[Suggestion] to the dev. team

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yessme, Nov 19, 2017.

  1. Yessme

    My question is, how long will we have to play with this update? Spawn in the VR room and then wait 10 minutes to get to any map! Old bugs still inside.
    and another question, Wrel as a former youtuber, when are you going to make room for another (maybe youtuber from me) who might have ideas. I mean, it has not got much better since you came to the developer team. I mean, it would be fair (if you already bring players into the team) to make it possible for others. you had your chance, with mariokart MBT, removed thermals, buff infil. Lets other try it, other Community member should have same Chance like you.
  2. adamts01

    This is an odd post. You're asking for a job from someone who can't hire you....

    I would like more from Wrel though. I wish he'd put out some more videos at least explaining why he's doing things. If he's even the one making many of the calls. He gets blamed for everything and likely isn't responsible for most of it. I'd really like some more interaction from him, preferably on their own forum but even Reddit would be better than the nothing we currently have. I know he's doing his best and wants to succeed, it's just strange that he pretty much disappeared when he took this job. Part of that could be CA, that state makes you crazy.
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  3. Yessme

    i dont ask for someone, i ask for Fairness.
    if you took some Communitymember in your Team, because of Videos what he dit, and many other dit same, so why don`t giv the others the same Chance?
    I don`T blame for his Job, just say, he got his Chance, and game isn`t better than bevor.
    so why he should Stay? and din`t giv other a Chance???
    he was just a community member, like you and me, after higby leav, they taked him coz of his Youtube!
    But many other dit the same, so why giv him alone the Chance?
    he better than other communitymember?
    So what dit Wrel for you? Basebuild??? no it was an idea from old dev Team not from wrel.
    Buff infiltrator and try to remove sonsorshild,- only ragetells on reddit saved our sensorshilds!
    Bring only new NSX weapons?
    Buff and nerv vihecles, but no idea what to do? buff and nerf flaks after buff and nerfs?

    thats why, just try a new communitymember, other People got other ideas.

    oh i see you wride in other post that (plz Balance harrasers)
    so why you talk here other than other threads?
    to leav PS2 isn`t a Option for me, i try to Chance Things not to leav when i get frustrated
  4. adamts01

    Replacing Wrel with another player isn't a solution, the solution is more open and honest communication with the players who understand how the current game actually plays out. Wrel has a very infantry-oriented view of the game, and the Harasser problem you quoted is a result of that. I'd do a terrible job of balancing infiltrators and player made bases. And I'm sure there are parts of the game that you don't expertly understand. Another player/employee isn't the answer, it's all about community interaction.
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  5. Yessme

    What does Wrel have for an advantage over other members?
    He's not a programmer, just a former player.
    I don't see any advantages over the same Communitymember.
    Only it would be good for the game to let others do the same.
    If you were to talk to the community, then we don't need a player on the development team.
    However, there is very little communication between developer and player and it would be fair to let other ideas too
    Replacing Wrel is an Option and DGB should use this.

    and yes you wride it, Wrel is an Infantry Player and i thought, PS2 is an Combined arms game, so if i look this Point, yes Wrel is wrong in the Dev Team Absolutely
  6. The Rogue Wolf

    So unless someone is an expert in infantry, ground vehicles AND aircraft, they're not fit to be on the dev team?
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  7. adamts01

    His advantage was his following. He had a ton of support from the players and was an influential leader in the community. That's something You and I don't have. Our voices don't carry any weight because we don't have people behind us. I don't mind, that's just the way the world is. If you want your words to carry weight, then you have to put in the effort like he did and become a ring leader.

    It's pretty hard, if not impossible, to understand every aspect of this game on a master level, so I don't hold him at fault for that. The gripe I do have with him is the lack of interaction with us. But even with that, I don't know how much of that is his fault, it could be that his boss wants that to be left to a community manager.
  8. Yessme

    You're wrong about that statement. At the time when Wrel came into the development team, he did not have the most followers, or a very big weight in the community. Most of them knew him in a fleeting video.
    Who at that time, most followers had and the biggest weight in the community, was MattiAce.
    Therefore there is no advantage, also there are many players who play all classes and vehicles.
    He is not a programmer, pure Infanteryplayer and at this time also not the one with the most followers.
    So, I don't see an advantage over other players.
    As I said, one gives 1 the chance, so you should give others who do the same, the same.
    More ideas, can't be bad, so why fix to 1?
    I'm not talking about me either, since I don't know anything about programming.
    I'm talking about those (from me, even new players)
    Who are just as (or maybe more) in the matter and maybe have some clue about the Code.

    And after the update Today, with disconn hole time, i Thing it wold be a good idea for game to giv other same chance
  9. iPervy

    Man your sure railing on Wrel. I'm just going to say the best to come to Planetside was Wrel joining the team since prior we had a drought on any content for almost 2 years. Sad thing due to that is that Wrel can't really make the vids he used to make for the game as it would be biased and be iffy essentially advertising people to buy weapons via a video review (intentional or not).

    That said though, from the moment Planetside 2 was announced he released essentially 90% nothing but Planetside 2 videos for over 4 years and even now (not including working on the game). Other youtubers sure may have had more draw making videos on PS2, but only Wrel was the one that stuck with the game through and through, and even if he wasn't hired I wouldn't be surprised if he still did a majority of just PS2 based videos. Guys like MattiAce, Levelcap, TotalBiscuit, Joshino, Camikazi78, DraxGaming, ZorantheBear (I'm just listing a range of different folk/influencers) had a influence in the community when the game was released, but sooner or later most all move on to different games when the PS2 hype died down or stagnated. Sporadically coming back here and there.

    Wrel on the other hand almost exclusively lived and breathed nothing but PS2 and if you go through his video feed its apparent. Not only that each video he made are very concise and well made/researched, and when he critiqued the devs he did it in a respectful way instead of attacking. He made efforts to meet the devs and the community by going to PS2 related events making those connections to lead to actually getting to work on the game. The devs didn't hire him on a whim, but because he proved himself not only to devs but the community as well. If you ask me Wrel was the best person they could hire. Perfect? of course not, but you can't find a more well rounded more dedicated/passionate respectable person on youtube that could match him for PS2. Guy earned his spot on the team and it wasn't by chance.
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  10. Yessme

    i am not the only who Thing that, but i talk over this.

    Don't see any advantage because others have done just that. So I see absolutely no reason.
    I know in my outfit alone, 6 players who have been playing PS2 every day since the release and are releasing videos.
    I too have been playing daily since the release.
    Not only he alone, is with the heart at PS2, but many others also.
    I have been playing since 2012, only PS2, have no other game.
    But since you list all the Influenca, you should know that just because of Wrel, some of them have stopped.
    But I'm not saying he's ****, I just say he had his chance, is not better qualified, like any other communitymember.
    So he should, (if he loves PS2 so), make room for other visions.
    If he loves PS2 as you say, then it should hurt him in the heart, what updates he gets out.
    In the population he sees that it is not good what his team is doing.
    If he loves PS2, he gives PS2 another chance and concedes the place.
    As I said, it hasn't gotten any better, so pass the baton on to new players.
    Other players, other visions.
    Maybe you'll find someone who can also do programming.
  11. Jac70

    Wrel might not have had the biggest channel but he did have a channel that addressed not just PS2 but gaming in general. The underlying concepts of what gaming means to players and what makes it a good experience. Whether you agree with his take is another matter but I can see why his channel would be an asset for someone moving into game design.

    He seems to have become the whipping boy for certain elements in the player base. Personally I am not sure how much of the recent changes are down to him. There are many egregious things in the game that have been there from day one that are IMO worse than recent changes. Stuff like lolpods and C4.
  12. Shibby84

    I really think this game doesn't need influence from "bacon" "cake" trenders from youtube to be dictatorships for how this game develops. Most of the time, what comes from the internet is 50% blah. I know this game is now bridging a gap in generations to a whole new type of players who rather played minecraft ect. New type of players changes the way the game becomes. Another thing I have to say, is that this game is not developed by SOE games, the dev team we played with that was a close knit family is no longer. Most developers upon the change were removed. Remember when infils might be able to use drones, that time was gold in this games history. I know what the development and progress of what this game is.
    Every opinion should matter in developing this game, but the game itself should be made not to exact order to what we want, because then everyone wont like it. If this game needs something, it needs the company to create a game we will like to play.
    Telling someone what you gave them on xmas ruins the surprise.
    Daybreak Games is not SOE Games. <<
  13. Yessme

    And that's exactly what I'm saying, the game really hasn't gotten any better since he's on the team.
    C4 door fights still exist.
    means to me that you have to give another a chance.
    Clearly, he gets everything, but is also right, because he could change what if he wanted, but does not do so.
    He is not a consultant for the developers, he is on the development team.
    If he can do nothing, he should just pass the baton

    aaaand yep , C4 door fight still boring

    The developers should open a thread to collect ideas (not at Reddit but here), after 1 month they should get the best 5 ideas out and let the community vote on them which will be implemented.
    I mean worse like now, it can't be
  14. TR5L4Y3R

    with the toxicity of the community i don´t see this happen .. too many times did i see open devs get bashed in forums, insulted and recieving deathtreats even ..

    d: " hey we have this idea and plan to do it that way"
    c: " COOL! <3"
    d: "sry didn´t work out had to scrap"
    c: " yea? FY2! >:/ "
  15. Yessme

    yes and so it should be, they make a game for players, not for themselves. If there was more communication between community and developer, the problems would not be and you would not have to get a player into the developer team. Yes, they should get everything, because they are also responsible.
  16. adamts01

    The internet is the internet. Stupid **** said online is no excuse to ignore your customers.
  17. Yessme

    I agree. Criticism is appropriate as it is the only expression to vent his frustration. But criticism should always remain factual, which unfortunately is not the case. but as a former Youtuber and influenca, you should not have any problems with that, whether a flame or factual remains. You should also be able to handle it as a developer. other developers of other games also get enough hate threads but do not streamline the communication. What are our developers for people? Princess and the Pea? too fine for the community?
  18. Shibby84

    AS it is its just as. I play. I enjoy. I say somethings, I suggest cool ideas. I don't know what's going to be done. When something doesn't go right I get frustrated, I rage just as well as someone else would, and considering myself I would do it better than anyone. I know my place and what this game has become, but I was never in the immediate mix of how everything was put into place. I was a gamer who wanted more, who wanted balanced teams, undefined teams, and to improve on that 1 more extra team just to be certain it wouldn't. Many would agree. If this game becomes something that is no longer playable, I'm glad I played it. I would really like for this type of game to be pronounced on a new platform, ie PS3, better graphics, cooler animated gizmo effects, cool stuff, while being what made this game be what it is. I have had more important things to attend to, thank you though. Oddly the same way how it became in many other ways, sucks really, physically hurts even.
  19. JibbaJabba

    I don't think the community has a healthy respect for just how tenuous your precious game is.

    This is a free to play game. Free.

    We have what 5000-10000 players on regularly? What percentage of them pay for a membership? Just taking wild ***** guesses it's pretty clear to me that not a lot of money is flowing in.

    Server hardware aside, just paying for the pipe that these things use is going to cost a fortune. Then there are salaries. You want solid devs? six figures each. Plus half that for admins, program managers, etc. That is a LOT of $12/month subscriptions.

    Now the bottom line keeps getting met. The lights are still on, the servers are still running. I don't think we're at great risk of losing it.

    But we want a constant flow of new stuff?? Look people - it ain't going to happen like you want. Take a new continent as an example. Most have realized by now it's not coming, but why? Because it would take months of salary for multiple people to make that happen and the budget just isn't there.

    I also don't think most folks have a healthy respect for just how difficult big-time dev is. Adding a new rifle is easy peasy: Hire a modeler, hire an SFX guy, the drop some stats into a database table. Done. Try something like adding a sanctuary though (lookup planetside 1 if not sure what that is). The code work on that would be enormous. It would like a sizeable chunk of all existing dev power that daybreak has. Suggest Daybreak bring back the Loadstar (again, look that up) would make them laugh milk out their noses.
  20. Yessme

    For this very reason, (money) developers should collaborate more with the community.
    I had a premium account, but I'm not going to get a new one because the game is not a combined arms game.
    If you want to make money, you have to work with the people who bring the money.
    However, this does not happen and then you do not have to wonder if there is no more money coming in.
    To think of ignoring the community does not make PS2 any better and also does not bring money.
    In the meantime, I think before you completely ruined PS2, you'd better set it up and get the thought that it was a good unprecedented game (was)
    What is happening now is not worthy of PS2.
    And if you can't make a decent update anymore, or if you don't have programmers, you should keep your fingers off.
    But do not, so there is still enough support.
    1 year ago, it would have wormed me if PS2 had been shut down, but now it doesn't matter to me to be honest.
    To be honest, I've already gone back to counter strike since I find for a pure infantery fight, the game is better suited.
    After 5 years of PS2, it's sad that you start thinking like this, but you have no other Chance

    that wish DGB but really does PS2 have only 3K Player on all server

    and free to play doesn't mean you can ruin the game