Sigh....P2W is here

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShakareeNC, Nov 20, 2012.

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  1. ShakareeNC

    Didnt think it would happen, but 1000 certs for a 2nd burster arm is absolutely ridiculous. Dont get me wrong the game is fun, graphics are awesome. Serisouly though, this game will be dominated by those who spend tons of money rather then the casual gamer. Does anyone really think a casual gamer as a snowballs chance in hell in getting the 2nd burster arm before his next birthday? No, everything is outrageously exspensive, I understand they need to make money, and good for them todo it, but it does need to be balanced between being microtransactions for faster track to higher equipment and the ridiculous pricing right now that screams P2W.
  2. UberBonisseur

    “Our goal here is to reduce the overall time investment for weapons by about 30% on the top end weapon unlocks,”

  3. dieMaus

    Yep. It will take like, 20 playing sessions. So i see my new weapon,hm, next year probably as i dont play every day and weapons are not my 1st priority.
    But, is this P2W? Not atm. Maybe it gets. But i dont hope that. But its far way now..
  4. Wardy

    Sadly this will never be a "pay2win" and I'm fairly sure you don't even know what it means. The fact you have the ability to get weapons via purchase OR cert grinding renders the whole pay2win argument invalid. If people want to buy weapons rather than grinding, then fair play to them, they are supporting the devs and doing far more for the longevity of the game than some f2p leech that wants everything for nothing.
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  5. QuantumMechanic

    They slightly increased the cert cost of weapons, but they also halved the amount of XP you need to get 1 cert point. It's back to 250 XP == 1 certificate.

    So they made it easier, not harder. Roughly 30% easier as people are saying.
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  6. dieMaus

    Tbh, atm i wouldnt buy anything with this freaking exchange rates. And stuff will get cheaper, so if ever, then with offers.. From Beta experience you can get stuff at lower rate then @, for example LoL but still ok. As long as you dont buy every single thing as soon as you can.
  7. Sifer2

    Stuff is crazy expensive. One would hope it's just to take advantage of impulse buyers with deep pockets on day 1 though. I mean really like 7 dollars for a single weapon?
  8. Razeth

    So after what...10 play sessions, and ZERO dollars spent you could unlock one of the three major max types? I don't see an issue.
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  9. Cluzore

    It's not P2W, but it's definately a Paywall.
    It gets specially exarcebating with ESFs, Libs, AA and lightings, since they depend on sidegrades for their role.
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  10. Crator

    No, it's Pay2ProgressFaster... There's a difference...

    Although, I wouldn't be opposed to putting a Battle Rank requirement on some weapons that can be purchased. This would make so someone can't just buy everything at once and gives them a better sense of progression (makes BR more meaningful too).
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  11. blzbug

    $10 seems high for a single weapon. OTOH, I don't know that PS2 has a lot of stuff to sell you once you've been playing for a few months. They need to make their money on the things they CAN sell you. If anything, the cert gain may be too high. If you can earn 1000 certs in a weeks worth of "normal" playtime, is there enough incentive for people to spend cash money? I will on day 1 (hey...that's today! :D) because I don't want to grind for a week for a burster arm (for example). But in the bigger picture, a one week "grind" for a weapon you can use for years is not a bad time investment.

    Not to mention that the "grinding" is fun. If it truly becomes a not-fun grind, it is time to leave or take a break for awhile.
  12. Zerotrigger

    Im really sick of people defending ps2 saying its not p2w, when in fact it is. ANY f2p game that sells you something more then cosmetic change or a vanity items is p2w. If you buy a weapon you are unlocking it way earlier then it would take with certs, and this gives you a leg up over other people. Having more choices in your arsenal gives you a HUGE advantage over other players even if they are just sidegrades. Im not gonna even get into things that are just a upgrade (rocket pods, Second max weapons)

    I love this game, but you guys need to come to terms with the fact that since it is a f2p model it is inherently pw2 also.
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  13. Wardy

    None of the above are DEPENDANT on sidegrades, that is just daft talk. I can just as easily kill someone with an unmodded ESF as one with mods. The sidegrades just make the roles easier.
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  14. dieMaus

    its P2W in a MMO sense. Its therefore different then in "normal" multiplayer games. I dont like it because the weapons are to expensive so i wont buy something atm, but still they the stuff better "gainable" than in beta (final days BEFORE last cert gain rate change)
  15. Crator

    Well then, that is Pay2Win. Except, it really isn't because any sane person knows that the reasonable Pay2Win definition means: If there's something that can ONLY be obtained by purchasing it. I will agree that if the time investment is too high for said items for free players then it could be considered Pay2Win. However, SOE is not wanting to make the time investment too horrible. The proof of this is in the last patch they put in that increased cert gain to make time investment less for free players.

    For those weapons that have extra utility (not just side-grades) they should be locked behind battle rank. Still purchasable with SC, but locked behind BR.

    Side-Grades = Take a stat away from one area and put it in another.
  16. Ticee

    The thing is, most people are probably used to gaining xp and unlocking things in traditionally bought games, which serves the purpose of providing a balance between giving the player incentive to continue playing, while also throwing new stuff at them quickly enough to keep them entertained. It's a fine balance.

    In f2p games that's not the purpose of unlockable items. The purpose here and in games like Tribes and LoL, is to wave a bone in front of people, but make it so bothersome to get it that the player gets annoyed and buy it with real money, and thus the devs get to pay their bills. The fact that you technically can earn it with in-game currency is mostly there to make sure you can't say "pay2win!", although it is practically not possible to really earn a lot without spending real money.. Assuming you're an average person.
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  17. Cluzore

    Shoot at a tank with a plain ESF, now try shooting at one with rocket pods.
    Try shooting at infantry without flares. Now try it with flares.
    Try shooting at infantry/tanks/air without the LT's HE/AP/Skyguards sidegrades.
    Try shooting at ESFs as a HA without AA rockets.

    You really think these sidegrades aren't essential?

    These shouldn't be even called sidegrades, these are straightup upgrades.
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  18. overcorpse

    Rocket pods>everything else.It is beyond unbalanced.
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  19. Hetzau

    Whoever thinks an HA with no AA tools can shoot down an ESF (especially the one with rocket pods that were bought on day 1) is delusional. Now, make it so nobody that pays for this game will have any AA tools for a month, and you have your p2w.
  20. Chinchy

    you do understand before the game went down they doubled the cert gain and added about 30% more certs, so in fact they decreased the grind please do research before rage post next time.
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