ZoE really needs a nerf!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NXR1, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. NXR1

    This thing is ridiculous and in all honestly i feel it needs a huge nerf, that movement speed increase makes this one of the hardest MAX's to hit and the damage drop off at range is barely a viable fall off considering NC lose the ability to shoot when they use their ability and TR lose the ability to move

    Now maybe nerfing isnt the way to go maybe they should just buff the other 2 to be as good as ZoE, lockdown max should gain damage resistance while NC MAX should be able to shoot from 1 of his arm guns while still blocking with the shield, even then ZoE MAX will still be one of the best and most overpowered MAX abilities in the game because with that increased movement speed nothing will be able to hit them however a little more balancing on the other 2 could at least slightly bring them more up to par. And dont even start with ZoE increasing damage taken because once again youll never hit the thing how can you really say that is actually balances it when it has no effect.
  2. Khallixtus

    Oh man, you were serious.
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  3. NXR1

    Of course im serious this vanu easy mode needs to end theyve had the most overpowered stuff for far too long and something needs to be done to end it.
  4. Azawarau

    I dont know how to....
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  5. Pinkpuff

    ZOE maxes own me all the time and the only thing I can do to stop it is avoid the VS section of VR.

    Shouldn't be that way. Pls nerf.
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  6. Pat22

    This just in- ZOE MAXes actually move somewhere near the speed of light, thus explaining why they glow when they activate the engine.
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  7. NXR1

    It feels like it does, im glad to see you also support my idea, not all vanu are just in it for the easy mode.
  8. Moridin6

    someone used ZOE?

    weve Gott to get that sumabtch
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  9. DeadlyOmen

    You died to a ZOE max. You have two options:

    1. Humiliate yourself by publicly begging for mercy.

    2. Relax, and respawn.
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  10. NXR1

    respawning does not fix the problem here and the problem is that ZoE MAX is extremely overpowered, they didnt nerf it as much when they changed it, its still as OP as its always been.
  11. chuck105

    Jesus, you would probably complain if ZOE meant you could only shoot with one arm. At least the NC get an ability that compliments their strength, close quarters damage. VS gets a boost to maneuverability with fairly huge downsides, particularly given that accuracy is your main advantage. The Aegis shield is really the best, and I can't see how lockdown is as bad as TR claim, just find a good spot, surround yourself with engineers, and wreck.
  12. sIcGER


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  13. NXR1

    I never said NC or TR's abiities were bad but ZoE is much better by miles, nothing can even compare to that movement speed and their damage.
  14. Valthis78

    You got em hooked, now just reel them in.
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  15. NXR1

    Typical response i would expect from vanu who are afraid to get their easy mode nerfed, just like PPA doesnt need a nerf.
  16. Sil4ntChaozz

    Then a LA shows up with some C-4...
  17. Bruiserdog

    Lib nerf first then ZoE (who uses Zoe since that nerf couple years back?)
  18. NXR1

    Everyone uses ZoE because its so OP
  19. Bruiserdog

    I haven't used ZoE since they nerfed it while back, I just have Sprint.
  20. NXR1

    Then you should try it because its really OP