how I like to play. I like to know how my enemies are playing and how they shoot. Get to know your enemy from with in and you will know how to defeat him.

    That being said there are weapons and cosmetics that are completely over prices and no one in the sane mind will buy.
  5. Schisist

    They tried to copy the LoL model without having the slightest clue as to why that model works so well.
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  6. IshanDeston

    There is a 30 minute trail available if you click that unlock button of the weapon.
  7. touchdown

    I am a physician, so i have more money than time. I won´t be able to earn all the points by just playing, my only option is buying stuff. But to be honest, the prices are way too high. I want to pay good people for good work. I don´t want fat people in suits become fatter. And as long as I see based on the prices that those fat capitalism pigs want to sqeeze hard working consumers and developers like lemons so they can afford their third Mercedes I won´t spend any money on items...
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  8. cody weathers

    So tired... Gaming is going to ****... I'm an addict so I'll still probably play
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  9. Schisist

    Those people will have to enjoy fighting each other every day on the 1 active server left in half a year if this keeps up.

    The word around the net is already bad enough about this game being "P2W" (i don't believe it strictly is), yet they do nothing to alleviate the negative aura this game currently radiates.

    It doesn't take much to destroy a F2P game, especially an MMO, all it takes is bad word of mouth.

    This game doesn't deserve the negativity, yet it's entirely SOE's fault for appearing as money-grabbers (they are, and always have been).
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  10. naizarak

    haha i feel the same way bro

    first cod gets commercialized
    then halo goes down the tube
    then bf is turned into some pathetic cod clone

    good thing i'm busy at school and don't have enough time to play games anyways
    and then there's arma 2 which will thankfully never go fully commercial...
  11. Mr. Jingles

    I would have been happy to drop $60 on this game and get an unlock system similar to bf3. But holy crap after 12 hours play and only 250 odd certs, the grind is just too big to get all the fun stuff. I'm sure as hell not pay in $7 for a single upgrade that's only useable on 1 character. This game has massive potential but it's ruined by the f2p model.
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  12. TartarusMkII

    I agree. The OP shows experience and knowledge that I cannot deny. We need a better way to test weapons. We need a VR range. We need to be able to test weapons in a place where having them will not matter (such as an open field with nothing at all but target dummies.)
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  13. Jourmand1r

    DayZ disagrees.
  14. Predzo

    Having to re-buy the same unlock for a different character is a shameless money grab, just make it faction wide. Or at the very least have character transfers!
    The rest is really as expected.
  15. Sghignifiss


    PLEASE give us a VR.
  16. 12987

  17. Believer

    I think limited short refund window is a great idea, especially for those who cannot spend an embarrassing amount on the game.
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  18. RedKing

    agree and bump
  19. maxkeiser

    Presumably everyone playing would be prepared to spend (at minimun) £35.00, right? That's what a full-priced release would cost and you all got PS2 for nothing.

    You can get quite a few guns, cosmetic items etc for £35. And the guns you start with are just as good anyway - the 'unlocks' are not better at all.
  20. Jourmand1r

    You can't compare the amount of time it takes to unlock the items in this game to a 59.99 box price.

    3000 hours of game time is worth a lot more to a human being that 60 dollars.
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