Weapon's Disabled is BS!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WarEagle1, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. WarEagle1

    This needs to stop. I understand INTENTIONAL team killing is a bad thing, but I can't help it if people in tight quarters keep moving in front of my shots. I don't want them to lose the fight, if they go down, that is what medics are for.
  2. Ziggurat8

    Morons jumping in front of you a couple times won't get you weapons locked. Mowing down half a dozen friendlies from behind will.

    Move to a better vantage, let your team members cover that door, and stop shooting through friendlies. It's kind of simple really.
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  3. The Rogue Wolf

    You have to do a LOT of team damage to trigger weapon lock. And yes, you can help it if people in tight quarters keep moving in front of your shots- it's a technique called "don't fire if you're around a lot of teammates in tight quarters".
  4. Eternaloptimist

    Weapon lock is the way of stopping PS2 turning into a kiddies arcade game where you can only hurt baddies. If you get your weapon locked you need to learn to exercise a bit more restraint and care. Sure, people will run in front of you from time to time, but grief points cool down after a short while so you only need to cool it a bit if you start accumulating them.

    It takes a lot to get weapon locked (happened to me once, nearly three years ago when I first started playing and never since). If it happened to you then you were either playing with a bunch of '***** or you were wantonly negligent.
  5. FieldMarshall

    Getting weapons locked requires a huge amount of friendly fire.

    If you are doing enough unintentional friendly fire to trigger weapons lock then its not about punishing you.
    Its about protecting your teammates.
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  6. YouWannaGetHigh

    You may understand that intentional team killing is bad but I know a dozen players who'll snap and start teamkilling everyone if weapon lock isn't there.
  7. customer548

    If you're in the middle of a zerg with "dumb" people around, just redeploy.

    Trigger discipline is the core of "FF on" Fps'.
  8. gunnner10

    The only friendly kills I don't agree with are when your vehicle gets destroyed and lands on friendlies. I've never been locked from it, but have gotten warnings when the wreckage has killed 1 or 2 frindlies
  9. OldMaster80

    I've been playing since September 2012 and I've never had my weapons locked once.
    Are you sure you know how lines of fire work?
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  10. TomoB

    This ain't Battlefield 1 where you can spam your bullets and explosives brainlessly without needing to care about teammates. Yeah sure I've accidentally hurt and killed teammates but never had my weapons locked because of it. So you must be outright mass murdering friendlies left and right lol.
  11. MonnyMoony

    Been playing this game over 4 years and only been warned about weapon lock once (never actually locked) - and that was when I was carelessly spamming lasher and nades.

    It's quite difficult to get weapons lock through normal play unless you are careless. If people keep walking in front of your line of fire - it's likely your positioning is off. Trying to shoot through high traffic areas is never a good idea.
  12. breeje

    so you are that stupid **** that keeps shooting me in the back
    the warrior that's afraid to break out of a room and shoots from cover with his teammates as the cover
    you're a real hero
    i can only hope next time you get weapon locked for 24 hours

    no compassion for players like you
    everyone gets sometimes a TK, but getting weapon locked for it shows what a bad player you are
    unless you're NC, then its fine
  13. PlanetBound

    The entire battle doesn't depend on you. Let your teammates do their part. Respawning will delay their being in the fight or cause them to go elsewhere and leave the battle all to you.
  14. Niamar

    You will only shoot me in the back 2 times at the most, the next trip through I kill you on the way to the fight.

    If you want to farm a choke point for hours, that is fine, but don't complain when others push to eradicate the enemy, take out spawns and end the fight.

    I'll have to up my spawn killing game, just for the OP.

    I only have around 30k kills, my aim stinks, but I have never been weapons locked. I fail to see a problem with the current grief system, other than maybe it should be more punishing or faster to lock.
  15. Daigons

    OP has to stop killing their fellow NC mates.
  16. praeses

    I have over 100 days played and I haven't had weapon's lock yet (a few warnings that I was close though mostly from vehicles or defending my sunderer versus empire-swappers trying to C4/tank mine it).

    Sorry to say like others before me:

    You're doing it wrong.
  17. Hegeteus

    Yeah, weapon lock oppresses us poor NC too much :7
  18. Corezer

    One time I pulled a lightning and road killed everyone after we won an alert... That's the only time I've been locked...
  19. Tankalishious

    YOU OP... are the perfect reason for weapons lock to exist.
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  20. Klabauter8

    I completely agree. Gotta love when you cover a part with your mana turret, and then die because of team members constantly running in front of it, which causes you to having to stop shooting, and thus giving the enemy time to head shot you.

    But I guess it can't be helped. It's just in the nature of teamplay games that your team constantly ruins the game for you.