Why YOU should really unsub/stop paying in PS2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DIGGSAN0, Jan 15, 2017.


    I thought hard about if I should post it or not....and now i have decided to post it simply.

    Why you should stop giving Daybreak Games Money...

    First of all...

    Daybreak Fixes NOTHING they only do lie to you to deeskalate the things...

    There was a exploit for SEVERAL YEARS whith that you could expand the hitbox of your enemies and see them all like they are spotted...even cloaked Infiltrators...


    They was promised a hotfix which they have done...

    Guess what....after 4months the same dude found out that he still can exploit that **** with nearly the same technique...

    Yes you heared right....THEY didn't fix it at all...


    They still do NOT have a working Anticheat Programm since 4 Years.
    BattleEye does not work at all... A Worker at BE did stated that it does NOT work...not even slightly (he said they fix it ASAP 2months ago).


    Well you know that little Video from me which does show the "Lagswitch Exploit Prevention" ?
    (I could easily fake bad connection by turning off my Wifi to gain HEAVY Advantages, to get lagswitching fixed)

    If so... They also didn't fix it at all....they didn't even respond to this...

    Why should anyone of us give THAT company even a little bit Money?

    They do not listen to us...
    They do lie to us...
  2. Biff!


    I love this game and rarely do I have to deal with haxxors.

    I will continue to give them money as long as they don't **** it up too badly. The thermal situation is a bit of a pisser and so is removing Max charge, but otherwise, I think that - in general - the game is better than it's ever been. It's also running a lot better recently.


    If no one gives DB money, then they will stop developing a game which really has no peers at this time. It's still the best, most engaging FPS out there - period.
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  3. adamts01

    Or they'll start putting actual thought in to changes instead of the knee jerk **** they do now. Continuing to pay is supporting their bad behavior. They're turning this in to an infantry game, and not a combined arms game, I don't like that direction so I refuse to spend any more money till they stop trying to appease CoD kids.
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  4. Fishpoke

    You know how everquest operates? That's where planetside 2 is now and will remain until they pull the servers. YAY! Or we could just get a community buyout going and take PS2 from DBG before they totally destroy it.
  5. RubeLott

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  6. ObiVanuKenobi

    You exaggerate... a lot.
    See above

    It wasn't a simple text file and .dll has nothing to do with text or this exploit, what?
    Daybreak fixed the original exploit by checking files, someone simply found a workaround.
    Yeah... see the beginning of my post.
    That guy said it's "not fully functional" which isn't the same as "not working at all" and that was 2 months ago, what makes you think it's not working now? And Battleye isn't made for detecting exploits/ingame bugs such as the hitbox edit, it detects cheating programs such as aimbots.
    So you did say something that's at least partially true, nice.
    It could be fixed in multiple ways. Latency limit, kicking from the game after you've been disconnected for 2-3 sec and so on. It would also fix the underground aircraft exploit. I have no idea why they haven't done this yet.
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  7. TheMish

    What kind of nonsense is this?

    The new developers have been pretty good for PlanetSide 2, the old ones were abysmal.

    Under the new ones, we've FINALLY got the Vanu nerfed and balanced after years of complete terror.

    Under them, many weapons have finally been given unique looks, there are less clones.

    Under them, we have got more content in a year than under the leadership of ones like Higby.

    So far the dumbest thing they've done is nerf thermals and the Gatekeeper, outside of that? Nothing.

    Seems your entire post is complaining about exploits, well guess what? Degenerate vermin will always find a way to cheat. They have nothing else to do, they're worthless, subhuman trash. Only good for target practice by soldiers, what else they going to do?

    No matter what DBG does, someone is going to find a way to hack. That's just a fact of life, every game has them.

    So far though, those hackers are extremely rare, I have yet in 2 years to come across one personally.

    At this point I'm starting to think these "hackers" are just players that whooped you like there's no tomorrow, and you're salty about it.
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  8. Eternaloptimist

    I think DBG have been doing a great job and that my subscription is money well spent.

    My viewpoint is biased because I only play infantry but what I've seen on the EU servers (and what I suspect) is:
    • A lot more low level players since BattlEye and a lot fewer, seemingly invincible super high BRs - looks like quite a few naughty people have been scared off recently or maybe genuinely new players are not getting put off from playing;
    • Quite a lot of stuff people have been asking for has now been introduced e.g. reflex ES pistol sights,the LA Rocklet, to name just a couple;
    • broadening the game meta - construction and new VP system (albeit HIVES seem a bit too influential atm);
    • I'm guessing they want to widen the appeal of certain classes too e.g. Carbine flying CoF buff and Medic revive buff;
    • reducing the impact of infantry farming stuff - Maxes more vulnerable and thernals removed (yep, that was the infantry player bias, right there);
    • new armour cosmetics (finally, something not made out of Lego bricks for NC).
    If Wrel's video about the unpopularity of Hossin is anything to go by I guess there are more changes in the pipeline.

    Some people are worried about the PTS nerfs of LMGs and ARs but frankly, I've tried out the shotguns since their "nerf" and all I see is a little bit better effective range if you ADS, so maybe not too much to worry about with the other weapon classes.
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  9. adamts01

    That's not really really a good thing. I'm a fairly new player. Played a week, liked it, dropped $100, played another week, spent another hundred. After 4 months I threw in the towel because the problems really started glaring. Then I saw devs making things worse with patches so I stayed gone. It took me till BR80 something to get fed up enough to let that investment go and play something else. People say there's nothing like PS2, but I've been absolutely loving Arma 3. It fixes most of my problems that this game had. I just wish I tried it before PS2.
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  10. ceddZzmeowmix

    I don't know about you, but this game's the most fun it's ever been for me personally.
  11. SolVector

    I still enjoy the game, however they will not get another penny unless they refund those of us who bought thermals and are now stuck with optics that only highlight targets we can't damage. I don't mind the change, but I do mind having the new trash forced upon me instead of a choice.
  12. Liewec123

    there is nothing that comes close to PS2,
    i look at Battlefield, 64 players? cute.
    come back when you have several thousand players on a 64KM² map :)

    people might ragequit and leave for awhile,
    but if you come back a month or two later, you'll be reminded just how awesome this game is :)
  13. LaughingDead

    Til it shapes up to be no vehicles and lane simulator 2017.
    With 64 players, you were forced to move or shift positions frequently just to keep up with the combat, this game is the opposite of that, were you fit 100 players into one door.

    If I were the devs, I'd not take the recent change so lightly as to make players simply leave.
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  14. stalkish

    So you realised a game wasnt for you, then decided to hang around the forums acting like a monkey throwing its feces around?
    Why exactly?
    I played BF4 when it released, realised it wasnt for me, so i deleted and never looked back, that was £50(something like that) wasted, and it took me a week to figure it out, so i didnt even get any good playtime or enjoyment for my £s, you at least got 4 months.

    This act of **** talking games you dont play anymore is completely and totally illogical, ive yet to understand why anyone would want to do such a thing.
    Do yourself a favour and just leave it be.

    Sorry to break it to you, but you dont represent the majority, you're not an elected official with the capability to state what the enjoyment levels are of new players.
    You didnt like the game after 4 months, you are not a representation of anything or anyone except yourself.

    Also, having played and tried to like ARMA, its a aweful game, painful to play, and as boring as watching bowls.
    Guess what tho, im not on the ARMA forums complaining about it, imagine that.
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  15. adamts01

    Because there's so much I like about PS2, and I can see the potential in the game.

    It's one thing to complain about a game with a dwindling population and closing servers, it's entirely different arguing that something successful with a massive following should change. If PS2 were doing well then I'd accept being part of the minority that just doesn't like the game, but that's not at all the case.
  16. DeadlyOmen

    I sub for the salty forum posts.
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  17. Professor Hildabrand

    I am enjoying it for the time being, so I will keep my sub. I am not a vehicle kind of player, so I prefer the infantry play-style more. As things are going, the infantry side isn't really affected by the changes.
  18. Haquim

    I'm not gonna argue, but the developers are still the very same.
    They just run under a new flag.

    I'd say it started slowly improving (a bit) since Higby is gone.

    Aside from that - I have no ******* clue how many cheaters there are since a perceived 75% of my deaths are *ping* -> DEAD.
    The game is so bad (STILL!!) regarding hitdetection, lagcompensation that apparently gives some people about 2000 extra hitpoints until they notice they died 3 seconds ago and other such stuff, I am literally unable to tell a cheater from the game ******* me over.
  19. Atrus2g

    Having a captive audience is not a viable excuse to foist **** upon said audience. Of course PS2 is peerless in what it does, but my steam library and other installs is well into the triple digits, we can either a)stop paying or b)uninstall and play something else permanently.

    Either way how is this good for the community, and where were the hundreds of "OMG please nerf thermals and hornets" threads on this forum that caused this?
  20. FieldMarshall
