Unlocks are extremely overpriced....or am I just new to f2p

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Marlboro Man, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Marlboro Man

    I have no problem dropping some cash to support a good game. I was fine with the costs of buying a gun that had characteristics better suited my style. I dropped 15 bucks and got some new toys to trick out. Happy to support the cause of a strong franchise.

    Where my jaw hit the floor was when I went to change servers to roll with an outfit. Unlocks are not cross server. OK that's hard to swallow. What if I roll another guy on the same server / same faction. Nope.

    So I spend 10 dollars to unlock a cool gun. I can only play on the exact same Server/Faction/Character to access a single item that is 20% the cost of a retail game. I'm sorry but that's extreme. The value to enjoyment and usage ratio is in my opinion way out of balance at these price points.
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  2. Tooks

    Its been calculated that an average player, playing the game about 6 hours a day, can max out a single class in less than a month. Thats not bad for an online game.
  3. Sifer2

    They most likely do this so they can milk you a bit more with payed character transfers at some point.
  4. Braken

    1. What was the definition of an "average player" for these "calculations" and...

    2. What exactly do they mean by "maxing out a single class"? Getting ALL unlocks (including weapons and weapon attachments), or just fully upgrading one item in each category? The former is truly maxing out a class, the later is not.
  5. NightCross

    well, if they let you get everything u wanted just like that, how long would you play the game, or more importantly how likely would you buy some Cash,

    you forget good sir that this is indeed a free market society and they want their Muneys.
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  6. Diamond Sword

    6 hours a day is not an average player. That is practically playing the game like a full-time job. Something the average gamer does not do.
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  7. Marlboro Man

    Milk you a bit I am ok with. Bend me over... not ok. I think this is closer to the later due to the restrictions mentioned.
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  8. NightCross

    lol only 6 hours in a day,

    maybe a weekday but if its friday or saturday night, im saving money and playing all night.
    so try like 8-12 hours of gameplay on a single weekend day.

    but thats just me,
  9. iGamer1990

    really not bad at all i played games it took year or more to get maxed level cap and gear if you wasnt puttin money in game so a month to max out a class seems perfect for me
  10. Braken

    Yeah, and you'd have to be doing REALLY well (practically impossibly well, to be honest) on top of that to truly max out a class in less than a month... That is NOT an average player.
  11. Braken

    Problem is, it takes MUCH longer than a month to max out a class, unless you play 24/7, and are REALLY good at the game. I have NO idea where that one guy got that info...
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  12. Fear The Amish

    i have a .89 KD right now... and i get on average 100+ certs an hour...
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  13. Pattyfathead1

    We are what a week in? And I already see fully certed and the best weapons on liberators, totally loaded out ESFs. Totally ****** out tanks. I think the cert gain is to fast if anything.
  14. iGamer1990

    ya i guess its gonna take others longer to max out classes jsut depends how good you are i guess or just put a few bucks in the game and get the weapon you want lol
  15. Ashur

    And you are also apparently a liar or use boosts because I am a medic, have a long history in fps and play in a squad, that's like the ideal exp gaining combo and I still get 40-60 per hour on an EXTREEEEEEMLY good day.

    And it's not a few bucks, it's 7$ per weapon which is just obscene. For the price of two weapons I can get bloody skyrim right now on discount.
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  16. Braken

    Yeah... I highly doubt that. :rolleyes:
  17. Waverunner

    You must be doing something wrong because I average about 800 a day.
  18. Fear The Amish

    bracken you can look it up you know... VS Waterson so i have nor reason to lie
  19. mrPandarian

    But how? Doing kill streaks 7+ and dropping dead when out of ammo only, I have ~40 CP per hour. And I play very intencively, without camping and waiting for target several minutes...
  20. Redbanner

    I dont see how you could possibly gain that amount of certs in a day unless you have a booster and are camping a spawn for 24 hours
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