[Suggestion] Vehicle cockpit headshot bonus

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by strikearrow, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. strikearrow

    So since there is headshot bonuses for infantry, then why not for vehicles? It would work as follows.

    Vehicles that have pilots/drivers would ALL be susceptible to small arms fire in the windows and of course other weapons too (except flak, pistols and shotguns), lightnings and main battle tanks excepted as I don't see any window on them. A window hit would translate into a headshot hit on the pilot/driver with whatever weapon struck the window on the 3rd hit as some bullet proof glass can stop 1-2 armor piercing rounds.

    The point would be that no longer can ESFs/Libs/Harrassers/Sunderers be driven to point blank range of infantry with impunity. Granted a would just have no driver, but an ESF or Lib would crash.

    It's more realistic because armor piercing rifle rounds will eventually penetrate anything transparent enough to see through.

    It would also add another skill level to the game because window shots into a moving vehicle would not be easy.
  2. Pikachu

    Or for hitting ammo and fuel storage.
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  3. ChickenPotPie

    Modern military glass can stop .50 BMG rounds. I'd imagine in the future it is probably a lot better not to mention (In terms of PS tech) there are shields that can stop bullets and such.... I mean if you do manage to get a bullet through the glass, chances are it would have either splintered and do nil damage to the driver / pilot or it would have had its velocity lowered enough to where the drivers shield could take it.

    Gameplay wise, I think it be more an annoyance than anything and only encourage people to spray randomly at aircraft and vehicles in hopes you hit something. Not to mention there is the implications on how it would effect the 'hacker meta'... imagine all the whining that would come from it "OMG I DIED IN VEHICLE!!! HAX!!!"
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  4. NXR1

    And while we are at it lets add bleedout damage and infections to infantry who are hurt by shrapnel from HE rounds or NC Gauss weaponry. Plasma burns from VS weaponry, losing limbs from taking hits from high powered weapons, and infantry on esamir will catch a cold if they remain outside for too long.
  5. LaughingDead

    So no matter what, if you pull a vehicle there is always a chance that the vehicle is useless to incoming infantry fire? No thanks.
  6. strikearrow

    It can stop 1-2 .50 BMG rounds and that glass is to heavy for aircraft. And people already spray randomly at ESFs and Harassers... this would just add a skill factor.
  7. strikearrow

    And I'll bet you want c4 and proxy mines removed too...
  8. strikearrow

    Then I suppose you advocate no headshot damage for infantry too, because otherwise you're just a hypocrite.
  9. LaughingDead

    Actually, sure. Mines are a skillless counter to holding a room or detection without an infil or annoying while fighting an infil, I would not miss it's removal. C4 is the easy counter to anything close. A single soldier could kill a tank, a sunderer, a max, a group of soldiers and it's far more controlled than a grenade.

    Thing is, a vehicle is pulled to be a sturdy way of getting x done, a ground pounder ESF shouldn't be penalized for what it does when it's anti infantry and infantry can quickly look at the cockpit and deck it.
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  10. NXR1

    Headshots should all instakill without shields up and someone killed by a headshot shouldnt be able to be revived. My deepfreeze should should slow down enemies who are hit by it and should halt energy regen, patriot flaregun should work as a way of seeing infiltrators kind of like a darklight, MAX suits should only be able to be revived once but only have 50% MAX (kek) HP. These are all things they could do but they dont, for obvious reasons on many of them.
  11. strikearrow

    Ok, well I can safely ignore all you write as you are just a hypocrite.
  12. strikearrow

    To sum up what you believe, NO COUNTERS (except pulling the exact same unit).
  13. Lemposs

    You have seen how large the windows are on some of those things, right?
  14. ColonelChingles

    Not really.

    The counter to a tank should be a ground-attack aircraft. Tanks should be highly vulnerable to aircraft because they should lack the weapons to defend themselves from heavy air.

    The counter to an aircraft should be an AA vehicle. AA vehicles should be a highly lethal and cost-effective counter to all aircraft. The bigger the target, the more effective an AA vehicle should be.

    So there are most definitely counters to types of vehicles. It's just that infantry should not be a hard counter to vehicles... the idea of a rifleman knocking out an M1A2 or B-2 is just ridiculous.
  15. LaughingDead

    Ah gotcha, so ESFs true counters aren't flak, lockons, other ESFs, liberators, walkers, trees, but simple infantry bullets!
    And harasser counters aren't lockons, tanks, libs, ESFs (that are persistent), tank mines, lightings and other harassers, but pellet guns!
    Yep that totally sums up what I said! /s
    *goes off to make an AV nest*
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  16. NXR1

    I never said anything slightly hypocritcal, clearly you dont understand so ill put it in words a 4 year old could under:

    "There are many things they can do that many would thing is an improved experience however they dont do these things"
  17. CaptCran

    at least make it if the glass gets hit it makes it harder for the pilot to see.....
  18. CaptCran

    Oooooo and the wings on aircraft take more damage, AND AND AND direct hit on engine(s) is like a head shot for damage. at least take the efficiency down i.e wings & tail (less maneuverable), wings & engines (loss of speed and or maintaining altitude). and sprinkles on top WITH THAT FUC_ING CHERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Sh4n4yn4y

    H- how does that add a skill factor? I don't know if you've been shot by small arms in an ESF, but you'll rapidly notice that unless you're flying away or over them... 90% of those bullets hit your cockpit.

    It would be a literal insta kill that even a BR 1 could pull off with ease.
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  20. zaspacer

    I advocate no headshot bonus damage for Inantry except for Bolt Action Sniper Rifles. And no, I don't want bonus damage for cockpit shot either. Too much emphasis on performance based on aiming skills... when aiming skill *already* boosts performance.

    I don't mind Vehicles or Infantry having weak "sides", as long as that side is easy to hit. Large target facings, that are not hard to aim at, but encourage a careful setup approach of the target to get the desired facing.
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