Hitbox / Aimbot Users on the Rise

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wolfborne, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. Wolfborne

    I have noticed that more people are suddenly "laser accurate" when shooting, regardless if they are air, armor or infantry. I understand that some people are just really good at the game and have perfected their play style, but, there are people that hit regardless of movement or angle. Their shots always land. It appears as if they are "assisted" by something, because what they do is simply not within the normal scope of human ability.

    I am also well aware that people will say that it is not an actual problem, and then go on to list a wide variety of reasons why it is happening. My guess is that those are the same people who are doing it, or, they know someone who is doing it. Perhaps members of their outfit are doing it, and they are trying to downplay the frequency of it happening to help cover for them.

    Regardless, those that use hacks / cheats are essentially admitting to having very little actual skill, and they require "assistance" in order to be competitive. To that end I just laugh at your ineptness.

    Now, DBG, when people are suspected of cheating and reported, do you actually investigate? Do you do anything to them, or, are they allowed to continue to harass legitimate players, and ruin the game for those of us who want a fair and level playing field?
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  2. Towie

    I can categorically state that DBG do ban - and these bans are deletion of characters rather than a slapped wrist.

    We've had several recent threads with newbies going a bit OTT with their aimbot / hitbox stuff and they're now gone. Sometimes it takes a while but they do go.

    Yes you are right - it's on the rise - has been since mid last year, exactly whether they've found a way around Battleye or have a private cheat unknown to BE or found a way to bypass the filecheck - all good questions. Note that BE doesn't seem to be working all the time either.

    AND we still have plenty of longer term players pulling ridiculous stunts - some may actually be legit and just unnaturally good, but there's going to plenty who are not.

    Sadly - there's some real scumbags around who need to feel unbeatable in something (no doubt to make up for what's lacking in their real life).
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  3. AlcyoneSerene

    Reported some ### for blatant lagswitching or teleportation with a pump action shotgun, with screenshot evidence and the ### kill feed during that time, still see ### playing. That was 100% deliberate exploitation and cheating, not occasional network lag.

    What about all the players who play in the future, who are invisible and pop up or shoot you before anything takes place on your screen? PS Arena will be so much fun when these same cheaters/exploiters of netcode show up and give legitimately good players no chance.

    Also hitbox modification seems rampant. I get it, it's clientside, so seeing two (2) bullets fired at your heavy with overshield on from non-bolt-action gun at range or from some falling light assault (non-ADS) doesn't mean only two were fired, but for some players or dare I say outfits this gets old. You'd imagine cheaters get bored of stomping and cheat elsewhere but there's no limits to their ### and DBG needs to shadow these and delete even if makes the game a ghost town.
  4. Vanguard540

    It's really bad, because when you practice hard to get good you get called hacker.
    And when you meet people able to consistantly 180° one burst LMG you from 50 meters away it reminds me how PUBG was a year and a half ago.
    It's bad for people getting abused by it and it's bad for people respecting the rules.
    Some people seem to be able to land chain handshots despite cloak jukes, jumps and wiggles from a fair distance.
    Some people NEVER bodyshot you, yet even Xoniq and Elusive do.
    No matter how hard you try to juke their shots and the distance, you'll hear the headshot sounds repeated. The only solution to this is to one shot them with CQC snipers before they get the time to react. I used to be an SMG enthusiast but I had to stop. 3 bullets in their heads and they sudenly get the time to flick at you and one burst your head, no matter if you're higher, lower, behind, silencer equiped or not. Low battleranks, never coming back AND, HA mains for some reaons. Some HA are good, but I've seen too much ****. And I trust you when you say hitbox hacking might be a thing. I have seen this years ago. Feels the same.
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  5. OgreMarkX


    These supa killa masta 360NOSCOPE420 playas are just super skilled you gais. They train. Muscle memory. SUPA LEET!

    Ahem, or so they claim when accused <cough, many Connery players, cough, cough>

    I've heard it all before since I started online gaming in 1997. Same old stories by cheaters who end up getting caught. Have you seen what happened to cheaters in Overwatch, PUBG and other games? Ya, the hackers there told the same stories...but those games found ways to identify and ban them, many very publicly.

    The thing about Planetside is that DBG doesn't even have the coders needed for the core game let alone to work out cheaters. And the players know it. This is one of the biggest reasons Planetside Arena will fail. Years of hacking and game data modification by players in PS2 will transfer to the "competitive play" of PSA. It's going to be a ****-show.

    DBG/SOE made KDR prominent in their game. Reaping what they sowed now.

    Hitbox hacking has become VERY bad in game. A number of them were caught when Battleeye came out. Supa Masta Leet Killas dissappeared on Connery after that. One in particular did not but he waited a week before logging back on, and when he did, he was NOTICEABLY easier to kill for weeks (and then miraculously became SUPAMASTA KILLA again).

    Obvious hackers are obvious.
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  6. Inogine

    I've noticed a few people I'd suspect of cheating. Had one relatively recently in a tank that was tracking my velocity above all else when I was driving my harasser. Short easy to hit jukes where I barely moved had him shooting where acceleration WOULD have taken me. Did this for around 10-20 seconds with him continuing to aim where continued acceleration would have put me... Kinda like how rudimentary AI aiming would work. Just tapping forward and back and barely actually moving where most folks woulda snapped me no problem.

    Is it overly large a problem though? Not that I've seen.
  7. Towie

    SOE used to do this - it was always good to see (YET another one) get caught - they'd splash a message across all screens and often with a bit of humor injected. This was good to see.

    DBG don't do this - no idea why - wish they did. People probably think that they don't ban but like I said - they definitely do. They should make it public.

    True. I use the fisu site when playing and when I come across someone suspicious, I check him out before reporting.

    The funny thing is - the players screen on fisu holds the last 16 players who have been checked out by someone else - and whenever I look at it, invariably there are names highlighted (meaning i've checked them previously too). I can't even imagine how many reports some of these folks have had. Yet they still play.
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  8. ObiVanuKenobi

    An aimbot wouldn't miss lol. Leading moving targets is common sense, most Harasser players speed away in 1 direction.
  9. Towie

    Funny thing is - they actually would (highly dependent on target / distance / gun though). The aimbots had to make calculations to estimate where the target would be by the time the bullet arrived - which started out somewhat crude but ultimately became very sophisticated (allowing things like bone targeting / headshot / adjustable accuracy etc. etc. to try to disguise the perpetrators actions).

    Moot point when it comes to the high velocity stuff and close range which could always hit exactly where you wanted it (eg. sniper rifles) but still, not quite as simple as you might expect.

    Of course there were plenty of other really stupid things available but those folks could be caught quite easily - so the smarter cheats got sneaky.
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  10. BigG

    There is a rise in hackers because daybreak were out for holiday. More of the kinds where they fly around teleporting and killing people from under the map. Spawning base turrets inside spawnrooms. Once they get cleared out it should be better. Just on emerald the other night there were a few NC running around with super powers clipping in and out of all the terrain with superhuman speed and killing everyone from under the floor of the points or inside the walls.

    Whoever said aimbots don't miss is uninformed. Aimbots will miss a lot in this type of game(especially at longer ranges) because each bullet is a projectile within the engine so amateur aimbot makers who do not know how to predict angles based on players speeds or have come up with alternate solutions will not be able to lead shots and miss many. Aimbots only never miss when it is hitscan technology being utilized in the engine and even then poor network connections can muck things up depending on the game.
  11. MonnyMoony

    Surely that depends on how it's been designed.

    An aimbot that acts as an aim assist - rather being snap to laser accurate would still give you a massive advantage, especially when it comes to landing headshots - but might not be obvious as long as it doesn't go too over the top.
  12. Vanguard540

    Only hitscan weapons will have 100% accuracy, everything else misses because you've got to compensate for movement. But maybe some tools can help them with that too.
  13. Inogine

    Except that at that distance judging my speed would have been a bit difficult visually. I also juked back and forth at different angles. It was always where acceleration would have taken me near perfectly. This behaves a LOT like a bot would if it only accounted for momentum rather than just snapping to target. Leads to a lot of misses too once you recognize it and bounce your character/vehicle back and forth. I didn't move but perhaps a few feet at a time, but it was able to read my acceleration and account for it to "lead the target" would be my best guess.

    That said, suspected. No more no less. His level was a little high to be making rookie mistakes in aiming like that. 'Round 80 if I remember correctly. He didn't land a single shot or even try to put one dead center where I remained the whole time. If it was a bot, it's great if your target is in constant motion and you're also moving, but not so much when you can exploit it with just back and forth juking. If it is as suspected.
  14. Prince Planet

    I had an NC sniper head shot me from 100m away when we were both moving. Yeah right.
  15. DarkStarAnubis

    it may happen. Sometimes it is just a lucky shot - I managed a few of such kills and I am a lousy sniper.

    If you get head-shotted 10 times in a row while on the move by the same person it is a different issue. But we should not see cheaters/hackers in everybody who managed to kill us.
  16. Towie

    I do agree - although the general acknowledgement and knowledge of the fact that cheaters are prevalent in PS2 doesn't help.

    Which is why I do a bit of investigating before reporting when I see something suspicious (but then - I do have the luxury of a laptop running alongside my gaming rig).

    Everyone can be lucky - nobody is lucky all the time.

    There are some things that are very easy to recognise, like lots of deaths all at the same time from a non-explosive weapon = lagswitch. Constant headshots = aimbot or hitbox mod. Often the rate of successful kills can be a red flag.

    I also take into account the situation ie. my Blackhand/SMG LA (or 4xCarbine/SMG LA - thankyou ASP!) I can get decent headshots at distance yet if someone i'm attacking plinks multiple headshots in response with a 1x CQC weapon ? Very suspicious and you'd be surprised how often it happens.

    YET - all said and done - someone smart enough to know how things get noticed can do enough 'ordinary stuff' to not look at all suspicious at first glance. DBG need over-the-shoulder views on these people to spot the signs and I fear they just don't have the resource.
  17. DarkStarAnubis


    I think the real problem is not the blatant/greedy cheater with a >50% HSR on an lousy LMG, but the subtle cheater who manages to get an advantage in every duel yet manages to stay "below the radar" in terms of results.
  18. PlanetBound

    If the anti-cheat software can't stop the cheaters at least let everyone use the cheats.
  19. OgreMarkX

    That's called Sol Tech.
  20. Drascalicus

    So, there is some prediction plus some very dump and stupid luck that comes into play as well. I wish I was recording, but I wasn't.

    Over between TI Alloys and Allatum, is a bridge, and it crosses over a small gorge. I was an infil with the RAM .50, and I knew the spot was a harasser driver's perfect dream of escape. I spotted an enemy NC harasser driving towards the spot, and it had the flash of a backseat repairman. I pre-aimed where I thought they might go (it isn't perfect by any means). They slowed down to make the turn, and then I shot as they went parallel to the walls of the small gorge. Headshot a player right out of the jump seat of the harasser.

    Was I lucky, yes. Did I think I was going to hit the player, HELL NO! Did I in the end? Am I a cheater? This goes to highlight that there are many ways in which you think there are cheaters, but most often times, it was a spot, spotting device, the running distortion effect on cloakers, plus the shield animations when they get hit a few times. I can't explain everything, but saying everyone is a cheater for "insert reason here" doesn't work.

    To highlight another story. I was playing NC with the Gauss Saw and a compensator. I headshot an infil on the hill 3 times (relatively) blind by shooting at his last position with 1 shot bursts. Again stupid luck has its ways.