How are people kill so fast??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Syllabear, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Syllabear

    I start firing them geting hits, turns back, and kills me in less than a second. And i equiped my heavy, using the shield...

    Any tips??? I am new so i want to know how to kill that fast.
  2. TRspy007

    U need to pre-aim. Have the crosshairs already placed where u think his head is gonna be. U can look up tutorials about this online, but going for headshots cuts down the ttk drastically.
  3. Liewec123

    story of my life!
    i don't know if it is internet connetion, ping or whatever but it certainly seems like if i'm getting shot at i'm dead in 0.1 seconds,
    but if i'm shooting someone it takes 5x longer to kill them.
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  4. The Shady Engineer

    Headshots are huge in this game. Not only do they do twice as much damage as a body shot, they also ignore Nanoweave.

    To show just how huge headshots are here are TTK numbers for a 750rpm/143 damage against a HA with NMG and nanoweave (1650 health.)

    No headshots- 0.88 seconds.
    All headshots (1450 health now disregarding nanoweave)- 0.4 seconds.

    The headshot guy can kill you in half the time you can kill him with bodyshots, making the scenario described in the OP very possible.

    And that's considering both sides have perfect aim. If your aim is mediocre and your opponents aim is on point, it skews the numbers even more in his favor.

    As for tips, I'd say aim for the head in ranges it makes sense to do so (not gonna string headshots at 80 meters with a 1x dot sight) and burst your shots to maintain the accuracy necessary for said headshots. There's more advanced stuff about how to optimize mouse sensitivity and such but I'll leave it to players better than myself to expand on that.
  5. Liewec123

    this for example, was a GD7F (143 dmg bullets) seemed to 2 shot my heavy right through resist shield.
    it always seems that whoever i'm fighting has ridiculously high damage :confused:
    even with headshots it was outside of the 143 dmg range, so lets say all headshots at 250 dmg it should still have taken 4 shots (ignoring the fact i had resist shield up too) (plus none of those shots looked like headshots.)
    insta-death shouldn't happen.
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  6. LaughingDead

    He hit you before you got your resist shield up, sprinting forward made you an obvious target and if you look closely, the bullets fly to where you were. There's a reason it's called clientside 2.
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  7. GuhMaster2512

    This is probably just an unfortunate side effect of clientside hit detection. On the other players screen, your shield probably wasn't up yet so the damage reduction wasn't applied.
  8. Yaesu

    No, it's more than that. Since the last patch, which was supposedly to fix game crash issues, things have been crap for me. I wasn't having any problems, DL the patch, my game has crashed 3 times. My hit registration is also total crap now. It created a lag, somehow. I noticed my frame rates are down a bit. At medium to long range, red dot RIGHT ON TARGET, I am not seeing the red 'x' indicating hits. All was fine until the patch.
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  9. The Shady Engineer

    You got client-sided. With a possible sprinkle of lag-wizardry.
  10. FateJH

    On top of what people above me said, don't assume that tracer rounds count as perfectly representative of every bullet the other person shot, or the trajectory of any specific bullet they shot.
  11. Haquim

    I'd like to have some lag-wizardry please...
    I have problems like this on and off but right now I'm having a spike of it.
    People seem to ignore me damaging them, but they notice enough of the shots to turn around and blast me so fast I didn't even see the first gunblast before dying.
    Not all of them, not even the majority I think. But enough to severely impact my gameplay and of course my fun.

    That may be true, but its kinda a "get out of jail free coz noone can get reliable proof" card for anything from lazy developers who mess up hitboxes (I'm pretty sure I got a couple headshot kills by shooting someone in the nuts... make of that what you will) to actual aimbotters and wallhackers.
    And I'm kinda unwilling to accept that - especially after the thing with the hitbox modification cheat.
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  12. customer548

    If i'm right you're from Cobalt. I am too.
    I already had this kind of problem by the past. Each time, the problem lasted during 3 days to 1 week and a half, more or less. ATM, i don't have it. But i know i will be back sooner or later.
    I don't know if it's a server issue, but i guess so. I may be wrong.
  13. Haquim

    Your guess is correct, I'm from Cobalt.
    And if this problem is rather common on Cobalt it is definitively a server issue.

    Which wouldn't really surprise me - a lot of games, LOL for example, seem to use weaker and more unstable servers for europe.
    Because **** the old world, the only important people play IN AMERICA.
  14. Rebelgb

    Chinease players. Lots of them on Cobolt. Its the "server", but not in the way you think. Its not acting irregularly, its acting exactly as intended. Since Daybreak (previously Sony) were too cheap to have a data center in Asia, they allow Chinease players to play on US servers. Then they gave them advanced hit detection to account for lag. This allows them to do things like shoot around boulders, walls, through walls, and many more interesting and very unfair things.

    Since I dont see Daybreak giving up the Chinease market, dont plan on seeing a fix anytime soon.
  15. DeadlyOmen

    Wow. Blaming a race of people. How weak is that!?

    We live in the dark ages of gaming.
  16. TheKharjo15

    he's not
    , he's blaming Daybroken for their lack of good decisions
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  17. customer548

    Here is a guide for you.
  18. DeadlyOmen

    Blaming one's own gaming experience on player race is weak in the extreme.

    Even weaker when one considers that the strength of a MMOFPS is the number of people, and their diversity.

    Blaming a race is ignorant as well. One should educate themselves on what people in other countries need to do in order to enjoy the same game you do. Far from being frustrated, one should be flattered that people from around the world go to great lengths to join them.

    Defending on-line (read anonymous, cowardly, implication-free) racism with recriminations of "dev decisions", and snotty references to reading ability is further proof that we live in the dark ages of gaming.

    Finally, making players feel unwelcome, and lobbying for their dismissal based on their location is stupid. It will reduce the player population both physically, in that people will look for a gaming population that is more intelligent (read: tolerant of diversity), and psychologically, in that those that are on the winning side of a pogrom are the ones no-one wants to be around.
  19. DeadlyOmen

    I would like to see the proof that "advanced hit detection" was given to Chinese players.

    I'll also point out that mis-spelling the first word of one's post is evidence of emotion, not intellect.
  20. Towie

    Unfortunately you will find that there are many players who hack are just simply very much better than you.

    I mean - I had this guy killed me instantly from incredible distance with a Mercenary headshot as soon as I shot him -!/8280391999715315009/

    I did report him for being a hacking scumbag so very good but alas, he is still playing today. Apparently being in the top 0.2% of players in kills per min is absolutely spot on - and the fact that a third of his Merc shots are headshots is all fine an dandy. It must be - after all, he's been reported but still playing.

    So there we have it - afraid you'll have to come to understand that you're simply being gimped rubbish compared to these masters of the universe and you will die instantly whether you see them or not - but beware of shooting them, that puts their aimbot incredible aiming skill straight at your forehead.

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