Planetside 3

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 0V3RK1LL, Feb 17, 2021.

  1. 0V3RK1LL

    Please focus on making a new PS3 instead of keep working on this game. Hit detection is terrible, the game uses DX11, which is ok. But, it is time to move on. Maps feel old already, the game in general feels old and it plays old. Getting kills and been killed behind complete cover with 43 ping. Gunplay is terrible for today.

    Make new maps that have an Urban setting with a futuristic look like Apex, BF2142, or ETQW does. Include mantle and DX12. Also game is free. . . why not use the latest Unreal Engine. A lot of games like Squad and similar games have used it for large maps and it works. Em8er is using it right now for their new remake of Firefall and it's doing great with maps bigger than PS2 has. Don't be aggressive with your prices either. Instead of pulling people in you scare them away. Not to mention that it would be nice to be able to unlock C4 one time and not have to unlock it for every single class. Same goes for vehicle unlocks. And please, please make the guns have the same stats across. Only have them change skins and the color of the tracing. Same with vehicles. In other words for once make it balanced. Cause it is not. Been playing this game since 2012 when sony owned it and it has never been balanced. In fact it is worst now. Only thing that is better is performance.

    What do you want in planetside 3 done right? Let them know
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  2. Scurge

    They can't fix 2 even though all the best ideals were given to them for free and you somehow think they can get the brainpower to make a better game engine for 3?

    Maybe of they change owners (again) and put people in charge that can get things done.

    Remove infiltrators 2 hands weapons and SMG.

    Add a "Ranger" class to use snipers and such but make it not cloak.

    Remove the weapons from cloaking vehicles like the flash or disable its weapon slot.

    Add better rewards for base captures to spread out combat.

    Extend the rez ability to the medic to stop these one second heals that keep battle going on for way longer then intended.

    Rework sunder damage values so they arnt nearly instant killed by LA troopers.

    Add a alt cooldown timer to stop people from switching factions looking for other sides assets and blowing them up before switching back to the other faction.

    And so much more.....
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  3. RabidIBM

    The resources to make Planetsdie 3 went into Planetside Arena instead. Can't get the eggs back out of the omelette, even if you drop the omelette on the floor.
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  4. DarkQuark

    The sad thing is PS2 (in my opinion) is riddled with potential and positioned to be something very popular due to it's current uniqueness in gaming. With some investment in time (and I am sure some capital) it could really rake in the subscriptions.

    But none of that has happened and we seem to get just a continuous stream of unpopular changes.

    Maybe the new owners will change that.
  5. Thalestr

    Isn't Rogue Planet basically just 3 or 4 guys? I doubt you'll ever see another Planetside again unless they sell the rights to the IP.

    And I can't imagine anybody would pay for it because Planetside has gained quite the reputation for being a mismanaged pile of jank.
  6. DarkQuark

    WTF are you talking about it just got sold.
  7. Thalestr

    Daybreak got sold to a holding company.

    Unless otherwise stated, that means nothing for the development staff of PS2. It remains minuscule - even moreso now that Sites has left the team.
  8. DarkQuark

    So it got sold to a holding company. So what. You have no idea what they have in store for it (I do not either). I am sure they bought it to make money from it and I would think beyond the paltry current funds it brings in. Or so we can hope.

    How about being positive for once instead of terminal doom and gloom as neither of us knows what the plans are.
  9. JustGotSuspended

    Lol planetside 3
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  10. DarkQuark

    Good point, good point....
  11. TR5L4Y3R

    rather try being realistic, they tried their luck with arena and that project crashed and burned ...

    they at best can work to keep the lights for PS2 on .. i dare say through a series of events a planetsidesequel may at best appear by the end or in the next decade
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  12. JustGotSuspended

    their team is decently sized, they're actually hiring in the moment. That's why we're getting some new content and "server upgrades". That said it's unrealistic even consider a planetside 3 will happen anytime in the foreseeable future, if at all. Even if a planetside 3 came out, I highly doubt it would be an mmo fps like we desire (as was seen with arena). It just seems the devs have a different agenda than pleasing their loyal community.

    But whatever. It seems there's a small influx of investment in DBG, and while there won't be any sequels released anytime soon, the game doesn't seem to want to die either. We don't have numbers on the team but given the size of the updates it's fair to assume they've got quite a few members. I would ballpark a dozen, but we really don't know. That said, they've hired a lot and they're hiring, they appear to be restructuring the management and I don't expect the size of updates to diminish this year. Keep in mind we have way more manpower on the team than a few years ago. Ofc it's not a massive NASA team, but it's not a miniscule team. In fact the team's size today is the closest it's ever been to the team we had for launch.
  13. Liewec123

    sad reality is that DBG/RPG would have zero chance at making something like planetside,
    and noone from the talented SOE team behind the magic of PS2 remains.

    but if we're playing make believe and pretending it could happen i'd like to see hostile fauna in the world,
    like dynamic hazards that need to be avoided, such as man-eating plants in a jungle map like hossin,
    or an alien-wolf den on a map like amerish, or even a giant tank swallowing sand worm on a desert map like northern indar.
    or perhaps even a 4th AI controlled faction (maybe the NSOs gain sentience and plan to conquer auraxis!)

    i'd also like to see way more faction flavour than in PS2, i'd like for there to be NO nanite systems cross over stuff, instead the factions could get stuff that works similar, for example galaxy could be the TR large transport, and NC/VS would get things that work similar but have their own unique traits and appearances.
  14. DarkQuark

    This is a good point really. There is a stark difference in what is needed in man power and capital in maintaining a game and creating a new one. To start a new project they would have to attain funding, hire folks etc. It would be a far bigger deal than than keeping up with PS2.
  15. KripTed

    That honestly might be the best thing to do. Just forget about this one and make a new one. But for the love of God, if so add some weather effects.

    Chances are Planetside 3 won't come out though. I hope it does, but I have a feeling the reason DayBreak got sold off is because the company isn't doing too well and this was basically a bankruptcy settlement behind closed doors. EG7 is a holding company. Just look at the games they've acquired. All of those games are dead. It's people like me and Liewec123 that are keeping this game alive by putting our money into it.
  16. Guazy

    Recent challenges for PlanetSide 2, dozens of layoffs, server performance reduced. With the latest updates, the game was thoroughly surprised by its purpose, especially whatever bothered the players playing on the ground was added to the game.

    I think finding capital for PlanetSide 3 is not too difficult for such companies, the important thing is that they want to do so. I'm sure if they released a game with the new game engine under the name PlanetSide 3, whatever players previously played PlanetSide 1 and 2 would go back and start this game again. In addition, they would earn a lot of money with the memberships and power-ups they would buy.

    This could be all of them, the important thing is what Day Break Game wants to do. The number of PlanetSide 2 players is decreasing day by day, the only reason it is a little crowded on the weekends is corona virus and restrictions. Otherwise, I'm sure we could hardly see half the actors. Since PlanetSide 2 was developed with a fairly old game engine, the updates and optimization problems never end.

    We cannot get the desired performance, especially with new generation processors and graphics cards. This is due to optimization issues and the only way to fix these issues is to recreate the game with a new game engine.

    Despite all the quality hardware we have, we hardly get half the performance we get in the new generation games. For this reason alone, the new game needs to be created. Because they will never be able to fix these optimization problems, when the incomes are low, their last job will be to unplug the servers.

    People are not afraid to spend money, as long as game makers give them what they want

    Seeking capital for PlanetSide 3? On Steam and similar platforms, they can even lay a ground for themselves by selling the game with a pre-order for an attractive fee. This fee may vary regionally. for example 40-50 $ for America, 30-35 € for Europe may be more favorable price for Asian countries. The goal is more sales, more players.

    Afterwards, I'm sure these users will continue to purchase memberships and boosts. This way, the planetside will survive and have more players.

    It's hard to endear an old game to people, but if you re-create this new generation and one of a kind game, I'm sure there will be more players than we can imagine. It can also give some value to the players and open up various servers such as America, Europe, Russia and Asia, which can further increase this liking and sales.

    I don't know what the day break game wants to do but I hope it puts an end to Planetside 2 now. Planetside 3 must be ready before you unplug this game.
  17. Demigan

    But which one's are the best idea's and which one's are not?

    For example you say that rewards for captures need to be higher. All that does is encourage zerging, ghost capping and avoiding battle. That doesn't "spread out" battles it ends the game as we know it. We've already seen quite literally what that does with the Escalation update.

    Most of your idea's are aimed at ending fights (and one at keeping it alive by making Sunderers more resiliant to LA's). It's like you don't want to play the main feature of the game: Combatting other players.

    Similarly most player's have given idea's, often conflicting. The air-game veterans are still applauding that Engagement radar became their newb detection device, and when confronted will instantly say "oh but we are honorable we don't use stealth to completely counteract the purpose that Engagement radar was designed for". Players are screaming for more continents without realizing what kind of bottomless pit it is to build new continents and shove them down our throats without actually solving the systemic problems the game faces (and players enjoying themselves by a long and equal battle is not one of the systemic problems).
  18. Exileant

    ;) They need to simply update this games graphics. Take a page from DCUO in that respect. They screwed up when they decided to make armor something you had to grind for EACH season/campaign/episode... :confused: What you are asking for is the exact reason most games fall dead. o_O You do not scrap a game that pulls in its plays with the promise of decades of replay value by placing in a system that literally takes a player years to master and to skill into across 4 character factions.... If you want an arcade, go play one of the 40 Call of Duty games they have out. They recycle the game as badly as the Madden Football series...

    A simple overhaul of for graphics by simply transferring what they have onto a newer engine is the cheapest way to go, and would open the gates to add much more content. If they started this series over again, I would not play the new game. I did not play Planetside Arena, and I will not play a Planetside 3 unless ALL of my crap that I fought like a dog to earn and/or payed thousands for came with it. :mad: Especially when some items I had to buy with B.C. TWICE due to errors that did not allow my B.C. purchases to be apply to all characters on my account. My N.S.O. had NOTHING unlocked aside from a few skins when I started it off and I KNOW 98% of my turrets and weapons were bought with B.C. :( They would lose most of their starting player base. I am just now seeing old familiar faces that I started the game with, it would be a shame to see them vanish yet again after taking a week worth of steps in the right direction.

    o_O Ask Destiny whether or not messing with peoples items is a good idea. Literally whole Clans filled to the brim with members packed it up, because of how Destiny 2 forced people to re-earn all of their weapons, effectively undoing all of their hard work. I had to rebuild mine from scratch. :confused: They lost like so many people with this latest change too, because they thought it would be fun for their players to retire a good chunk of weapons that people were complaining about because they did not have the skill to earn them and there was no way to pad to get them. These weapons (The Mountain Top for example) took a great deal of skill to get with any speed. You were not going to just play the game and eventually see you had completed your quest. You had to either get good, or you would not have it. You do not make a statement like that and then say, your life spent getting it means nothing to us without incurring the Wrath of the Player. ;) Hilariously they left those weapons usable in Crucible, they just stopped us from being able to use them on a regular basis in stages. So Karmic JUSTICE for the cry-babies and was the saving grace for me to continue to play.

    :D I wish they would make a Part 3 of this game, so I could have an excuse to not give them any more of my money.
  19. Guazy

    It's not enough just to improve the graphics of the game. Unfortunately, many weapon descriptions in the game are not correct. For example, a dalton deals 1500 damage, the highest damage it can deal 2500. However, it can detonate a plane with a single bullet. Similarly, for example, the Vanguard AP cannon deal 850, the highest damage it can deal 1275. However, it can still kill an airplane with a single cannon shell.

    Make sure they can build the infrastructure of a new game with half the time they will spend to fix this game.

    There is something so absurd and untrue like this that there is not enough time to count one by one. For example, the terra tank palette cannot even go up a small hill, even though you have completed its features. When you are driving on a straight road, if your vehicle suddenly somersaults and explodes, you blow up by rubbing against a small rock, it is really not enough time to count them.
  20. Exileant

    :confused: You do realize that the Dalton is based off of a real weapon and would detonate a plane in a single hit if a plane were ever stuck by it, right?

    It is a ground bombardment weapon. Dalton is meant to destroy tanks, of coarse it will destroy a plane in a single hit. o_O If a Gunner hits a light aircraft with one it is literally because of one of 5 things: The fighter was standing still, the pilot of the fighter is VERY unskilled, the Dalton gunner got EXTREMELY lucky, that gunner spent YEARS mastering the Dalton and can de-wing a fly without touching its exoskeleton with one, or is just truly gifted when it comes to aiming and trajectory calculation. If you get killed by a Dalton hit, they deserve your respect, especially when not a single weapon here is utilizing Hit-scan. ;) This is not something that is wrong with the game. There is a simple tactic to not getting hit by a Dalton... Keep your distance, and if you must fly past them, never let them fly over or pass directly under you. This will force them into an uncomfortable position in which they will have to blindly roll and pray the Gunner can spot you in time. Pilots who get killed by Liberators make the mistake of trying to dogfight them like a fellow fighter. That is a GREAT way to get killed. o_O It has 3 weapons that it can use at the same time, against your 2 weapon platform offering you 1 at a time. If you keep your distance and shred them from afar at no time are they a threat to you because every most of its weapons are low velocity and easily dodged. A standard Liberator is a bigger threat to you because the weapons on it are average Velocity and a Shredder is a bit easier to hit with, so is the basic nose gun.

    :D If you are flipping your vehicle you are running over tiny bumps wrong or another vehicle was there and your system did not register it until you were right on top of it, so in stead of killing you both right there, the person who was there last gets pushed. This is going to be the case no matter what game you play, personally I prefer a push to instant death like a ton of games do. :confused: If you are not able to run up a hill in a Prowler, you are driving the Prowler wrong. It is not only the fastest tank in the game, but it is the smallest, so it can adhere to surfaces very well thanks to being able to sit flush. Paying attention to what the hill is made of will help you in climbing. Dirt and grass are something a vehicle can truly grab and pull itself around on. Rocks and stone are hard and slick so if a truck with rubber tires will slide across it, what do you think a vehicle with giant steel treads is going to do. That is like walking over ice with glass with shoes on.... Look at what the surface is made of, and plan your path from there.

    :) This game is very deep and is another reason why I am against them making another one instead of simply updating what they have to a new engine and adding a new catchy name. There is too much people are flat out overlooking and having issues that would be over come with experience. You are asking the impossible of them. :p The only way they can build the base of a game in half the time to fix a game as big as this is if they released an utter crap game that is either all looks, A.K.A. another Planetside Arena, or is all feature, in which case it will look like something off of the original PlayStation.