[Suggestion] Give vehicle top guns a hitbox

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by stalkish, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. stalkish

    Nothing more to be said.
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  2. FateJH

    Okay, so then they have a hitbox.

    Now what?
  3. FLHuk

    Several top guns will no longer be able to hit things climbing slopes with zero fear of being hit in return.
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  4. FateJH

    Just because you can be hit by projectiles doesn't mean you'll take damage from them. That's what I'm getting at - this is half an idea without full explanation. For all I know, the OP is annoyed at the lack of immersion in Sunderers able to clip their way under the walkway between the SCU building and the banana building at Tech Plants.

    I know that's bugged me for ages.
  5. LodeTria

    It'd probably cause some awful problems with how turrets interact things, like when debris goes anywhere near a tank turret and you either die or it makes the turret go all wonky.
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  6. LegendarySalmonSnake

    Well he did say hitbox and not collision box so seems self-explanatory at least to me.

    Novice like me can't understand why all objects don't block projectiles leaving them because it seems to be the case with the constructible silo. Would stop top guns from shooting trough roofs most of the time AND more importantly would make exploitters inside walls only be able to use their quick knife allowing victims to stab them right back.
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  7. Rydenan

    Some especially cheesy tank drivers will park behind something that blocks everything but their top gun. The top gun can shoot at enemies all day long, but the enemies cannot shoot back because the tank has no exposed hitbox.
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  8. Demigan

    In all my PS2 days, I've seen it happen effectively maybe 5 times? And even then at least two of those times I just circled around and rear-ended them...

    Yes it would definitely be an improvement to the game, but it just doesn't seem worth that much, especially since you would have to create an additonal hitbox for every single vehicle turret and it would increase the load even if you made the actual hitbox a static blob.
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  9. FLHuk

    Ok, so it's not the biggest issue and or problem.

    But it is yet another of those little things unique to PS2 that new players go "UH?" over....
  10. stalkish

    Its a major problem.
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  11. stalkish

    Just to clear things up.

    Im talking about giving top guns the same hitbox as the turrets.
    This means being able to run on them, use them to jump over walls, them getting stuck on bridges that are too low, all of that.
    If you cannot account for the total size of your vehicle thats your problem.

    Also means when they get shot they get ******* shot.
    Seriously its a vehicle mounted weapon, that can do incredible damage, but cannot be hit itself....wtf....

    Should have been done in Alpha, let alone 5 years after the fact........
  12. stalkish

    So any chance of a response?
  13. FateJH

    You've gotten a bit of response in this thread.
    Cross-post on the subreddit if you want a non-negative chance of a dev-related response. Wrel might muse something.
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  14. Liewec123

    people saying it could cause problems, true if you give the turret a hitbox, but how about they make the turrets not have collision (which i think is already the case) and simply add a small basic hitbox to the vehicle itsself where the turret is located?
    obviously for long weapons like halberds you'd need to not shoot at the barrel because you won't hit anything,
    but atleast you'll be able to shoot at the center mass of any turret and deal damage to the vehicle.

    it is an issue that there can be places where a sundy can park and have both turrets tearing up enemies while remaining unattackable behind cover.
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  15. DeadlyOmen

    Hull down firing will be more problematic.

    I agree with this. Top guns should have hit boxes- perhaps even their own.
  16. Pikachu

    Hull down missile (halberd) shooting? Reminds me of war thunder tank IT-1. Causing a crap ton of complaints. Camera placed at missile height + "laser" guided missile.
  17. FateJH

    It depends on how you integrate the object into the environment. See, for example, anecdoates on anti-infantry turrets inside player-built bases attempting to shoot through player-built walls at enemies. Contrtast with normal spitfires in predefined bases, which don't shoot unless they have correct line of sight.
    Geometry can be expensive so objects tend to only have textures and collision detection defined for one direction - the important one.

    Additionally, the knife "stab" is itself a type of projectile according to the game.
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  18. Pikachu

    Wierd. I remember in Left 4 Dead 2 melee weapons would shoot a number of rays aligned with the weapon during a swing to see if any of them intersect a target.
  19. FateJH

    In L4D2, yes.
    In PS2, you aim straight at the target or you go back to basic training.
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  20. UberNoob1337101

    Still a more worth-while improvement than adding NS weapon No. #195790751870 that only 0.2% of the player-base cares about...
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