If this game wasnt so Pay2Win that'd be nice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpectralAndroid, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. adamts01

    Anything that gives you a tactical advantage, you can get with zero monetary investment, including implants. I don't see any way to argue for pay 2 win when it comes to weapons. Pay to lessen the horrendous grind? Absolutely. You do have a slight argument on implants.

    Implants can have a huge impact. And they're really the only thing in the game where I'd agree real money could buy you an advantage. You can get any implant for free, but someone who buys chargers could keep a tier 4 implant fed non-stop without worry, where a free player might have to turn in off for a while. Implants that I feel make a huge difference: Awareness and Marker in aircraft. EOD3 as an Infiltrator or vehicle driver, saved my *** so many times. Health regeneration as infantry. I've never run out of charge, run an implant constantly and have never spent real money on them or chargers, but I could see how someone running a tier 4 constantly could have issues.
  2. FateJH

    Remember I suggest the greatest strength of implants is psychological? Vehicle zoom is like that. You get that fine motor control at x1.25. Higher levels of zoom don't reveal more targets and the aiming bits drawn onto the view scale poorly. That's on top of what stalkish said above.
    Then practice. That's the only reason I'm capable of doing it with any semblance of accuracy. I'm not saying that this stuff is easy - I'm saying that, quite contrary to your expectations, it's not impossible without a lockon.
    There's the anecdotal stuff I was talking about.
    Also, you blindly threw yourself off a cliff. Please don't do that. It's never a sign of good planning.
    Learning the limits on what you can do and what you can't do and where you can pull it off is important. Your Infiltrator cohort probably dropped off that cliff like that because he'd already done it a few times and knew he'd survive.
    Or maybe he was taking the same blind chance you did. If you never asked, we'll never know.

    You keep equating the acquisition of personal toys with winning; but, just as much as you boast so, with all the fancy zootsuits you could acquire, with all the shot-putters and bang-makers, nothing is going to stop someone with a vanilla loadout and a lot of capability with the game from putting you down. You could run out of the spawn room with a million of combinations and get shot down each time. Don't focus on covetous feelings or any frustration of not being able to do something specific. Just plan towards what you think will be useful and what you think you will like doing/using, if you want to focus on "what to buy" at all. Get allies to back you up (and who hope that you will back them up) and remain mindful of ways where going around would be more effective than running straight on.
    Most importantly, don't focus on what you're earning. Focus on what you're trying to accomplish.
    I'm not certain how to respond to a statement "where money could buy you a real advantage" in regards to chargers despite you never having bought any chargers to keep them running. I grant you that I'm also being hypocritical too - I've never run an implant on any of my character since the mechanic was introduced, so being slightly dismissive of their influence shouldn't be something for me to do.
    Instead I'm trying to speak from the perspective of someone who has never adorned himself with an implant and has never felt the increased power that others claim that they're able to bring to bear against my person because of it.
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  3. Moridin6

    whatchu crying about? P2W? lol naah man. . P2Slight advantage maybe, but its nothing a freebie cant overcome

    you want a certed maggy? add me ill pass mine over,even gun for you. if you still get wrecked you better come here and say youre sorry though.
  4. The Rogue Wolf


    Hey buddy.

    Are you ready to have your mind blown?

    You can craft higher-level implants for absolutely free from the low-level ones you get for absolutely free just by doing things in the game.

    Not a penny spent.
  5. Pikachu

    So your complaint is that some people get access to stuff earlier than others? It's ok for a player to get "unfair" advantage through playing 1 month but not if they payed for those things the same day they entered the game? Different causes giving the same effect. The only difference is time.

    It's a persistent world game, the progression is not part of the fairness. It's not some battle arena where every match starts with an even playing field. You might as well complain that other people started playing the game before you did so they have an unfair advantage.
  6. Sil4ntChaozz

    This has been discussed and broken down thoroughly so I'm not going to say much and chalk this up to extreme frustration.
  7. ButterNutts

    Pay2Win would be spending DBC on maxing out a class or vehicle instead of using the alternative with certs.

    Besides, weapons aren't the problem when it simple boils down to players having a maxed class. Ever wonder why a particular Heavy Assault will absorb so much damage while others seem to die instantly? They most likely have their Adrenaline/Nanite Mesh maxed out on top of them also having their Nanoweave maxed out as well.

    Why is it that an MBT is so hard to kill? It's certainly not whatever weapon they're using, but the fact that they have directional armor upgrades and you keep firing rockets into their reinforced sections.

    Planetside 2 is not Pay2Win, but more Pay2LookBadAss.

    You can't bypass the progression, hell I use DBC instead of certs to buy weapons because the certs are better used on ranking up class abilities and such.

    You ever see my TR, NC or VS using a non-default class weapon or vehicle weapon, well just remember I didn't buy those with certs. Doesn't mean I'm insta-gibbing left and right though though I do look ****** cool when I'm killing or being killed and most of the time I'm the dead.
  8. OldMaster80

    1) at level 2 or 3 just with XP you get for simple fact you gained a battle rank you can unlock C4. C4 is the strongest AV weapon of the game.
    2) In many cases the stock gun is the best gun. Take for instance the Orion for Vanu HA, but there are many other examples. For instance the Lightning stock cannon is an infantry meatgrinder
    3) Are you drunk? Scopes cost 30 certs, not 500.
    4) So what? You get certs faster, but result is always: you unlock exactly the same items.

    To sum up: you understood nothing about this game and most of your points are completely wrong.

    Good job.
  9. Pat22

    He's referring to vehicle weapons and optics
  10. Liewec123

    get the best pro player in the world, get him to play any class you want with whatever bad gun you want.
    then get an average player fully certed out on a heavy with whatever you think the best gun is.
    if the pro doesn't win 10/10 times then i'll admit this game is P2W.
    (even though there is nothing outside of cosmetics in the game that you can't get as a F2P player.)
  11. CrazyFrog

    pay to win means being able to buy advantages in game with real money,

    as planetside 2 is a free to play game and how the game Is set out it clearly is a pay to win game for example

    you can buy all the weapons with real money, vehicle and infantry,you can buy all the infantry weapon upgrades as well with real money,you can buy implants you can buy boosters for not only exp but for resources as well,and ontop of that a subscription that gives you more bonus's and advantages over people that don't pay,

    btw, being able to buy to unlock early is not pay to unlock early,its pay to win,

    the double resource stacking with the boosts and subscription alone is a massive pay to win feature especialy in this game where you need your resources to get the full potential out of your loadouts and to pull vehicles,as your resources regens twice as fast as a free player,you will have massive advantages over them anyway, even if the free to play player is a high battle rank with a fair amount of things unlocked.

    planet side 2 is a heavy pay to win game,there are so many advantages you can buy with real money to get ahead of people on here its ridiculous.

    although the pay to win part of the gam don't really bother me,planet side 2 has other more important and major issues like lag and hackers on the PC version, getting sick of it, although the money grab scam shop which most games are being formed around on nowdays to milk money out of its stupid players <---- unfortunately this is true sorry to say, it don't really bother me as long as they focus on the game more rather than the cash shop,

    but yea

    after looking over planet side 2's mechanics the cash shop and game play,as ive played the game since beta,the pay to win aspects of this game have just gotten worse over time, pretty soon they will proberly add the option to buy vehicle upgrades and actual upgrades to the pay to win button.
  12. Eternaloptimist

    These P2W posts are great for generating a lot of discussion but the answer is simple:

    As you can get anything that matters with certs you have to work harder for the goods if you don't pay anything to play - seems fair to me.
  13. MajiinBuu

    I was honestly unaware that some people actually believe this. I just assumed it was a joke, like the sarcastic "Thanks Obama."
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  14. Alkasirn

    Dropping in just because I see a lot of people giving a definition of pay to win which, quite frankly, should be obsolete.

    The idea that "it's not pay to win because free users can eventually get something" is beginning to result in free to play games where a player starts with a weapon that, for example, does 20 damage per second, and they're up against players that have 300 dps weapons. "Oh but it's fair!" the developers cry, "because you can spend literally 200 hours of your life at a huge disadvantage instead of spending $20." Pshaw. A game can still be pay to win even if it's possible to, eventually, one day in the distant future, get a weapon for free.


    Planetside 2 is not one of those games. Nearly every weapon has a tradeoff compared to other weapons in the same class. Sure, you would have to play for a while or spend money to get an item with less recoil, but it probably has a higher TTK or something so is it really that much of an advantage? Also even for a player who has never spent a cent on the game, it's not exactly time consuming to get enough certs for a weapon. So... the default weapons are competitive and are better than other weapons in some areas. How is there any disadvantage at all?
  15. dasichri

    The game is not pay to win at all.

    In fact, you can do quite well with basic upgrades and abilities and no implants. Even better now with the recent patch.

    Quit being a useless scrub.
  16. omegaskorpion

    Since we are really losing the word p2w as meaningful word, i have to give my opinion without that word.

    Planetside 2 does not have as bad "pay to advance faster" system as games like Ghost Recon Phantoms did, which gave players ability to buy all guns in the game with in game cash, but the catch here was that the player would be never able to buy all the high tier guns without spending real money as player had to repair their armor and resupply grenades with in-game money and the amount you gained in matches was small.
    The guns were most of the time better than the last, i mean sure, you could kill your opponent with T1 gun but T5 weapon always had advantages over the T1, not to mention the armor.

    Now planetside 2 is not that bad per say.
    However while the guns are meant to be balanced with each other, the player still has to struggle to catch on with the other players in terms of abilities and upgrades, which take long time to max out and not to mention the vehicles that start with nothing.

    Infantry game is generally more balance for all players, however the vehicle combat is not and construction system also relies on player buying all the blueprints to be able to build bases with better variation of modules, turrets and buildings.

    So i would say that the Infantry game is mostly balanced, but the vehicle and construction system need tweaking to be less pay heavy. (first things to fix this would be giving free upgrades, just like the infantry got to the vehicles and construction system should be having max amount of builds per player, so starters and older players could place same amount of constructions, only difference being how many variants the player has, like both being able to place 3 turrets, but starter only can place 3 AI turrets)
  17. SpectralAndroid

    youre an idiot, who didnt even read my whole post, probably a fanboy aswell.
  18. SpectralAndroid

    thanks for the help man, i will try to find an outfit that has people working together i just joined a random one expecting to group up with them but it has tons of members maybe thats why nobody cares

    also i'd like to lock this thread now because its either fanboys talking **** or people who already explained to me why its not directly pay2win
    but i cant do that so yeah... are there any mods here ?
  19. Hegeteus

    Slowly upgrading my character was the biggest motivation for me to even keep playing this game in the first place... I can't get why that's poison to so many people these days. It takes a lot of time to cert into everything you'll want(admittedly some cert prices should be toned down), but in my opinion that's a good way to bend the amount of time players will sink into the game.

    Sometimes it felt like an eternity to upgrade stuff, but I just did it like everyone else before me and nowadays I can get up to 600 certs a day without extraordinary skill or any exp boosts whatsoever
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  20. Demigan

    Corezer is many times as intelligent as you are, and I dare bet he read every word and understood more than you thought you put in your words.

    I have already pointed out that your entire premise of P2W is flawed, even that your actual problems with the game have nothing to do with P2W. However the moment I did that you started ignoring me and claiming no one read your words and stuff. I read every word of it and I explained the exact problem you were facing (which wasn't P2W). So why can't you just accept that and say "well Ok, so how do we solve <problems you've been facing>?"
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