[Suggestion] Remove MAX revive

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DIGGSAN0, Jan 6, 2017.


    I know it is very controversal to talk about Max Units as Infantry
    The Max is part of the Infantry but can destroy such a Infantry fight singlehanded...
    I want to Discuss the removement of the Medic ability to revive a Max.

    Maybe we can make the Max Unit cheaper for compensation...

    What are your thoughts?
  2. Endlave

    No. No one would even play them anymore. You are basically a glass cannon anyway and have to pay the same amount of nanites required to buy an MBT.
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  3. Demigan

    "glass canon"?
    It's more like the opposite: You have the armor and health but you lack the DPS to insta-murder everyone around you. You force enemies to use specific weapons, such as C4 or rocketlaunchers, to engage you. Alternatively you need a lot of concentrated fire to go down.

    The "no one would play them anymore" is bullcrap. Originally MAX's were increased in price because you could revive them, this would definitely put them back at the 200 resource cost. For 200 resources a MAX is a powerhouse even if it can't be revived. Sure you lose it all when you die, but you have more longevity than grenades or C4, and a well-placed MAX can munch through far far more units than grenades or C4 ever can.

    That said, I wouldn't remove the ability to revive them. People are little sissies about having Charge removed because they like their crutches, but we don't need to remove more of them. In fact now it would be time to improve the Emergency Repair as well as the faction-specific abilities so that the MAX is a little bit better, not much better but a little bit.
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  4. Ziggurat8

    I'd rather they reduce the nanite cost. They can ditch the utility all together for a 250-300 nanite MAX. Tripping over an AV mine on the way to a fight wouldn't suck so much then.

    Either way they are kind of lack luster now. I almost feel bad C4ing BR18's running around in them. Poof, 450 nanites gone in an instant, he probably didn't even get to shoot at anyone with it.
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  5. Eternaloptimist

    I don't see the need to remove revive.

    It takes a while to do it, which exposes the Medic for longer than a normal revive, and then an Engie needs to repair the Max. So it isn't actaully as easy as you might think to return a fully functioning Max to combat, bearing in mind it will most likely have died somewhere that is under fire. So I'm guessing that quite a few Maxes don't get rezzed already.

    Compared to that, reducing the nanite cost by a large amount seems a bit OP. It doesn't take that long for nanites to be restored and doublnig the number of Maxes who can spawn quickly by, say, halving the nanite cost could lead to the game suffering from a rash of "disposable tankettes".

    Still, it is always good to hear ideas and I suppose that if they weren't revivable I would be in more demand as an engie maybe? Perhaps Maxes would retreat for repairs more often.
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  6. Valenz

    If they end up costing the same as a Flash, then I don't mind

    Edit: Pardon the delay. In all seriousness now. You're proposing we treat MAXes more as vehicles and less as infantry but as it stands right now even the Flash can Singlehandedly destroy MAXes on its own. So yeah...

    What are YOUR thoughts on what the new MAX would cost? (note how I say "would" and not "should")
  7. FateJH

    Last time they removed revive on MAX units during Beta, the developers themselves reinstated the mechanic when they saw abysmally low pull rates.

    (Edit: I say "abysmal" but that's unintentionally sensational choice of wording, based on the current pull rate of 6-7% seen on all servers. All we know is that the number dropped significantly.)
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  8. Shocky

    max will still die to one brick of C-4 and if its running some amount of flack armor it will die to 2 bricks of C-4. but yet again if max runs into a room full of heavy's it might kill some of them but the shear amount of lmg rounds and guys pulling out launchers will kill it dead very fast. maxes are not necessarily glass cannon but there size and potential for room clearing makes them a target for everyone and their dog.

    if revive for maxes were removed they only people who would play them are those who A: have the resources to pull them and B: have the armaments and certs spent on upgrading the thing to make it more viable. it would make a large gap between the player base and we already have enough of those.
  9. Mirta00

    Granted I haven't played since long before the charge was removed; and playing NC I didn't pull one often, as fights moved too constantly out of the indoors for my liking in an outfit..

    But seriously? I can't begin to imagine how laughably worthless Maxes must be without charge, they could barely take out my HA in the right scenario (almost any where you could LOS) as it is.

    I often pop back here to see how you are all doing, mostly im curious to see if the game is yet dead! As it might be an indication that a new game of this type has come out that I've missed lol (wouldnt have even known about this game if it wasnt for matti). Yet reading through, I get the impression that you all simply want to destroy any playstyle that isnt your own - and all play infantry all day long, where you can exploit latency, alter the hitbox or whatever else and then flex your K/D 'skill'.

    No disrespect (especially as I usually agree with Demigan) but are you seriously trying to destroy the game at this stage for yourselves lol?

    Max suits are already rubbish. Whilst some may still pull them (if they couldnt be revived) you'll notice again such a large drop, that yes; they may as well be deleted from game. Primarily compounded by the fact that your servers are barely holding on for players alot of the time (hence mention of more mergers?) as it is.

    After all these years (granted im glad they have addressed issues at last, albeit too late for people like me) you want to start eliminating playstyles and things that remaining players (vets) have upgraded, likely purchased cosmetics for an so forth?

    Wow you people are even more stupid than I first imagined. Have they not just released new cosmetic armors for the tin man fans? Why exactly were you expecting people to bother if they become worthless junk?

    Truth about Maxes is that as a poor shadow of their former glory, fights are usually won by exchange of fire power. Maxes are easy targets due to size, drawing focus fire for max kills (those HA directives!) and have the firepower of a handicapped battle rifle user in 90% of scenarios.

    I used to treat maxes as a absolute joke unless they were part of a good outfit, in which case they required support or they went down fast.

    Sorry but the cost vs the effectiveness of max is a joke. Some salty memories being turned into an agenda here me thinks. Still enjoy finishing off your game with silly ideas. Judging by your recent patch notes, you are well on your way there without any changes to skillsuits lol.
  10. MonnyMoony

    Sure - considering they cost the same as an MBT - you can remove revive as soon as they get:

    4000 Health
    Equivalent movement speed to an MBT
    Are impervious to AI weapons, nades etc
    Cannot be road killed by other vehicles (especially Flashes)
    Get access to vehicle weapon equivalents of HE, HEAT, G30 Walker etc and optics
    Get access to vehicle performance, utility and defence slot equivalents (e.g. mineguard etc)
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  11. SoljVS

    Only flak maxes should not be able to be revived >=)
  12. Demigan

    If you can't make a MAX work without charge, you don't deserve it in the first place.

    This is a contradictio interminis.
    The "playstyle" that you seem to condemn is infantry that farm infantry all day. Nerfing MAX's directly nerfs this playstyle as MAX's were (and still are!) farm vehicles. Ofcourse you still have whiners who say "Oh my god it takes only two missiles to down me!" while in the meantime you can munch through a ton of infantry and it takes a lot more effort and teamwork to down a MAX this way, especially one that isn't alone.

    Nope I'm not. If anything I'm trying to improve the game by offering more balanced gameplay. If you followed any of the other threads around MAX's you would see that I've proposed some changes to Emergency repair and additional abilities that give the MAX more functions. However no matter how you spin it, Charge should never have been on the MAX to begin with. The fact that it was powerful and basically a no-brainer pick proves that it was an OP choice, and if you can't handle it's removal then you show your true colors of ineptitude when handling MAX's, which you only managed to hide because of Charge.

    Cry me a river. MAX's are still powerful and useful. If you can't handle it then fine, don't pull them. But don't go around parading it as if MAX's are useless now just because you are laughably incapable of using a skillsuit.

    No I don't want to eliminate playstyles. Besides that, what do you call the MAX "playstyle" of "when I'm damaged I have an instant-escape button"? It's one teeny tiny tactic that's litteraly based on "press button, look in the right direction", but it had a massive impact on the game. Removing it doesn't change tactics, at least not much. But it does allow people to get more creative with the game as people will now consider other abilities and don't have an instant-escape crutch to rely on.

    Well, stupid comes in many forms...

    Aaand you deliver your own proof of your ineptitude with MAX's. If you can only get the firepower of a handicapped battlerifle user out of them you really seriously suck with them. Besides that MAX's are hard targets, many players will rather attack the players surrounding you as then they can actually get a kill. Besides that it's also more economical: A MAX takes a ton of firepower to take down, if you spread that around on the smaller enemies first you cut off most of the DPS much faster than by gunning down the MAX first. Ofcourse it does depend on what presents itself, so if you are one of those MAX's that jumps into the doorway and is surprised that everyone focus-fires on him because no other target shows itself then you should really get some brains.

    Well if your skill is a joke, ofcourse you treat them as a joke! Seriously!

    It's cost-effectiveness is through the roof. Compare it's firepower to some C4, or grenades, and you'll quickly realize that a single MAX can easily outperform both.
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  13. Liewec123

    sure make maxes unrevivable, but give me the health and armour to soak up 4 rockets while you're at it.
    currently you're spending MBT/Lib resources to play as a slow moving cert pinata with no escape mechanic,
    3 of the 5 classes now have guns that kill you in 2/3 clicks (archer, RLs, rocklet)
    2 of which can be used well out of your effective AI range.
    4 of the 5 classes have the potential to kill you instantly (c4/tank mines)
    and if you step outside you can be roadkilled by quadbikes with no weapons.

    you want to make this lumbering waste of resources unrevivable?
    you'd better have a huge damn buff ready as compensation.
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  14. Ziggurat8

    Well, let's see.

    I have 16k certs into my MAX. After ~34 hours as a dual quasar MAX I have a 6.5KDR. As a dual comet MAX I have 2.6KDR as a dual burster I have 3.8KDR. Score total for each of those MAX is ~770k (just weapon scores, base caps ribbons and medals etc boost MAX class score) Score per nanites is Score/(Kills/KDR*450)= I pulled 396 AI, 106 AA, 98 AV for 270,000 nanites. Score per nanite = 2.81.

    C4 is much easier. 900 certs for 2 bricks. I used 6922 bricks for 519k nanites and 627k score. Score per nanite = 1.2

    So versus C4 a MAX is 2.3x more cost effective per nanite right?

    Not exactly through the roof as you said. Also MAX is a 1 trick pony, and as I pointed I have 16k certs MAX vs 900 certs C4. C4 augments a class, it isn't used by itself so it should have a different cost effectiveness. I also play in an outfit that works pretty well together and generally only pull MAXs in a squad setting. C4 I use solo all the time. I figure my skill with both is pretty even. I'm good, maybe even very good, but not exceptional.

    When you start comparing score per nanite vs vehicles the picture gets even clearer. MAXs really are not that strong or that useful. They're good for super organised play with perfect support.

    Also Charge hasnt been removed on PS4 so those numbers are pre charge nerf. I'm sure it'll be worse after that.
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  15. Orakel

    Just can be a joke ..
  16. Valenz

    MAXes outperforming C4?


  17. LaughingDead

    Headscratcher for me as well, isn't C4 the third highest rate of death for tanks?
  18. Metalsheep

    The Devs already tried this back in the Beta test. They made MAX units unrevivable and they basically vanished overnight. They are FAR too squishy to be worth pulling if you can't be rezzed. They're already pretty much a walking coffin if you don't have some kind of support to back you up.

    A MAX is supposed to be a hybrid between infantry and vehicle, it needs repairs like a tank, and ammo like a tank, and infantry cover like a tank. But its vulnerable to small arms like infantry, can be rezzed like infantry and can go indoors with infantry. MAX units are a staple of the Planetside series. If anything, they are currently TOO squishy for what they are supposed to do, even with the ability to be revived.
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  19. DIGGSAN0

    You stated that a Max is both....

    So what about when a max "died" the unit just explodes and the "driver" would be set free.... So like a second live as infantry...

    Examples from other Videogames:
    D.va -Overwatch
    Samus Aran -Metroid
    Titan reject -Titanfall
    Mario with Yoshi -Super Mario Franchise (exept recatch it of course)
  20. bullets249

    I dont mind maxes being revived.
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