PlanetSide Arena

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iller, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. Demigan

    You silly cynical people.

    PS2's engine is probably the most awesome engine in current existence for large-scale battle royale games.
    The other game modes, like a 900 player CTF, you cant even be slightly exited for that awesome idea? And with any luck any development of PS-A will trickle down into PS2 as well.

    The gameplay looks awesome so far... What I'm fearful for is having to buy the game, and then being stuck buying seasons passes just to keep playing. Let me pay once and then entice me with small progression boosts and cosmetic items to buy more. PS-A's playerbase will not even reach the 250 players for more than the first season if you get so many paywalls up, and all it does is make it look like a cashgrab you should avoid like the plague.
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  2. Cyropaedia

    PSA might work if cross-platform play is enabled. Cross-platform would also bring curious players to the PS2 fold. Otherwise, they will probably cannibalize from PC PS2 servers. I am guessing a Connery-Emerald merge will happen early-mid 2019.
  3. Caudill

    I'd say that's pretty accurate. DBG has proven once again that they are not a games company, but an investment company, extracting whatever treasure they can from the work of people at SOE. They took our money that we spent on PS2 and used it to build a money trap for kids who play Fortnite. I will never give these people another dollar ever. I hope everyone wil cancel their subs today and starve them into selling Planetside off. It's the only way to save it at this point, I think.
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  4. Atorum

    Its funny because its sad.
  5. HippoCryties

    Disappointment. I have a deep sorrow in my heart and today is the day Planetside died for me. Sure, “you can still play Planetside 2” but it just isn’t the same. This game will attract the usual 9 year olds for BR games and my fear is we will lose the one thing I love abouT Planetside TWO... the community.

    It’s been a good run guys and I hope this isn’t the end but if it is, know I love you all.
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  6. Talthos

    Going right ahead with that. Rather unfortunate, considering that I wouldn't have cancelled it otherwise, but this is just... too much.
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  7. HippoCryties

    This game deserves to fail but I sincerely hope it doesn’t so we get a Planetside 3.
  8. Skraggz

    Waiting for the stream mate.
  9. HippoCryties

    It will come
  10. Caudill

    Good call. There will be no Planetside 3. Anyone who keeps giving these people money, hoping that "next time it will be different" is a fool. They have proven repeatedly they have no interest in serving the interests of existing players, but only chasing the next quick buck at any cost. Let them fail. They deserve it. Never give these people another dollar EVER.
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  11. Skraggz

    Fantastic, Unsubbing.
  12. Talthos

    The next question is, if Planetside 2 actually does end up changing hands, what publisher and/or developer studio would be best suited for handling it?
  13. Lord_Avatar

    Finally a measured response. I'm not too happy about the BR tag that comes along with Arena, but I'm willing to give the game a chance; especially if it means keeping the IP strong. I do hope PS2 will benefit from its sister game as well.
  14. JibbaJabba

    The information I have is that Planetside 2 is fully funded including investment for additional development. This is also partially evidenced by the upcoming Dx11 and New continent.

    I trust my firsthand source on this but am curious what your source is?
  15. Demigan

    I'm not sure what the hate is to BR games. I play PUBG and its a pretty good experience. Just like PS2 is a completely gameplay from Crisis or similar, it just offers a different way to play. It'd be like RTS players hating on Company Of Heroes because the units can use cover which most RTS's dont really allow.

    Looking at the other game modes, BR is just the tip of the iceberg. I want to see how they pull off a 900 player CTF on a continent sized map.
  16. Dumpsterprophet

    Here's the official trailer

    My thoughts on this are cautiously optimistic. I for one, hate battle royale, its the cancer of fps games right now. That being said in the video they talk about other modes and that peaks my interest. Straight up infantry gameplay is what i like and ive always wanted a smaller format since finding a good battle in ps2 seems to take hours. I like the direction they are heading instead of just dumping a new continent or reskinned weapons for us to buy. Hopefully this will bring ps2 into the mainstream and get more players.
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  17. strikearrow

    It won't because of what you just stated - it's infantryside. Instead people like you will spend money/time on PSA not PS2 and PS2 will die. PSA will steal from PS2 not add to PS2.
  18. Dumpsterprophet

    Works for me ps2 has been dead in my mind for years. Especially after hossin flopped and the population plummeted i dont really see a way you can salvage ps2. A better decision would be to reclaim the assets and put them into a new format.
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  19. Demigan

    Why is it a cancer? Because its popular right now?

    You know real cancer? P2W microtransactions, yearly game releases with too little development time, cashgrabs, copy-paste games that dont innovate or attempt to improve.

    Hating on BR is like hating cities skylines because its a different type of RTS than C&C or Starcraft or whatever.
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  20. Wargrim

    It has been quite a while since i last logged into the forums. I came over here to say the following:


    I mean seriously, trying to jump on the Battle Royale Hype Train, long after it has left the station? Too funny really. Good luck with that. Gave me a good laugh for free. Have two thumbs up DBG! :thumb :thumb