People You Totally Thought Were Cheating But Actually Weren't

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MurgNC, Aug 28, 2017.

  1. MurgNC

    Just wanted to share this experience...

    Has anyone else had a similar experience?

    I'm on a firing line with about 40 other NC, shooting at a bunch of TR at medium range. There are no TR close to us though, because they'd have to cross open ground to get close and they'd never survive with 40 NC shooting at them. I'm heavy assault, full health and shields, no enemies on the mini-map, and suddenly out of nowhere some low-BR TR HA comes up behind me, one-shots me with the default TR shotgun, and runs off.

    "Oh you dirty hacker!" I shout to myself, and I'm all ready to write up an indignant hackusation report to DBG.

    But first, I look up the guy's stats. Turns out he was actually getting farmed all night, and getting me was one of the few kills he managed to get! No idea how he managed to sneak past 40 NC, though knowing NC we probably didn't have any recon out.

    So the old military adage applies -- "Professionals are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs!" Anyways, I thought it was interesting.

    Has anyone else had any similar experiences?
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  2. NXR1

    Generally every time something seems like hacks its these terrible servers.
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  3. Ziggurat8

    Only hackers, cheaters and exploiters kill me. I'm too good for legit players. ;)

    :eek: Aim bots, Lag switches, Hit scan, ESP, Wall hacks, Terrain Exploits, Invincibility, Invisibility, Big Head Hitbox and Speed hacks.:eek:

    :p I know it's just to even the playing field but every player I encounter is running one or more of those. I'm sure of it.:p
  4. Campagne

    In truth, it is impossible to ever really know if another player is or is not cheating in some way, especially with all the subtle ways it can be done now.
  5. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I was gunning for a friend of mine when he drove his harasser straight through some VS heavy several times in a row. I also kept shooting him with the Vulcan but he just wouldn't go down. For a second it actually crossed my mind that he was invulnerable, right up until the moment I shot him one more time with the Vulcan and that poor BR 4 flopped dead to the floor.
  6. Demigan

    As far as I know, most of the subtle ways to cheat have been solved. That's why the entire "leet dragshot community" has suddenly and miraculously fallen apart which has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that head hitbox size cheats were solved around that thime *hint hint*, that's why some people who've been at the top of the leaderboard for a long time suddenly deleted their character and started other lesser known one's.
    BattleEye is working. It doesn't instantly ban a proven cheater but keeps collecting data and passes it on to DBG, who then is able to ban not just the player but anyone using that cheat.
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  7. Urban-ski

    Well the other day I emptied a full clip of carbine ammo and two underboss rounds into the back of a TR HA with the shield off and they didn't die. It was especially annoying when they turned and took me down in less than a second.

    There was another incident a while back, playing a MAX at a capture point it took me 100+ rounds of Quasar ammo to kill a engineer. Emptied both Quasar arms into this guy and had to reload, he nearly took me out with carbine ammo it took so long to kill him, in the end another ally ran in and popped him, in both instances I suspect the issue was on my side and it seems my shots just weren't registering or there was a delay in them registering.

    At that moment however I was really tempted to msg the player questioning the legitimacy or their playstyle and birthright.

    I do know the servers and client side latency can create some very odd situations which can appear like cheating...

    Other weird stuff like on logging in having not played for a week, as soon as I stepped out of the spawn tube at the warpgate I was greeted with a 'ding' and I told I'd tk'd someone.....that's impressive, I can tk even when I'm in the spawntube or offline.....server, latency, client ping + netcode = weird stuff happens
  8. MuggieWara

    Some 100+ BR players are so inhumanly accurate in infantry fights..My frustration tells me "They MUST be cheating" but i dont believe they would risk their characters and all the time and money spent on them.:p

    Ive also had my occasional hackusation when im on a good day in terms of headshots,but ive come to terms with accepting that some people are just THAT good..

    At least they cant do that when i shell them!!:D
  9. Campagne

    Maybe. We really can't say how many if any cheats are still floating around out there without public knowledge. I personally was completely unaware of the hitbox cheat until the forums exploded about it. I've heard here and there that the fix was entirely circumnavigated, and for some players I'd might just believe it.

    I'm sure BattlEye is working, haven't seen any super-obvious fight-killing aimboters or flying MAXes in quite a long while. But it isn't perfect either, and some thing do slip through for a time I'm sure. (Also had another suspected run-in with a telemines encounter just yesterday. Just didn't have Shadowplay running 'cause there's not much need to anymore. :p)

    Then there's all the exploits. Jumping up a 90 degree building to get to the roof, spamming smoke grenades while having smoke turned off... :eek:
  10. ObiVanuKenobi

    That happens when someone spawns at a sunderer and is still in loading screen or dced.
  11. Alkasirn

    I can't think of any case where I was fully convinced someone was cheating and it turned out they weren't. I can think of cases where I was fully convinced someone wasn't cheating but then it turned out they were or they ended up doing something highly suspicious (suddenly deleting a BR100+ char, deciding to take a break the instant Battleye was announced, etc.)

    But like other people have somewhat mentioned, this game has a lot of quirks. Everyone looks like they got a >0% chance at cheating - including you. It's why I'm averaging about 1 hour per month playing this game lately; what you see in game has only a vague relation to what everyone else is seeing at best.

    Y'know. Dying never feels "right"; like those times on Emerald where people drove a harasser past me, jumped out, and killed me before the game decided to render them on my screen. Were they cheating? Highly unlikely. But they may as well have been for how much I could have done anything to react to it. Or those times on Miller I'd jump up on a roof and start shooting someone who was sprinting, and they'd stop sprinting just a few frames before I killed them. Was I aimbotting? No, but it wouldn't have made a difference to them if I was. Or those times everywhere when bullets would hit me and do no damage or grenades would explode at my feet and not affect me at all. Do I have god mode? No, but I may as well have.

    So, you know, in summary: Is that particular person you saw at any given moment hacking? Probably not. Does it matter?
  12. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Unfortunately in this case it's neither. My friend plays from overseas and since he's often the driver, it can produce some frustrating results.
  13. stalkish

    I have a vid of me repairing my tank, 2x c4 instantly appear on it, 2 hud markers, both at the same time.
    There were no enemies around.
    When (if*) i get around to uploading it ill send you a link.

    *My problem is i cannot seem to edit the footage without making it laggy as ***, all i want to do is chop the 5 mins down to size....
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  14. Liewec123

    everytime clinetside kills me i freel like i'm fighting hackers,
    enemies turning the corner and somehow i'm dead before the human reaction time...
    always seem like i'm getting 2 shotted no matter what weapon they're using.
  15. Sirygba

    I sometimes play on emerald as NC (ping 100), and one week ago i suprized this VS guy and managed to put half of my mag in his back before he turmed arround and killed me in 0,1 seconds with headshots. It was obvious aimbot.. oh wait player name- Wrel.
  16. LaughingDead

    When I started, basically anyone that got on the roof of a biolab that wasn't a light assault. Even after learning that it was a geometry exploit, I still find walljumping ********.
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  17. Sil4ntChaozz

    I never assume cheating unless its so blatant I can't miss it. I... never have been called a cheater because my gameplay is mediocre at my absolute best.