Have to purchase guns again if switch server.....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kenda, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Kenda

    Just found out that if i buy something with station cash, they it will not carry over to other server too. I find this very unreasonable. What ever I purchase with station cash is only dedicated to that server??? that's lame
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  2. Traphix

    Thanks for pointing that out. Not worth it at all now imo.
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  3. Kaostick

    I think its just for that character. I might be wrong, though. I wont spend any of mine until I decide exactly what I wan't to do in the game.
  4. ImGladUmad

    Yeah, thats the dumbest thing about the game IMO........

    At least if you use station cash....I think anything bought with real money, should unlock for all characters.

    But if you are using certs to buy a weapon then it shouldn't unlock for all characters.
  5. Phasics

    umm its SOE thinking it was going to be any other way is Naive in the extreme

    big surprise they're out to make a buck ;)
  6. Macfan89

    Wow, that's... really lame. :(
  7. iGamer1990

    hopefully they change that in the future but i doubt it
  8. Phasics

    They won't and I don't doubt it ;)
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  9. iGamer1990

    $$$ hungry arn't they lol
  10. Phasics

    you say that like your surprised ...its SOE ....S O E ! :p
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  11. runekey

    That is pretty ****** of them.
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  12. Skiidzman

    I don't see why they didnt just follow LoL model.
  13. Guy Montag

    So much fail and they still haven't figured out that the key to making money is keeping players, not milking the few players who are genuinely excited for launch money then abandoning them for something else.

    By not having Station Cash purchases carry over, SOE has lost a minimum of 10k possible subscribers and players. That's just a rough estimate based on trends from other failed F2P and P2W/Premium titles that have come and gone over the past 4-5 years.

    Sony is screwing up what is arguably the best game they have ever had their hands on. Silly design decisions are getting in the way of a magnum opus.
  14. Phasics

    Business as usual for them

    enjoy the high server pops while they last :D the best fights will be had now
  15. Kenda

    Gosh, if I known about this in the beginning, I probably won't subsribe membership or buy more station cash in the beginning. They should have point this out before hand.
  16. Phasics

    Guys your cracking me up

    Seriously how on earth did you ever think it would be any different ? o_O
  17. RyanMDanks

    Probably because GW2, DDO, etc. all have account wide purchases...It's what we, as MMO gamers, expect.
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  18. Gezak

    I agree with OP.
  19. Undeadfred

    I understand limiting the purchases to a single faction, but a single character?
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  20. Phasics

    but dude .... its SOE :p I mean its S O E