Been away for a year... is Skyguard fixed?.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dreez, Sep 20, 2016.

  1. Dreez

    Last year i left the game because there was an apparent and serious imbalance between the dedicated
    Anti-air tank Skyguard, the Liberator and a Sunderer with 2 AA guns. Basically the Skyguard was completely
    and utterly useless when compared to those 2. A Liberator could kill a Skyguard in 1 hit while the skyguard
    had to shoot the liberator for almost 1 minute because the liberator died.
    And a Sunderer equipped with 2AA gatlins would outperform a Skyguard by a mile in terms of effectiveness
    due to Sundys effective HP and 2 guns.

    Another question. Has the 2500dps on the Anchor-Prowler been sorted?.

    I'm missing the game and considering reinstalling. But if these clear issues still haven't been sorted out,
    i don't think i'll re-visit the game anytime soon.
  2. UberNoob1337101

    Lolnope, because sky-knights would rant that something not in their sky bushido can kill them effectively, and in their minds absolutely nothing must challenge effortless lolpod spam. Devs wouldn't even dare implement effective AA because they are afraid that if they touch pilots' snowflakes that they would leave (which is not a bad thing, since a lot of them are... "special").

    And the Prowler pretty much stayed the same.
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  3. SoljVS

    You have the terminology incorrect. Skyknights usually don't use their time for ground pounding they patrol the skies looking for said ground pounders or other skyknights. The problem we have with skyguards and flak in general is its ability to effect air that is in no way shape or form a threat to the ground.

    I think a more elegant solution to flak is to shorten the distance on it to only being able to reach air that is a threat to ground and at the same time making it more damaging and tightening up the spread so its more skilled based. For aerial vehicles that like to hang outside of range such as spawn galaxys and libs a second firing mode could be introduced that is extremely accurate and damaging but very slow moving and slow firing with a much longer range (for this one I'm thinking something like the plasma bugs from starship troopers except not that slow).

    This would give you all an effective solution to ground pounders and the bigger aircraft while leaving the air that are performing anti air roles in relative peace unless they were to stray to closely to ground ops.

    Right now air is so pidgeon holed because it isn't actually needed or effective at much of anything so it becomes its own little mini game. Its too easily denied from operating in an area due to literally 2 guys hiding in a spawn room with bursters/ in skyguards/ AA turrets. We would liek that feeling of actually contributing to a base capture by keeping the skies clean but why even bother when all it takes is 2 guys on the ground to shutdown the air for the entire hex?

    I was in a platoon just yesterday and they had an entire squad pull air and it was shredded before even reaching the combat zone by 2 camping skyguards. OP much?
  4. Dreez

    So basically its still: Skyguard 1shot by Lib = working as intended.... while Skyguards requires ~1min to kill Liberator.. /GG.
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  5. Towie

    Afraid the problem has always been that AA force multiplies extremely well, so one AA isn't going to do much but get a few together and the skies are locked down. Resulting in:

    - Enemy pilots go elsewhere and you have a whole bunch of AA tanks doing very little

    - Ditch AA and do something else, air will return

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  6. adamts01

    Enemy skyknights killing our A2G is absolutely a threat. Combined arms dude, how can you possibly not understand that. Go play War Thunder already. I honestly can't even stomach reading the rest of your post, as I assume it's as mindless as the first paragraph. I just spent an hour in a Burster Max, know how many aircraft I killed? Maybe 3 greedy pilots. Guess how often AA kills me? Hardly ever. Once you get hit, dip behind a mountain, repair, and continue with the LOLpods. You guys are such *******.
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  7. CNR4806

    A Walker Sunderer is still a better option. Not that much difference in practical damage output, but significantly tougher, can deal with more than just air with the right weapon combo, and have other utilities.

    In other words, they did absolutely nothing to improve the joke called Skyguard. This coming from a guy who always loved playing mobile AA vehicles in Battlefield games.
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  8. Liewec123

    360noscopeMLGskyknights wont accept anything that can kill them.
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  9. Kcalehc

    And how exactly would the Skyguard know you're not a threat? And not being a threat to the ground, means you are a threat to air - which is also a good reason to drive you away.

    I don't play AA to get certs and kills, I play AA to support my team.
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  10. SoljVS

    Which is why I said make the AA stronger but shorter range. Geezus maybe you ground people can muster the point click IQ to take something out then.
  11. SoljVS

    The MAA in BF4 was ridiculously OP btw lol. Air is always given easy mode counters in every game because the majority of the player base are too dumb to learn to master it.
  12. Eternaloptimist

    Sorry, what? You abandoned the whole game because one tank is rubbish?
  13. Ryme_Intrinseca

    Why not? I've heard plenty of ESF pilots QQing that they'll ragequit because lock ons are 'not fair' etc, and that's with a vehicle generally considered to be somewhere between 'good' and 'OP plz nerf'.
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  14. adamts01

    Ok. I read the rest of your post, and you have one of the same problems I do. But please realize this has absolutely nothing to do with Ground/Air balance. Burster Maxes in spawnrooms of SOME bases can literally shut down enemy air, and that's ****** up. But those same units not in a spawn room, and all AA not behind a shield for that matter, are easy pickings for air.

    If you actually try AA one of these days, you'll realize you can only kill the stupidest of ESF pilots. That goes for Maxes, Skyguards, Dual walker sundies..... Even a team of lock-on heavies has a direct counter of flares, and a soft counter of stealth, which gives more than enough time for almost all pilots to break lock or boost out of range. You say you'd like to contribute to the fight on the ground, but you really want nothing to do with it. So seriously, why are you playing PS2 instead of War Thunder or one of those space flying games? The elitist attitude of pilots like yourself and Daybreak hiring the worst of them has caused this toxic little mini-game community and spawned the most blatantly broken unit in the game. I've said it before, you guys need your own continent to yourself where it's nothing but duels in the air. It would be good for everyone.
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  15. Eternaloptimist

    OK, just checking I hadn't read that wrong. Personally I've encountered several things that I think are pretty rubbish for getting results ( AI mana turret, pre nerf SASRs, Striker, stalking with Beamer after the T1X and Magshot etc.) but I just use something else as there are so many things you can have fun with in this game (actually, I still use the Striker occasionally when I feel like playing for poops and giggles rather than kills). I also allow for the fact that the item I reject may not be all that rubbish after all - just that I am rubbish at using it.
  16. Dreez

    No i quit the game 1+ year ago because several issues.

    1) Nothing was being done balancing the MBTs.
    2) NC needed a vehicle secondary instant-hit weapon like the Vulcan (A rail perhaps) because all NC's secondary vehicle weapons requires leading your target = luckbased and any distance over closerange.
    3) Dedicated Anti-air tanks getting 1shotted by.... airunits.
    4) C4 was handled like grenades, instead of having a placement timer (like hacking), so LA's would fly over tanks, drop C4 /profit.
  17. Leer

    very much this
  18. Leer

    nope nope nope. AA Skykights hit the ground when noob fliers aren't around to farm. Flak isn't all that effective at a distance to due the spread and projectile speed. ESFs are still effect at longer ranges. Air destroys the ground game too effectively and we need improved AA to push air not let them farm, fly away to repair, and come back to farm again. ESF need a HP reduction and/or weapons range reduction, Libs might need a small speed reduction but they are doing what they should, gals are fine, valks haven't seen enough for a comment. Maybe move Air to ground weapons from ESF to Valks. Give ground AA the ability to shoot directly up.
  19. LaughingDead

    Shooting directly up is a yes please. However I actually find coordnated 2-3 man groups of AA specialists rather effective. If you get 3 heavies or just two heavies and one archer engie you can accomplish a lot.
    We even did walker blockade busses with a skyguard patrol. If there were some enemy vehicles swap some walkers for bassys and you'd have enough supplimentary dps to deal with hunters.
  20. JohnGalt36