[Vehicle] OP Harassers and Vehicle Cloaking.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HexJei, Jan 26, 2021.

  1. DarkQuark

    We can do nothing without him.

    Good reply, but I took your initial comment to mean 1 guy on foot so I was wrong on that one. However, a video of someone abusing cloak and taking out stationary harassers does not mean it's a common thing for someone to be able to take out multiple harassers solo.

    If anything that is an example of why vehicle cloak is ridiculous.

    Obviously this is just my opinion.
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  2. Exileant

    :D Yes really. If your Ranger is hitting like a Wet Noodle, you do not know how to aim it. 4:21 and 4:42 of this video proves this. If you watch the video all the way through, you will have even more examples of A.A. hitting like a jackhammer for those skilled enough to use it.

    ;) A maxed Skyguard is works even better.
    I chose the color of the faction I am most loyal to (VANU FOR LIFE!!!) and have always typed with my own style that includes bulletpoint-emotions for sentences I want stressed. I get more compliments than not, and even if I did not, I have no intention of changing for the sake of a few who do not like it. It is their loss if they do not want to read what I type. :) Besides, the change of color actually makes reading and typing a pleasure. :confused: Flat white and black always makes me skim. I can speed read but it is not something that I like to do with those two basic colors. My text everywhere else is fire orange, and used to be purple here. Be thankful.

    o_O You cannot tell me what I can do, because I can, and do kill Harassers before they get away. You are basing your argument off of YOUR skill level. OldschooD, just typed he has no problem killing a harasser in a Lightning, you just cannot miss. If two of us are doing it, it can be done, you just want the bar to be lowered for you when it does not need to be. :( You all have no excuse for this laziness.

    :oops: Look a lot of you need to realize, I am not a Harasser main, I fight against them, on my N.S.O. character which I now main. I have no M.B.T. nor do I have an E.S.F. to fall back on. Even if I did decide to pull a Harasser to challenge another I only have basic N.S. weapons for it. No faction specific. I use A7 wears.... ;) I pulled one seriously ONCE about a week ago after upgrading it to max from flat base because a friend just HAD to see me drive one. o_O Harassers SUCK and are a PAIN to keep over 50% health even WITH 3 people. :confused: I have respect for those who can put up with even the SOUND of them passed an hour. ;) If I am not crying about them, neither should you....
  3. MoistDoctor

    And when you're playing TR, you have to land 6+ shots on harassers because Prowlers are "balanced" compared to other MBTS. Been playing NC for like the last 2 weeks, Vanguards are so cheesy, 1 AP shot put harassers at half HP
  4. Exileant

    :confused: Oh Dark.... Stationary Harassers? :D No my friend. That group was anything BUT stationary. That fight took me around 10 to 15 minutes in total to set up that conclusion. There are things I will not put in my videos, because it shows my tactics, all of the hits in my montages show the end result. The chasing, the angles and time spent luring and setting them up is left on the cutting room floor, with VERY few exceptions. Dumb luck, low ranked player vehicle kills and moment of wonder from those I train. ;) Lawlash is someone I am training, and they are very new to not just the game, but shooters in general. :eek: They brought down a Liberator twice so far on their own while gunning for me. After that second time I said I would post most of that battle because I was so proud. o_O That last shot where I pulled a Matrix Maneuver to flip that Magrider? 4:56 of this one.

    It took me 7 minutes to lure the tank to that spot. I left out all of that, including the part where I miscalculated and took off too early and had to slam on the brakes to time the jump right. I wager you cannot keep one alive in a true fire fight for longer than 10 minutes whilst actively going for kills, because quite literally, its limited cloak is the only thing it has going for it. I watch people try and fail using cloaked A.N.T.s every session. They are not easy to truly fight with if your goal is to rake in the certs, most people use them to mine for points, then abandon them. You can try to force it to do a ton of things outside of their lane, just like anything else, (People use Liberators solo as fighters here,) however odds are you will wind up dead as a result. Hitting things more dense than it, can easily kill you if you do not know what you are doing, (as displayed when I hit that first and third Harasser wrong.) or leave you in a situation where you will be killed shortly after; which took some time to decode.
    Cloaking vehicles are something that is needed. Otherwise you would have another Harasser surplus, where everyone and their mother was pulling them. o_O Back then, it did not matter how weak they were. There was no fighting 8 Harassers coming at you.

    Lastly, in my opinion, it is literally impossible to abuse cloak with the truck for the simple fact that CRYSTALS ARE SO DANG SCARCE! Hahaha! I mean there are times where I am away from the battle for like 5 to 8 minutes looking for Cortium just to fill my tank. For what a minute+ of cloak? Please.... I stand by my statement. If an A.N.T. or a Flash killed you, you were doing something wrong and deserved it.
  5. DarkQuark

    I won't begrudge you your play style. If subterfuge is how you enjoy playing the game, have at it. But we will have to agree to disagree on vehicle cloak. I find it cheesy and very easy to exploit and just plain silly. I have seen many times a cloaked flash mowing people down in a crowded battlefield killing soldier after solider without ever firing a shot. Maybe it has it's place if tweaked correctly but at present it's just ridiculous.
  6. JustGotSuspended

    first time I ever heard someone say you have to aim the ranger
  7. GenGrant

    One does not bring to the forums logic and critical thinking about harassers and balance without incurring the wrath of Exileant. No matter what you say, he will cherry pick battles/situations then tell you with big words that you’re terrible or just naive. He will then ramble on that stats have no place unless those stats involve his overall perceived skill. So like someone else said, post in Reddit. You’ll get a better response from the community than from this troll of the forums.

    Side note: I’ve brought this same issue up before. It’s beating a dead horse like complain about ESFs.
  8. Exileant

    :D I used to hate shooters. I hated them because I was terrible at them. I continued to be terrible at them and games in general until I accepted 2 simple truths. Prayer works, and dying is completely MY fault, no matter the situation. I do not even truly allow myself the excuse of rampant cheating or lag, because I have a brain, I can adapt to the situation. That is why I am able to pull off unbelievable things. o_O I do not limit myself. If I can do it given I used to not be a gamer in the least, you can do it too. :eek: And it is obvious I am not the only one who is thriving because there are people whipping your tail. :( I am just sick of you all being pathetic. Calling for nerfs is cowardly.... Do none of you seek revenge upon the person that killed you? Cherry Picking, is choosing to ignore points and skating by them for the ideas that favor my own. You Cherry Pick. My posts are so long because I take the time to answer every single point. :confused: I also take the time to express myself with small words that are easy for even teenagers to understand. More over, I have started offering video proof of what I say. It is not my fault if you or anyone else reject the information. In fact I am quite happy when that happens. Stay weak, more kills for the deserving. It is not my Nanites nor Ratio. If you consider the words I am using as "large" you need a dictionary and a tutor. I have no problem telling people to their face, in life that they are terrible. If you are construing that you are terrible from what I tell you, and I have not said it to you directly, that is called Self-conviction. ;) Deep down, YOU believe you are terrible and know you need to do something about it. o_O I will say, yes, I do have the same problem the newbies have, but at the opposite end of the spectrum. I have a bad tendency to judge people by my own skill level. I have spent a lot of time playing and I sometimes forget people will grow out of their whining phase. However, I make no apologies for passing on the information to the techs. My posts are usually directed to them in some way as a direct link to someone who plays almost every day and has easily spent thousands across the games in their company. They need to know, there are plenty of people who do not agree with these calls to nerf. :confused: Most of us who do not agree with the people here are just too busy playing, and/or have no idea this forum exists to oppose.
  9. Exileant

    ;) And that is probably why so few of the people here can kill anything with it without help.... :D What? You all think because it has light proximity detonation that means you can just spam it and SOMEHOW it will do all your work for you? :p Hahahahaha!
  10. Exileant

    Thank you. It is, GREATLY. It VERY rewarding for me. A labor of love. :confused: Sadly, yes we have to, and that is okay. If you find it cheesy, do not do it, and learn what you need to do to NOT be one of the ones who get ran over. I will tell you this, we have the tools to stop ANYTHING from running us over. I myself have never been ran over by an ANT going on a spree the way I do. o_O For one there just are not that many good A.N.T. drivers that can capitalize on their Cloak because they are un-built. Two, situational awareness. Pros know how to set up a perimeter. A properly built one, means an A.N.T. cannot touch you. ;) For me it is equally ridiculous to die by them given all of the tools available. I have encountered situations, where the only thing I could do was sit there and watch all of my dinner T.B.D. before me with no way in, because they knew I was there and knew I was not getting in. I will not say what they did, I refuse to give ANYONE ideas..... I drove away, slowly...... :mad: BOILING........ :D I mean, I did return with a tank, but that is another story. :p Hahahaha!
  11. Bansheedragon75

    I'm gonna call BS on this, and one video of a lucky player taking out a couple the weakest air units in the game is not going to convince me otherwise.
    I say lucky because there was very little skill involved in those kills, the player was lucky to catch the first one off guard as it was landing and have the second one come head on with what looked like some very weak guns only taking what seemed to me like a few potshots at the Ant.

    I know how to aim, both with the Ranger, Walker and Skyguard.
    I have a maxed out Skyguard and I have had times when I emptied a full clip into a liberator and it was still able to fly off and repair, sure it was on fire but it says something about how ineffective AA really are.
    The Ranger and walker are less effective than the Skyguard again which means they require even more shots to hit before either taking it down or they would need to retreat and repair.
    This would leave them ample time to take me out long before I can do any significant damage to it, and depending on loadout can be done in anywhere from a few seconds down to a single shot.
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  12. Exileant

    :confused: Prowler Main Cannons are a souped up Viper. You are supposed to count full clip as 1 shot. Because of this the Prowler is Full-Auto. Meaning you do not try to save your shots, you spam them when it comes to vehicles. The only time you fire one at a time is when dealing with infantry, because a direct hit will kill a foot soldier in a single shot. :eek: With a Vulcan it is 80% safe from Harassers, even good ones. Vanguards have never been at a disadvantage. For as long as I have been playing they have teetered between Top and second, but they are never last. With a Bottle Rocket Tube they are 90% safe thanks to all that armor and Shield Regeneration. ;) The bottle rocket is a waking nightmare for Harassers, and a further example you all of why Harassers need their armor.
  13. GenGrant

    I really do admire your condescension.

    For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why you’re so hung up proving that your better than everyone else. One look at your stats and anyone can see you are vehicle main. You are good, not dismissing that. What you’re good at is farming in vehicles. Your flash stats are amazing. I’m guessing your run around cloaked most of time based off your road kills. What’s funny is that all this time I figured you to be a TR Vulcan harasser main. Well I was definitely wrong. You want to preserve your way of life so smacking down any talk of any vehicle nerfs is your bread and butter because a vehicle nerf would be detrimental to your play style.

    I get it. I like to snipe a bunch. Everything seem clearer now. You’re just a vehicle farmer (top 3 weapons are vehicle weapons)...a cloaked one at that.

    I think you should cut that pretentious attitude down a bit...maybe pray on it?
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  14. Exileant

    :confused: So.... Liberators are among the weakest units in the game to you? :D D. (For DONKEY) S. You do not know how to aim at a distance with it if you let it get away. o_O You might be decent with one at mid-range, but long range is where you are lacking. You did not watch the video all the way through, or you would have seen several Liberators shot down including 70% of a full fight against one where my gunner dropped one. Nor did you pay attention to the ranks of the players. The fighter I "caught off guard", was a Battle rank A.S.P. 100. I have seen Com, land right in front of Skyguards as a joke, and evade them until he decided it was time to kill them. :eek: Reavers are the best fighters in the game due to their thrust and speed, but I am not even going to get into that. :confused: If one video is your problem scroll through this chat, I posted several more. I can direct you to more still.

    ;) I am doing beautifully with my Ranger, and as you said, Skyguard is better than a Ranger. No a Skyguard is not supposed to take out a Liberator in a single clip, their Nose Cannon cannot take you out in a single clip, can it? Close on both accounts, but NO. I do not see why you all are having so much trouble with them.
  15. JustGotSuspended

    That's why he's gotta abuse and defend the cheese he uses to make himself feel "good". Strap the guy as a HA and send him to the front lines he'll be crying to buff infantry and nerf vehicles in 5 minutes.
  16. DarkQuark

    You know I did not look but I figured this was probably the case. I still contend Harassers are OP due to their armor/health but the whole cloaked flash thing is just silly beyond comprehension. The flash is a cheap way to get from A to B it should not be a 4 wheeled invisible death machine.
  17. Exileant

    ;) Well I can respect someone that can admit they were wrong in their assumptions. I am use to being misunderstood. People often interpret me doing my best and displaying it, as me trying to prove I am better than them. I had to learn fast that I could not control how people take things. All I can do is be as honest as possible, and pray my heart is heard. My intentions have never been to boast about my skill level. In fact it only comes up, when someone is petty enough to try to bring my stats into play or someone directly insults me, usually because their feelings are hurt about them not being able to do something. :confused: Often they will leave out what you were gracious enough to point out. Another reason I decided to train with a Flash to be able to kill anything with it is so people I play against would have no excuse. :( If I defeated someone in a M.B.T., they cry and say it is overpowered. If I defeated them in a Lightning, they cry foul because you are driving a mattress. Forget it if I are using a Liberator, even SOLO; or an E.S.F.... It also seemed to me the only vehicle that should have been safe from all these crazy downgrades because they are so weak and easy to kill, But guess what, that did not stop them. They wound up putting a 5 second cloak delay and a 25% activation on the Wraith Cloak at one point.... Completely unreasonable to even hunt people.... All thanks to crying and nobody taking a stand and objecting.

    :confused: At this point I am standing up for my enemy, because the nerfs are cutting into my prey. The Harasser Price Nerf messed up one of my main sources of Certs. :( I could always count on pros to bring out at least 4 back to back to hunt you down after you kill them. If they have resorted to revenge stalking, they are no longer any good to their team. And at 3 people per unit, plus the unit itself? X4 for just 1 group? I was making a killing. Now? You will be blessed if they pull another within the hour.... Yes I do farm when my enemy allows, but I do so with a goal in mind. I am not just going to sit there and let a Sunderer spawn people if I can kill it. I break up surges from behind enemy lines, decimate armor to make way for my teams, all while laying support for my own teams push. Planetside 2, is the game I go to when I want to drive and fly. :confused: I spend enough time killing people on foot playing Destiny, and Cyber Hunter. I should not have to constantly worry about all the time I put into learning how to use the equipment here, all of a sudden being made all but useless because some people just do not want to accept that they have to put in the work to learn too.

    o_O As far as running around constantly cloaked? :( I wish that were the case. To be effective on a Flash, believe it or not the opposite is true. You spend most of your time outside of cloak or you wind up stressing it out; and it WILL abandon like an angry lover. The entire time you are on pins and needles. You are a fly, in a flyswatter's world. Running people over is a pain on one... On screen, I can run them flat dead to rites, and yet somehow I miss. :eek: It usually takes 2-3 passes if I miss the first time at which time it becomes a matter of pride, because I could have easily dispatched them with my weapon.

    o_O I will continue to try to keep the peace, even when insulted as hard as that will be.
  18. HexJei

    That's a little rich, considering you were the first person to commit to name calling (towards me at least).

    Back to the point, you must of skipped the last portion of my reply:

    "Of course you can overcome overpowered elements of the game with finesse, but with an unbalanced element you heavily limit strategy, create an unfair environment, and force players to rely on metas."

    I addressed that through finesse (skill) you can overcome harassers, no doubt. The point is that the Harasser's role is unbalanced and creates an unfair environment in most situations, and has an extremely limited amount of proper counters (as opposed to every other vehicle). That's what the stats are for, they give you an idea what roles specific vehicles can play (with the harasser in the Heavy Tank category in terms of damage resistance).

    When I say "force players to rely on metas", I'm specifically referring to you. You're clinging onto a meta, and as someone already pointed out, your stats entirely reflect the abuse of these metas and imbalances. I do not fault you for adopting them, because that's what imbalanced systems do, they unintentionally influence players (especially the dedicated ones) to use metas for the absolute best advantage possible. The issue is that these advantages are so great, that it discourages diverse gameplay, and ultimately hinders the games success (because imbalance is unattractive in competitive games, hence the dramatic declines in the player base). By no means am I faulting the Harasser's imbalance alone for PS2's lack of success, but it's definitely a variable to acknowledge.
  19. Bansheedragon75

    Maybe you should read my post properly rather than just make assumptions.
    I was referring to the video, specifically the timestamps you pointed out.
    Since you mentioned them specifically I thought you meant they were important and those units were sure as hell not Liberators

    You don't know be so you cannot make that determination.
    With the spread on the Skyguard it makes it difficult at best to actually hit with the shots beyond 200m, most of the shots will hit.
    The Ranger while having less spread, does less damage overall meaning you have to hit with more shots.

    You pointed out 2 timestamps specifically thus leading me to believe they were what was important.
    But videos of a high skill player is still not going to convince me that you are right, especially not when the numbers are not in your favour.

    The rank is irrelevant, catching someone off guard does not take skill, thats just being lucky

    Whats your point?
    That suggests to me a highly skilled pilot or an unskilled Skyguard pilot.

    Speed and manoeuvrability is irrelevant if you are lucky and can either catch them off guard or they come right as you in the video.

    If a Liberator is not supposed to take me out in a Skyguard with one clip of their nose gun, then how do you explain many of them doing it?
    It's not always they do, but it's often enough that that I question your statement.

    Maybe the problem isn't that you can't understand, but rather than you are not trying to understand.
    You honestly come off as somewhat aloof trying to tell us that you are right and we are wrong by using your own skills as a means of proving it.
    I do not doubt that a highly skilled player can overcome the imbalance in the numbers, but that is not something the average player is capable of, because the numbers strongly disfavour them.
  20. netBattler

    To add to this post:

    **** the TR specific harasser top minigun - that thing is so ******* powerful against everything. Outclasses the Basilisk.
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