Connery Server is DEAD.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TrojonKing 1st, Oct 16, 2021.

  1. TrojonKing 1st

    Any chance of being able to move my 4 year old character who was 120br and now 56 a.s.p. to new sever Or do I just say good bye (bit of a Cruddy ending for all that time I invested) and start a new character?
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  2. OneShadowWarrior

    Funny how on a livestream a streamer was saying, why is it so dead on Connery today. The developers blew it ever since Escalation. Horrendous updates ever since.
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  3. JustGotSuspended

    Yeah move to emerald
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  4. Drgnx

    the whole game feels dead
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  5. Liewec123

    It's time for a few things to happen in PS2.

    Cobalt and Miller need merging, Emerald and Connery need merging.
    Continent pop limit needs increasing to 1500 like it was in 2014/15 (it was 2000 in 2012, it's currently 900 in 2021...)
    'Faction queues' need to be removed and replaced with incentives/penalties for the underpop/overpop.
    To prevent population splits continents should only unlock when required, and not auto unlock when an alert ends.

    These changes would breath life back into the game and make it feel a little bit closer
    to the epic bustling mmofps that it once was, when 200v200 battles were a common occurence.
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  6. RabidIBM

    Merging servers would put a bandaid on the problem, but we need our population back. More incentives to bring new players into the game and more incentives to lead new players might help.

    Examples would be to give me some guest passes I can hand out to friends so they can get a couple months of membership perks for free if they make a completely new accout. If that account spends money, give me a benefit. Another would be to give me something every time someone in my platoon ranks up. That way people will really want to lead low level players because they rank up so frequently.

    I don't mean to take anything away from the tight knit groups, but they've already found their fun and will likely continue to do so. We need more players to try the game and find a good experience right away.

    I also agree that population balance queues are poorly handled. NSO was meant to address this, but they botched it by forcing the freelance players to commit to a faction to get outfit benefits. Boosting the underpopulated exp boost by 10X would make it cap out at 500% instead of 50. Sure, your not going to win the continent, but you can still find one good fight and farm the crap out of it.
  7. TripSin

    The population is awful. No one on Connery is actually playing Planetside anymore. At least not what it should be. May as well just call it Koltyrside at this point.
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  8. JustGotSuspended

    Well let's be honest, we can't expect to get any new players to join the game in it's current state. On op of that, it's very tricky because it's a loop. If for some reason a new player joins on Connery for example but there's no one on the server except for that one tryhard who plays 24/7, that new player's gonna think the game's dead and leave.

    If that new player joins and there's some people/fights on the server, but he or the people around him have high ping, that new payer's not going to have much fun as well.

    So it's delicate to balance this.

    However at this point I would disregard new players. Basing decisions on new players we don't and likely will never have is pretty silly. The decisions should be made to salvage some of the players who played on those dying/dead servers and prevent them from loosing their main characters or simply quitting due to no fights and the inability to preserve their progress. Sure there's always a couple tryhards that are going to transfer by themselves no problem - a lot already have. But there's quite a few that would like to keep their main characters, and a couple of people that won't go on emerald simply because they don't want to start from scratch again - and I don't blame them.

    This is why we need to merge to allow a change for everyone to play the game if they want. New players if for whatever reason they come will prefer to actually find people and fights on the server, even if that means a little higher ping.

    Sure, it would be a good idea to bring back those recruiter incentives we had back then. But it's easily exploited, and sticking to realism it's not going to attract a massive influx of players, especially if on top of that they log on to find a dead server.

    Xp boosts would be ok but not very useful. Regardless whether you're making 500xp or 5, being spawncamped or ghost-capping while the other 2 factions fight isn't very fun. On top of that it's hard to imagine a new player making use of xp boosts, especially in an underpop scenario. It might help vets, who don't really need certs and can't level past ASP 100 anyways.

    Ofc it's a bandaid solution. Pop is already leaving emerald, so merging connery would be like dumping a glass of water in a pool leaking gallons a minute. Emerald will eventually run dry as well, but it's all we can do for now. There's so many things to address, the game would be more of a swiss cheese than a pool. We haven't seen even one fundamental flaw tackled seriously, and I honestly doubt it's even possible to fix a majority of them without significantly altering the game or rebuilding from scratch - which is never going to happen.
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  9. Twin Suns

    Never mind all the Vets that have quit since Escalation and those horrendous updates. Keep talking how you’re gonna get new players in. LMAO

    BTW...How’s those “Outfit Wars coming along Wrel?
    Must not be enough players to fill Wrel’s Colossus or that flying brick $ hit house anymore.

    Enjoy having no one to shoot at. Great job Wrel. o7
  10. RabidIBM

    Connery has long periods of off hours, but it is not dead. The evening hours are still well populated, and on the weekends we get a second continent partially open. It's a far cry from the game's hayday, but it's also far from dead.

    Regarding statements about new players, just because you don't play with them doesn't mean they aren't there. I was leading an open platoon last night and had a wide range of battle ranks. I even had an enthusiastic BR45 who wanted to lead for a while, so I let him lead for the Hossin alert. I needed the break, so that was awesome.
  11. TripSin

    It's only populated for like a few hours. But even then, it's still not actually that many people. We'll get up to like what, 400 people while Emerald is getting like 800-1200 or whatever.

    When was the last time you saw a 96+/96+ fight? I've been playing a lot these past weeks and I haven't seen a single one. But maybe that's because I play earlier in the day. When people finally start to get on it's already like 6 or 7pm PST and by that time I'm already getting tired and ready to wind down for sleep.