[Vehicle] Fix or delete PPA-H

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Balake, Sep 8, 2016.

  1. Balake

    Can you fix or delete the PPA-H? The reign of terror PPA-H had has been over for almoast 2 YEARS now. Since the nerf it had 30th october 2014 it has been completely unusable, it is not even worth the material it is made of. I borrowed some numbers from another user "Okaydan"

    Oct 30th 2014 - PPA-H gets nerfed as it has about the usage of Marauder-H and Canister-H combined.
    7 days later, PPA-H has dipped below Marauder-H usage, and became about equal to Canister-H.
    14 days later, PPA-H has dipped significantly below both Marauder-H and Canister-H usage.
    PPA-H has since 13th of november 2014 been the least used of the ESAI Harasser weapons.
    Now PPA-H is pulled less than half as much as Canister-H and during some days even less than a third of Marauder-H.

    Funny note in between: the reign of terror that the PPA-H had, is officially over. Even the Canister has now an higher average usage since the introduction of the weapons. PPA-H is now officially the least used ESAI of all times. Yes, it beat the canister!

    The magrider version was sporting up to 5 times as many PPA for each Marauder or Canister!
    7 days later, usage dropped to about 2 times as many for each Marauder or Canister.
    14 days later, usage of all 3 ESAI secondary weapons balanced out.
    Starting about July 15th, Canister becomes the most popular MBT ESAI weapon, and still is to this day.

    Another Funny note in between: the reign of terror that the PPA had, is still visible today! The usage of Magrider PPA was so overly abundant and extreme, that on average since the introduction of the weapons, the PPA is still the most used, by nearly 2.5 times as much! Even though it's been in-line for 21 months, its average usage is 415 vs. the 143 and 145 of the Canister and Marauder.

    Interestingly, Vanu does not seem to be using the most Fury Harassers, that honor is NC's.
    When it comes to ESAV secondary usage on Harassers, TR uses most of them, both CQC and Long Range variants.
    Halberd-H is used most by NC as well...

    • PPA-H is overshadowed massively by Marauder-H and Canister-H.
    • Saron-H and Aphelion-H do not make up for this (since TR uses their counterparts in both categories significantly more)
    • Fury-H and Halberd-H are both used most by NC.

    Concluding: VS use less Harassers than TR or NC.

    Note 1: Source: Oracle of Death.
    Note 2: I'm not claiming any weapon imbalance because I've looked only at usage.
    Note 3: Use info at your own discretion.
    Note 4: Yes, PPA-H needs a buff.

    If you hate Vanu so much then delete the PPA-H. It will make no difference at all because we already have no VS special anti infantry weapon.
    Have tried the Cannister and the Marauder some hours and i would give my firstborn child for any of them. The maruader is a sniper Fury on steroids, where i was headshotting runnig target at a far distance without almost any effort. The cannister one shots everything in its way(and acually has a lower TTK on a Vulcan/Aphelion harasser close, yes we have tested this out many times and it is true)
    And as said the PPA is not even used, but still the developers dont seem to care.

    MAKE THE PPA-H GREAT AGAIN(oh.. cant get my hopes up.. make it even usable again.. and not that give it cone and drop to lazer weapons ********)
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  2. Lemposs

    I could certainly agree with a tone down in the cone of fire, but it should still be noted it is one of the few straight firing line splash damage weapons that are out there, so it is something that has to be done very carefully or it will end up being really damn OP.

    It is essentially why it was such a problem, it was the current marauder just far greater range and far better aim.
  3. stalkish

    PPA is fine.
    Reason for its lack of use:
    ''The VS only use weapons when they are OP'' - M. Higby


    On a more serious note, all AI vehicle based weapons are lack luster, one of them has to be the worst i suppose.
    I wouldnt mind a buff to any of them, but im sure infantry purists would make a hell of a noise, so its not likely to happen.
    I would never take one over a Halberd anyway unless there are literally 100s of troops and 0 vehicle presence.
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  4. Balake

    It is comforting to see that other fractions agree with the PPA-H beeing absent in the game
  5. Balake

    Yes one of them has to be the worst, but the PPA-H is not even used anymore. I could deal with it if people acually used it, but i havent seen any VS players use it since the great nerf back in 2014. My brother and i like to switch it up by using the harassers and MBT on all fractions and we tried using the PPA-H and it is utterly TRASH, we would rather get ****** raw in the *** with a cactus for an hour than using the ppa-h and therefore use the fury, and as mentioned over "not even worth the material it is made of". Especially compared to the Cannister and Maruader. We have no problem at all getting 100 kills on the cannister and maruader in no time at all, so if the infantry QQ is what you are argumenting with then the maruader and cannister should be nerfed to the PPA-H lvl.
  6. stalkish

    Im not arguing at all.
    Thought i was pretty clear when i said ''ALL VEHICLE BASED AI GUNS ARE LACK LUSTER'', and ''I WOULDNT MIND A BUFF TO ANY OF THEM''.

    I suppose it was a bit too criptic having a joke and my point in the same post.
    Ill remember to underline and highlight my opinion in future, as well as state I AGREE with maximum exposure, so the OP knows im in agreeance.
  7. Balake

    I'm sorry i misread(dyslexia) Read "i would mind a buff to it" Instead of what that stood there so i probably could have come off as a little hostile in my answer. Sorry again. Fukkin sexdaily... no i mean dyslexia
  8. Balake

    Yeah, sorry i have written you an answer to the previous message, an apology.
  9. LaughingDead

    All AI weapons on vehicles are getting nerfs, you're suprised that HPPA is garbage? :p

    Snide aside, yes AI weapons should get a buff. The only tanks that pull HE are the ones auraxing it, forget the topguns alone. Hell, canister is just a shotgun with less drop off on top of a tank, kobalt is just a bad gauss saw strapped on a tank, maurader is just a fury clone and ppa is in it's own class of garbage. Some cases, the basalisk is a better option for AI.

    So yes, vehicles are just bland when it comes to AI.
  10. Balake

    As i got another to read it to me (because of dyslexia) so i dont **** up again like i did with stalkish (sorry again) Thank you for agreeing, and giving some thoughts. But in your opinion, should all AI weapons get a buff? Is really all AI weapons THAT unforfilling and bad? (genuine question, not sarcastic)
  11. LaughingDead

    Comparatively, canister has the potential to one shot, but often does 2-5 at range, enforcer is a better option in a lot of cases if you can aim. Kobalt is again, a bad guass saw on a tank, an HMG should in no way compare to an LMG let alone be worse.
    Maurader is a fury clone, fury is alright when dealing with infantry, maurader is alrightish when dealing with infantry, the thing is there shouldn't be clones for weapons designed to do the same thing. HE on mags and vanguards are garbage with prowlers sort of mehing it because they have higher dps to compensate multiple shots.

    Point is, tanks with AI simply have no role. If there is too much AA in an area for air to operate then you simply roll in AV tanks to deal with it and let air to AI, air is far better than any variant of tank for AI. The devs are going into a nerf spiral with AI, I'd rather go in the opposite direction so that AI can have a role in base taking.
  12. Mirta00

    I can't imagine there's really anyone who can reasonably argue with the state of the vehicle mounted PPA.

    It's actually so worthless that I took out a guy at short/mid distance by popping about with a dumbfire. Virtually tanked his vehicle fire on HA, being a bit slow as I often am, and still blew him up. As an NC player I can only really cringe at how embarrassingly awful it truly is, those rare times I even encounter it anyway.

    Whoever 'adjusted it' is either clueless, or rendered it useless on purpose. I'm guessing the latter.
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  13. entity009

    I have used the canister quite alot and was excited to try the PPA. My gf (gunner) was missing easy kill after easy kill so I tried it myself. It is ******* terrible.
  14. asmodraxus

    Whats the PPA? Oh its that weapon that got destroyed by balancing it with the Canister and Marauder (which are both flat out better).

    Its another VS item nerfed to oblivion

    ZoE (needed a nerf but now completely useless).
    Phasexcrement (came pre nerfed).
    Magrider (most of the nerfs are gone after someone challenged Higby to get in one!).
  15. Balake

    Great to see so many answer my thread and agree despite fraction. Now we can only hope that the developers will give the PPA-H the MUCH needed buff
  16. Drag0

    I haven't used the PPA on my magrider or harasser forever. Actually I don't really play Vanu anymore after the last nerfs. Nerfs will kill this game faster than anything.
  17. Liewec123

    as someone pointed out above, firing in a straight line made a large CoF nerf an unfortunate requirement.
    VS should kinda blame themselves, you had loads of harassers (and maggies) camped on cliffs far from the fight spamming down AoE death.

    one buff i would suggest would be to make give it a small/tiny CoF but remove the pin-point accurate first shot,
    this would remove the ability for long range farming,
    but allow people to easily fire it full auto at the same ranges that marauder and cannister can.
  18. Mirta00

    What an almost laughable joke. (The mindset, not looking at you personally)

    Lockdown Prowler with Gatekeeper performs exactly the same function and with overpop imbalances currently (as we often have at certain hours on Cobalt) all you get is 30 or so people spamming a door with constant fire.

    Its amusing how this community adopt a 'one rule for one, one rule for another mentality'. I almost pity the VS and their nerfs, the game was designed how it was originally for a reason. Nerf and nerf and nerf as much as you like but it destroys games, it doesn't improve them. What happened did most of you get farmed one too many times by VS players back in the day? Why don't you just point on the doll where the little purple alien touched you for goodness sakes. :rolleyes:

    The reality is that whenever I've met a PPA crew- they are completely worthless on the field. And thats NOT right. Not even close. These things take time to acquire and they are a complete downgrade from other options. BUFF them for heaven sakes. Not a hard thing to understand.

    Air farms players all day dand night with virtual impunity. You enter a room and get insta killed by claymores or cloakers you didnt see. Flashbangs fly into a room and even noobs can mop up the house with little effort. You get the idea.

    Point is the whole design of PS was built around quick, efficient killing and farming of players. Thats the point of investing in weapons for specific circumstances. So that they are the overly effective tool for the job, next to alternatives. Or why even rush to the terminal for a specific loadout when a plane flies by, or a max suit gets spotted at all.

    People in this game/forum seem so conflicted. The game is about everyones fun, not just your own. And some of these nerfs? Are damn right garbage in their execution. PPA is evidence enough.
  19. LaughingDead

    Saying a faction deserved it because the devs gave them the weapon is like saying: "The pens I gave my workers are broken, so obviously it's their fault they don't work".

    Saron HRB, 200 indirect damage out to 1 meter, 384 damage directly.
    PPA, 200 indirect damage out to... 0.1 meter..., 300 direct to only light armor...
    Lets not forget the saron is more accurate and can damage vehicles. It's not even a question that this weapon should be buffed
  20. liskacek

    About PPA-H, I actually auraxed that piece of... we know what. I finished in last days of july (after 4 months of working on it), so I think I can say how that weapon behaves now. It is absolute piece of crap. That cone of fire is limiting you massively. Combine it with low capacity of mag, even with extended mags, and you have a probem.
    One example for all. My driver took me to flank about 5 inf and came close. They did not even know about us. Do you think I got them all with PPA-H? No. No damn way. I got one, maybe two. While bursting to keep COF manageable. That weapon is just bad.
    On the other way, it has no bullet drop. The only saving grace. It can give you kills up to 200m, if target(s) is(are) stupid enough. I even got double kill that way. Still, it is not nearly enough to justify it being THAT bad.
    I have a suggestion for devs: Take this joke from harasser directives and place there kobalt instead. That thing will at least kill what you are shooting at.

    P.S. Even if it is bad, it can be used. Not very well, nor is it very enjoyable, but it can. Proof: https://recursiontracker.com/player/liskacek/?p=c&c=saved&id=263558